首页 / 词典 / good


guǒ rán
  • sure enough;really;as expected;typically;if;be satiated with food;as things turn out
果然 [guǒ rán]
  • (1) [really;as expected;as things turn out]∶确实如此,表示事实与所说或所料相符

  • 果然名不虚传

  • 里头果然有一件粉红色的纱衣,她就拿起来,转身走进树林。--《牛郎织女》

  • (2) [if]∶连词,表示假设

  • 那儿果然像你说的那么热,我去时就连毛衣也不用带了。

  • (3) [be satiated with food]∶饱足的样子

  • 适莽苍者,三食而反,腹犹果然。--《庄子.逍遥游》

果然[guǒ rán]
  1. 人们都说“桂林山水甲天下”,到桂林一看,果然名不虚传。

    People say : “ Guilin 's scenery is peerless in the world . ” It was not until I visited the place that I found it really worthy of the reputation .

  2. 事情果然是那样,那就好办了。

    If that 's really how things are , there should be no difficulty .

  3. 果然不出所料,婚礼的那天下起了雨。

    Inevitably , it rained on the day of the wedding .

  4. 新闻报道证明了他的推测果然不假。

    The truth of his conjecture was confirmed by the newspaper report .

  5. 有人私下说他将不久于人世,他果然死了。

    It was whispered that he would soon die and he did .

  6. 她果然又找不着自己的钥匙了。

    Typically , she couldn 't find her keys .

  7. 正如所预料,新规定果然不得人心。

    Predictably , the new regulations proved unpopular .

  8. 果然不出所料,她对那幅油画产生了兴趣。

    She was suitably impressed with the painting .

  9. 果然不出所料,计划失败了。

    Unsurprisingly , the plan failed .

  10. 昨天预报有小雨,今天果然下起来了。

    Yesterday the radio forecast drizzle , and today it is indeed raining .

  11. 他的预言果然应验了。

    His prophecy has now come true .

  12. 他说过要来,果然,他来了。

    He said he would come , and sure enough he came .

  13. 果然,他把我们想要的消息都讲出来了。

    Sure enough , he came out with all the news we wanted .

  14. 最后他试图写小说,果然成功了。

    Finally he tried his hand at novel writing , and he succeeded .

  15. 我算计他昨天回不来,果然没回来。

    I thought he wouldn 't come back yesterday , and he didn 't.

  16. 我们预期他会有那种表现,现在果然应验了。

    This is the kind of behavior we have come to expect of him .

  17. 果然你说对了。

    Sure enough what you said was right .

  18. 果然,她读的是《白鲸》的木刻版。

    Sure enough , she was reading Moby Dick , in edition with woodcuts .

  19. 不久,他家里果然闹起鬼来。

    Not long before , there was ghost in his house again .

  20. 但是,太子的话是对的,后来吴国果然给越国所灭。

    But the prince was right . Soon Yue did strike back and defeat wu .

  21. 天下果然没有免费的午餐。

    There really is no free lunch .

  22. 果然,不出卫士所料,一年不到,国君就买到了三匹千里马。

    As the guard had expected , the king bought three thousand-li horses within one year .

  23. 这人回答起来,果然应对自如,头头是道。

    As expected , this man answered the questions readily and fluently , clearly and logically .

  24. 有一个驼背,看到招牌,果然信以为真,就请他医治。

    One hunchback saw the signboard , believed it to be true , and asked for treatment .

  25. 一会儿,鸟儿果然飞来了,一下子就被他捕获了。

    After a while , a bird came as expected , and was caught by him at once .

  26. 果然不出馆长所料,附近的一扇铁门轰然倒下,封住了通往画廊的入口。

    As he had anticipated , a thundering iron gate fell nearby , barricading the entrance to the suite .

  27. 根据经验,他选择了合适的医疗方案,果然很快便治好了张仪的病。

    So he selected the right medical method according to his experience , and cured Zhang Yi as expected .

  28. 有一天,火星溅到柴草上,果然房子也被烧着了。

    One day , the sparks of the fire spilled onto the firewood . Sure enough , the house was ablaze2 .

  29. 发现主人看也不敢朝外看,果然十分怕鬼,心中大喜。

    He was very happy to find the host didn 't dare2 to look out and was afraid of ghosts as expected .

  30. 果然,不出一个月,四方贤士能人都纷纷前来求见齐桓公。

    As expected , within one month , many able and virtuous men from all places came one after another to see Huan Gong .