
  • 网络fruit bat;flying fox
  1. 当前的埃博拉疫情是人类有史以来最大的一次疫情,它的发生可能起源于猎杀感染了埃博拉病毒的果蝠。

    The current Ebola epidemic , the biggest in human history , may have started with the butchering of an infected fruit bat .

  2. 埃博拉病毒的宿主通常是果蝠,病毒在不使果蝠死亡或明显患病的情况下稳步复制。

    The normal host for Ebola virus is the fruit bat , in which the virus replicates at a moderate pace without killing or noticeably sickening the bat .

  3. 果蝠的婚配制度及繁殖策略

    Mating System and Strategy of Reproduction in Fruit Bats

  4. 在第二个箱子里的小果蝠则听到低音。

    Pups in the second box heard lower-pitched peeps .

  5. 果园的位置让这些果蝠接近了猪和马。

    The location of the orchards brought the fruit bats close to pigs and horses .

  6. 本文对果蝠的婚配制度及繁殖策略进行了阐述。

    This paper summarizes studies of special mating system , and of their reproductive strategy .

  7. 像其他果蝠和吸血蝙蝠一样,黑狐蝠不依赖回声定位。

    Like other fruit bats and vampire bats , black flying foxes don 't rely on echolocation .

  8. 科学家相信,在非洲常被当作野生动物食用的果蝠是埃博拉病毒的宿主。

    scientists believe fruit bats , often eaten as bushmeat in Africa , are a reservoir of infection .

  9. 在赞比亚的卢安瓜山谷里,肩毛果蝠在夕阳染成绛红色的天空下飞舞。

    Photograph by Frans Lanting Epauletted fruit bats speckle a saffron-colored sky at sunset in Zambia 's Luangwa Valley .

  10. 非常引人注目的是,1996年发现果蝠(飞狐)是该病毒的天然宿主。

    Remarkably , in1996 fruit bats ( flying foxes ) were found to be the natural host of the virus .

  11. 经确认,狐属狐蝠科的果蝠是这一病毒的天然宿主。

    The natural host of the virus has been identified as being fruit bats of the Pteropodidae Family , Pteropus genus .

  12. 而橱柜里则塞满了果蝠、暹罗斗鱼和鸵鸟基因组的品红染色涂片标本。

    The cabinets are crammed with slides splashed with the fuchsia-stained genomes of fruit bats , Siamese fighting fish and ostriches .

  13. 母亲果蝠在这些箱子里生了小果蝠,并在这里住了一整年。

    The mothers gave birth inside these boxes and their babies , called pups , lived there for a full year .

  14. 处理生病或死亡的受感染野生动物(猴子和果蝠等)也可传播马尔堡病毒。

    Transmission of the Marburg virus also occurred by handling ill or dead infected wild animals ( monkeys , fruit bats ) .

  15. 我们返回时,只见渐趋昏暗的天空中是黑压压一片去远处岛屿觅食的果蝠。

    As we left , the darkening sky began to fill with flying foxes leaving the island to find fruit to eat further afield .

  16. 新的研究发现,埃及果蝠实际上有自己的方言,这取决于在它们成长时聚集在周围的蝙蝠群的叫声。

    New research finds that Egyptian fruit bats actually have regional dialects , depending on the bat chatter that surrounds them as they grow up .

  17. 研究者发现,包括海豚、猴子、果蝠、甚至蚂蚁在内的各种生物都会无私地拯救其他同伴。

    Creatures including dolphins , monkeys , fruit bats and even ants are all capable of selflessly coming to the rescue of others , researchers found .

  18. 作者认为,棕果蝠夜间野外活动时间长短的季节变化是对野外食物可利用量和人工种植水果成熟季节变化的响应。

    It is considered that seasonal changes of nocturnal activity time span of Leschenault 's rousette were responses to availability of food resources and artificial fruits .

  19. 2004年孟加拉国有人因食用被已受感染的果蝠污染的椰枣原汁而染上该病毒。

    In Bangladesh in2004 , humans became infected with NiV as a result of consuming date palm sap that had been contaminated by infected fruit bats .

  20. 对于其中的一个盒子,约维尔和他的团队将小果蝠暴露在一些较高频率的吱吱声中。

    For one of the boxes , Yovall and his team exposed the young batlings to a selection of squeaks that were biased toward the higher frequencies .

  21. 猴子会把捕食者从容易受伤的母猴和幼猴身边赶跑;而果蝠会帮助生产中的同类减缓痛苦。

    Monkeys will drive away an attacker from a vulnerable female or infants and female fruit bats help other fruit bats in labour to ease the birth .

  22. 一只管鼻果蝠在一片僻静的热带雨林中被几名巴布亚新几内亚的科学家发现。管鼻果蝠属的这种蝙蝠外型使人联想起星球大战中的绝地大师尤达。

    A tube-nosed fruit bat with an appearance reminiscent of the Star Wars Jedi Master Yoda has been discovered by scientists in Papua New Guinea in a remote rainforest .

  23. 深入地了解其独特的婚配行为机制、独特的繁殖发育机制,对有效地开展果蝠的保护工作、合理地控制种群数量有积极意义。

    A detailed understanding to the particular mechanism of mating behavior , reproduction and development is effective to promote the protection of these fruit bats and to control their population .

  24. 而第三个盒子里是一些随机取样的大声的果蝠中频声,也包括在听觉范围两端的高频音和低频音。

    And the third box got a random sampling of fruit bat hits that was heavy on the mid-range frequencies but also included those at either end of the aural spectrum .

  25. 我国生猪养殖量大,猪一旦与带毒果蝠接触,极有可能成为人类的传染源。

    Considering the huge pig-producing quantity in our country , once the pig bite by the poisonous fruit bat it , may be change into the potential source of infection to human .

  26. 野生的果蝠是在有几十到数千个个体的群体中长大的,所以它们习惯于被一种刺耳的叫声和其他的声音所包围。

    Fruit bats in the wild are reared in colonies that contain dozens to thousands of individuals , so they 're used to being surrounded by a cacophony of calls and other vocal communiques .

  27. 为了找到这个答案,特拉维夫大学的约西·约维尔和他的同事们捕获了15只怀孕的果蝠,并将它们分成三组,每组分别安置在独立的盒子里。

    To find out , Yossi Yovall at Tel Aviv University and his colleagues captured 15 pregnant fruit bats and divided them into three groups , each of which was housed in its own separate box .

  28. 果蝠特别是狐蝠科的旧大陆果蝠,主要以水果、花蜜等植物性食物为食,这些食物往往蛋白质含量很低且缺少许多生物体必须的营养元素比如脂溶性维生素等。

    Old World fruit bats ( Pteropodidae ) feed mainly on fruit , flowers , nectar and pollen , the diets which are thought to be poor in protein and especially poor in essential nutrients like fat-soluble vitamins .

  29. 果蝠吐出的不带果肉和带果肉的种子与带有完整果肉的种子的萌发曲线非常相似,最终萌发率之间没有显著的差异。

    The germination curves of seeds without / with pulp spat out by fruit bats and seeds in fruits were similar and final seed germination percentage were 88.0 % , 92.0 % and 86.7 % , respectively . There were no significant differences among them .