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ɡuǒ bào
  • retribution;karma;reap what you sow
果报 [guǒ bào]
  • [retribution] 因果报应,佛教的一种宿命论

  • 一善念者,亦得善果报;一恶念者,亦得恶果报。--《法苑珠林.无三昧经》

  1. 果报小说在现代中国仍然具有一定的生命力。

    Retribution fictions are still meaningful in modem China .

  2. 果报观与中国传统医学伦理道德

    " Retribution Concept " and Chinese Traditional Medical Ethics

  3. 明代人情小说中的果报思想

    Thought of Causes and Effects in the Novels of Ming Dynasty

  4. 第五一切恶业的果报都会减轻。

    Fifth , the effects of negative karma will be reduced .

  5. 给某些造作果报,某些结果将跟进。

    Given certain volitional actions , certain results will follow .

  6. 所有人都是悲哀的并尝试蒙受他们所获得的果报而活着。

    Everybody 's tearful and trying to live with what they got .

  7. 发心不同得到的果报就是不一样的。

    The results will be vary due to different resolves .

  8. 佛教果报理论与《聊斋志异》伦理思想

    The Theory of Nemesis in Buddhism and the Thinking of Morality in

  9. 佛教的果报观、轮回观成为小说结构的关键。

    The view of karma and reincarnation has been the key of novel 's structure .

  10. 我知我的因缘果报存活着。

    I know my redeer liveth .

  11. 但是果报虽然可怕,你如果没有去做,就没有那个果报。

    But if we do not commit bad deeds , there will be no such retributions .

  12. 佛经上说:杀生会遭遇到多病和短命的果报。

    In the Buddhist Sutra it states : To commit killing will result in sickness and untimely deaths .

  13. 本論文试通过分析现代的表演唱本,來說明在《汉川善书》中的果报思想表现及其存在的意义。

    The present thesis tries to illustrate Yinguo Baoying Thought existence significance in Hanchuan-Shanshu by analysis the modern performance songbook .

  14. 真实的果报或功德是在我们的心中,也就是心地的清净、光明与安祥。

    The real fruit or merit lies in our mind ; it is the cleanliness , brightness and peace of the mind .

  15. 试着用这股放松然而平稳的觉知,饱和你的身体,看看作为果报,将会发生什么。

    Try to saturate your body with this sense of relaxed but steady awareness , and see what happens as a result .

  16. 这是过去世所造的业因带来的果报。

    This is the Karmic result of Retributive Actions ( cause and Effect ) that we have created in out past lives .

  17. 这些有德行的人比任何财宝更有价值,因为他们看重自己的善行果报甚于任何数量的金钱。

    Such people are worth more than any treasure since they value the results of their good deeds more than any amount of money .

  18. 本文从佛教的诸行无常、缘起性空和因缘果报、业感轮回三个方面论述了颜之推对佛教义理的吸收。

    Yan Zhitui 's understanding of Buddhism is anylized from three aspects of impermanence , the origin and fate of the empty spirit , and transmigration .

  19. 别以为堕胎只是女方一个人的错,男方一样要负起责任,一样会有果报的。

    Don 't think abortion is a mistake that only a woman can make . A man is also responsible and will experience the retribution as well .

  20. 愚痴的人妄图通过战争获得暴利,殊不知可怕的果报即将降临。

    Some fools even contrive to make big bucks through dealings in war ; they are totally ignorant of the dire consequences that will soon befall them .

  21. 本文通过对中国特有小说类型果报小说的探讨,力图说明果报观念对于果报小说叙事特征的建构作用。

    Content : Exploring on retribution fictions in Chinese ancient literature history , this paper is aimed at proving a viewpoint that the retribution idea has fashioned narrative characteristics of retribution fictions .

  22. 小说以果报轮回为线索,叙述了一个两世姻缘的故事,以此来反映明末清初的社会生活。

    The novel take the retribution samsara as a clue , narrated a two th marriage affinity story , reflected end of the Ming dynasty clear at the beginning of by the social life .

  23. 作为一种观念,果报观由最初的简约状态发展到明代成为具有相当影响的民众信仰,成为了中国文化的组成部分,佛教也最终在中国生根发展。

    With its development from a simple status in the beginning to popular belief with great influence after the Ming dynasty , Buddhism had merged into the Chinese culture , rooted and boomed in China .

  24. 所以,在座的全体工作人员,不管你是警察或护士,当我们正确地履行责任时,果报自然会跟著来,切莫要求任何东西或期待任何果报。

    So all of you officers , whether you are policemen or nurses in the hospital , when we do our duties properly , the results will follow . Don 't want anything or expect any results .

  25. 一是因果报应与中国传统报应思想紧密结合,认为受报者不仅在于作业者个人,也会延及子孙后代,而产生果报的原因也不仅仅在于作业者的行为,天命也不可抗拒。

    On the one hand , karma is closely linked to traditional Chinese retribution thinking which is reported not only by the individual operators will also extend to future generations and the reasons of karma not only lie in the behavior of operators , destiny is also irresistible .

  26. 常山胡柚应用ABT-9生根粉进行保花保果试验初报

    Preliminary Report on Application of ABT-9 Rooting Powder to Retain Flower and Fruit of Changshan Shaddock

  27. 龙眼保花保果研究初报

    The research report on blossom and fruit preservation for longan