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shén nǚ
  • goddess;prostitute
神女 [shén nǚ]
  • (1) [goddess]∶女神

  • 巫山神女

  • 神女应无恙,当惊世界殊。--毛泽东《水调歌头.游泳》

  • (2) [prostitute]∶旧指妓女

神女[shén nǚ]
  1. 其中神女峰是最优雅和生动的。

    The Goddess Peak is the most elegant and lively one .

  2. 女性意识的破与立&舒婷的《致橡树》、《神女峰》解读

    Understanding of To Oak Trees and Goddess Mountain Peak written by Shu Ting

  3. 我会让你去做神女的。

    I would ask you to go the temple fair .

  4. 有没有猛将愿意和我组队打老虎?我是神女!

    Is there any warier willing to join me fighting with tiger ?

  5. 你在玩弄神女洗碗液?

    Are you playing squidgy with my fairy liquid ?

  6. 他并不是在玩弄神女洗碗液。

    It wasn 't fairy liquid he 'd been playing with down there .

  7. 论中国文人的巫山神女情结

    On Mountain Wu Goddess Complex of Chinese Literati

  8. 高唐神女原型研究综述

    A Summary of the Research about the Archetype of the Goddess in Gao Tang

  9. 那根本不是神女洗碗液。

    It wasn 't fairy liquid at all .

  10. 女王,神女与士兵之后,吾呼唤汝!

    Lady , Queen of Harlots and of Soldiers , I call to Thee !

  11. 她退出性产业后成立了一个叫“耶稣神女”的组织。

    She left the sex industry and started a ministry called Hookers for Jesus .

  12. 李贺诗中的神女意象和诗学品格

    On the Image of Goddess in Li He s Poetry and his Poetic Character

  13. 女性命运的深切拷问&以《神女峰》为例论舒婷诗的人文关怀

    Interrogate the Female Fate & Humane Concern Embodied in Shu Ting 's Poem Goddess Peak

  14. 获得了神女的第二个情感蕴涵即悲剧性。

    Then get the second means of the goodness images - that the tragic emotional beings .

  15. 巫山神女:巴楚民族历史文化融合的结晶

    Goddess of Wu Mountain : Crystallization of Merging of Historical Culture in Ba & Chu Nationalities

  16. 维也纳:多瑙河上的神女

    Vienna : goddess Of Danube

  17. 巫山神女:一种文学意象的地理渊源

    The Sorcery Goddess of the Mountain Wu : The Geographic Origin of a Sort of Literature Phenomena

  18. 在神女故事的流变与探源中,又铸就了巫山文化浪漫主义精神文化特质。

    During the circulation of the fairy tales , it formed the romantic feature of Wushan culture .

  19. 男女对峙的结果使她们不是成为沉默的神女就是成为疯狂的魔女。

    The result of confrontations between sexes in turning women eitner into silent goddess or into mad siren .

  20. 庆哉,童贞诞神女,满圣宠者玛利亚;主与你同在。

    Virgin Mother of God , rejoice , Mary full of grace ; the Lord is with thee .

  21. 他以世俗化的愿望塑造的神女宛若神界优雅高洁的仙姝,又似人间美丽多情的少女。

    With mundane wishes , he shaped goddess like grace and unsullied fairy , or a passionate and beautiful girl .

  22. 在这三个版本中,文人版的巫山神女传说对《巫山高》系列诗歌产生的影响最大,但其他两个版本也各自有着自己独特的影响力。

    The scholar version of wushan goddess legend have a great impact on " wu shan gao " poetry series .

  23. 但在香港,他终于遇到一名职业神女,这名神女留给他的不止是温柔的回忆而已。

    but in Hong Kong he finally encountered a professional girl who left him with far more than fond memories .

  24. 在第一章的第一节主要梳理了巫山神女传说的版本,有文人版、道教版、和民间版。

    The chapter combed wushan goddess version of the legend , that are scholars , Taoist version and the folk version .

  25. 唐传奇言情模式主要有两种:一为士人与身份微贱的女子的恋爱,一为士人与神女的艳遇。

    In Tang-dynasty legend there are chiefly two romantic modes , which reflect Tang-dynasty scholars ' psychology and consciousness concerning sexual relations .

  26. 因而,这一篇篇神女赋,不仅是一幅幅浓妆淡抹的仕女画,更是一幕幕或端庄素雅或矫捷多姿的飞天舞。

    Therefore , the Fairy Fu are not only the pictures of ladies , but elegant or agile range of flying dance .

  27. 神女由爱却不敢爱而生成的痛苦和忧伤,在理性与道德面前作出了让步。

    Though the goddess in " shennvfu " is painful and distressed , she make a concession in face of reason and morality .

  28. 我就是你的祖先崇拜的那位神女,他们在巴勒贝克、艾弗加和朱拜勒曾为我建筑过祭坛和庙宇。

    I am the ever virgin your forefathers worshipped , and to my honor they erected shrines and temples at Baalbek and Jbeil .

  29. 位于巫峡的神女峰是中国旅游者在整个长江江面游览中最重要的游览景色。

    The Goddess Peak , the most important sight on the entire river for Chinese tourists , is located in the Wu Gorge .

  30. 《神女》导演吴永刚曾用“感光最快的胶片”作比喻,给予她高度赞誉。

    Wu Yonggang , the director of Goddess , had compared her to " the film to be sensitized " and thought highly of her .