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  1. B:那么你的姓什么,小梅?

    B : And what is your family name , May ?

  2. Crowley神父,小梅,小�

    Father Crowley , Xiao Mei , Xiao Mei !

  3. 我姓陈,你可以叫我小梅就好了。

    It 's Chen , but you may call me May .

  4. 小梅让我给你带个口信。

    I 've got a message for you from Xiao mei .

  5. 小梅,她想想就觉得害怕。

    Little mel , she couldn 't bear the thought of that .

  6. 小梅,你在我们的床上干什么?

    Xiao-mei , what are you doing in our bed ?

  7. 你不觉得小梅会更喜欢在美国么?

    Don 't you think Xiao-Mei would like it better herein america ?

  8. 我比小梅坐得更靠近窗口。

    I was sitting nearer to the window than Xiaomei .

  9. 小梅,我一会儿再打给�

    Hey , Mel , can I call you back ?

  10. 库托和小梅区别太大了。

    Both Cotto and Floyd are far too different .

  11. 据报道,小梅据传从哈里斯的家里拿走了个人物品。

    According to the report , Mayweather allegedly took personal items from Harris'house .

  12. 在她遭遇到梅威瑟后,小梅指控她跟随别的男人。

    After she confronted Mayweather , he accused her of dating another man .

  13. 小梅不想回中国去。

    Well , Xiao Mel doesn 't want to go back to China .

  14. 小梅说了一句超级奇怪的话。

    Xiao-Mei said the strangest thing to me .

  15. 小梅山猪促卵泡素β基因多态性及其与繁殖性能的关系

    Polymorphism of FSH beta Gene and Its Association with Reproductive Traits in Small Meishan Pig

  16. 而唐金为了讨好小梅,甚至提供两个著名的保镖陪梅威瑟坐在拳台边。

    King is even providing two famous " bodyguards " to sit with Mayweather at ringside .

  17. 小梅是某大学舞蹈系大二的学生,家住西南偏远山区。

    A sophomore of dance department , is a native of a remote mountain district in southwest .

  18. 试图比较小帕对库托和小帕对小梅有什么不同是没用的。

    Trying to compare what Manny did to Cotto as what he may do to Floyd is futile .

  19. 小梅也有四个轻罪,包括殴打和三个骚扰罪。

    Floyd also has four misdemeanors which include battery and three counts of harassment , says the local DA .

  20. 他说如果小梅威瑟认真对待这次比赛,他应该不会躲避而一起战斗。

    He said if Mayweather is serious about fighting , he should come out of hiding and let 's fight .

  21. 我们可以说,小帕的体能很充沛,小梅抗不过他。

    We can say I feel that , Pac 's stamina is very good , Floyd won 't be breaking him .

  22. 根据拉斯维加斯的《评论杂志》,小梅威瑟被捕而且被指控有与家庭事件相联系的巨额盗窃行为。

    According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal , Mayweather was arrested and booked for grand larceny related to the domestic incident .

  23. 当然小梅,你是一个非常特殊的女孩,那,那你要保重,好吗?

    Absolutely . Xiao Mei , you are a very special girl , so , so you take care , okay ?

  24. 他小梅兜给我足够的麻烦让我知道,如果我是他的话,我会疯狂的就如同我自己下地狱一样。

    He showed me enough things to let me know that if I were him I would be mad as hell myself .

  25. 我确信,如果小梅想赢,他必须准备好自己的巅峰状态能够维持36分钟。

    I am certain that for Floyd to win , he will have to be prepared to be on top form for36 mins .

  26. 但是,顺着小梅伸手的方向看去,你会注意到有几块地方颜色较深。

    But then , as your eyes follow in the direction of Mei 's outstretched hand , you notice a few darker patches .

  27. 如果找到犯罪证据的话,小梅威瑟将在内华达监狱“仰望(星空)”28年,这样小梅的职业生涯将很可能终结。

    If found guilty Mayweather 's career would likely be over as he could be looking at up to28 years in Nevada prison .

  28. 根据地方检察官说,小梅现在好像要面临总共8项犯罪指控,其中包括威胁强迫、巨大盗窃和抢劫在内的三大重罪。

    Now it looks like Floyd is facing eight charges in total , including three felony counts of grand larceny , robbery and coercion .

  29. 在论定其历史地位之前,他必须迎接一次里程碑式的挑战&对阵并且击败小梅威瑟。

    I also believe he must meet a monumental challenge before we sign off on his all-time status : He must meet and beat Floyd Mayweather Jr.

  30. 我是粉红而又略带灰色,大小约象个小梅脯――仅占整个脑体积的1/300。

    I 'm pink and gray in color , and approximately the size of a small prune-a mere 1 / 300 of the mass of the brain .