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  • 网络leg ulcers;ulcus cruris
  1. 参白散喷剂治疗小腿溃疡40例临床观察

    Clinical Observation of " Shenbaisan Spray " in Treating 40 Cases of Leg Ulcers

  2. 英国利兹大学的医疗学校报告称,这的确加快了小腿溃疡患者的康复。

    It actufriend speeds recovery from leg ulcers , said the report by the University of Leeds'School of Healthcare .

  3. 静磁场对慢性小腿溃疡的疗效及组织病理观察

    Observation on Histopathology of Static Magnetic Field for Chronic Lower Leg Ulcer

  4. 报告一例56岁女性患右小腿溃疡二个月,经真菌学及组织病理学检查证实为原发性皮肤黄曲霉病。

    It was reported that a 56-year-old female patient with ulceration on her shank was diagnosed as primary cutaneous aspergillosis due to Aspergillus flavus by mycologic and histopathologic examination .

  5. 一项对于小腿溃疡患者长达五年的研究证实,欢笑能够刺激隔膜肌肉,这反过来也大大的增加了周身血液回圈的;流畅。

    A five-year study of patients with leg ulcers has established that a hearty chuckle stimulates the diaphragm which , in turn , plays a vital part in moving blood around the body .

  6. 西悉尼大学护理学院的罗达。格里菲斯教授指出该项研究起源于社区保健护士们的一个问卷调查,以此来证明她们采用淋浴治疗小腿溃疡病人这一常见疗法的安全性和有效性。

    " In response we searched for studies done by others on cleansing wounds using the shower , however we were unable to locate any evidence to support the practice ," Professor Griffiths says .

  7. 本文报道高压氧治疗慢性小腿溃疡10例,其中,中下段大隐静脉曲张6例,严重外伤所致者4例;病程最短者2年,最长者30年。

    Ten patients suffering from chronic leg ulcers were treated with the hyperbaric oxygenation . Among them 6 cases were associated with the great saphenous varix and 4 cases were caused by injury duration of the ulcers varied from 2-30 years .

  8. 老年人小腿慢性溃疡的修复

    Study on treatment of ulcer in leg on the elderly

  9. 国静脉肌袢综合疗法治疗小腿慢性溃疡

    Synthetical Treatment of Chronic Ulcer of Shank with Tendon Loop of Popliteal Vein

  10. 下肢静脉曲张伴小腿慢性溃疡的综合疗法

    The comprehensive treatment of varicosis of lower extremity with chronic ulcer of leg

  11. 茄病镰刀菌致小腿慢性溃疡1例报告及病原真菌超微结构的研究

    Chronic leg ulcer caused by Fusarium sonali : A case report and super-microstructure investigation

  12. 筋膜皮瓣治疗小腿顽固溃疡9例报告

    A report of 9 cases of chronic ulcers of the legs repaired with fasciocutaneous flaps

  13. 一期手术治疗下肢静脉曲张并发小腿慢性溃疡

    Primary surgical operation in the treatment of varicosis of lower limb accompanied by chronic leg ulcer

  14. 研究人员先前报道应用β-肾上腺素能受体激动剂治疗的疾病与小腿静脉溃疡之间有不可解释的相关性。

    The researchers previously reported " unexplainable associations " between diseases treated with beta-adrenergic agents and the onset of a venous leg ulcer .

  15. 目的:观察湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)在治疗小腿湿疮并发溃疡中的应用。

    Objective : To observe the efficacy of MEBO in treating leg eczema complicated by ulcer .

  16. 小腿静脉曲张性溃疡

    Varicose ulcer of leg