
fán zào
  • be fidgety;be agitated;irritable;be in a fret;tension;fidget about;fret
烦躁 [fán zào]
  • [be fidgety;be agitated] 烦闷焦躁

  • 心情烦躁

烦躁[fán zào]
  1. 几次尝试不行,蟒蛇开始烦躁起来。

    Several times try not to go , the boa starts to be fidgety .

  2. 是他们内心孤单还是烦躁呢?

    Is inside them alone or be agitated ?

  3. 她近来一直烦躁不安。

    She 's been very edgy lately .

  4. 他变得烦躁不安且存有戒心。

    He became edgy and defensive .

  5. 表面看上去沉默不语,其实内心非常烦躁不安,他的情况糟透了。

    Behind that quietness his nerves are jangling , he 's in a terrible state

  6. 她很胖,在潮湿的天气里浑身大汗,烦躁地在各个房间之间噔噔地走来走去。

    Overweight and sweating in the humid weather , she stamped from room to room .

  7. 布伦达在座位上烦躁不安。

    Brenda fidgeted in her seat .

  8. 南希情绪烦躁。

    Nancy was in a fractious mood

  9. 苏珊似乎因为什么事而烦躁不安。

    Susan seemed agitated about something

  10. 不应该在狭小的空间使用过多的颜色,那会令人感到烦躁不安。

    You shouldn 't have too many colours in a small space as the effect can jar .

  11. 那是一次长途跋涉,我和杰克走了约10分钟便开始烦躁不安起来。

    It was a long trek , and Jack and I both started to get cranky after about ten minutes .

  12. 老虎烦躁地在兽笼里走来走去。

    The tiger paced the floor of his cage restlessly .

  13. 她讲话时,我们看得出她很烦躁。

    As she spoke we could see that she was in a fret .

  14. 某些动物烦躁不安可能是地震临震前的预兆。

    Agitated activity by certain animals may be a sign of an impending earthquake .

  15. 太长的故事会使小孩子烦躁不安。

    A long tale gives a child fidgets .

  16. 你为什么烦躁不安?

    What are you fretting about ?

  17. 它使我烦躁。我的手变得那么硬。

    It makes me cross and my hand get so stiff .

  18. 他觉得很烦躁,把头伸进了冷水中。

    He felt fidgety , immersed his head in the cold water .

  19. 惊厥前也可出现躁动,烦躁,错觉,抽搐等症状。

    Restlessness , anxiety , confusion , and twitching may also precede convulsions .

  20. 他近来心情烦躁,动辄发脾气。

    He is easily provoked these days .

  21. 明了神的蓝图,将使你的烦躁转为灵感

    Understanding God 's big picture can turn irritations into inspirations .

  22. 我暂时忘掉了过去积聚的忧愁和烦躁

    For a time I have forgotten the worries and irritations I was nurturing before .

  23. 我姐姐在度假的时候心情特别烦躁,因为当时她来月经了。

    My sister was so annoyed on holiday because it was her time of the month !

  24. 有些人早上起来需要喝一杯浓咖啡或浓茶才能清醒,没有这些饮料中的咖啡因他们就会感觉无精打采,而且烦躁易怒。

    Some people need a cup of strong coffee or tea in the morning to wake them up , without the caffeine in the drinks they will feel listless and irritable . Example :

  25. 引起网怒的首要原因是网页慢速下载时导致的烦躁情绪,其它原因还有:图片无法打开,某些网站需要安装制定软件才能运行,登录某个网站前要求提交个人信息,以及不能提供任何帮助的“帮助”按钮。

    The top cause of web rage is the frustration are images that don 't load , websites that require specific software to run , requests for personal details before being allowed into a site , and ' help ' buttons which don 't really ' help ' .

  26. C组烦躁发生率为22%,与A、B两组相比,有显著性差异(P<0.05,P<0.01)。

    The restlessness rate in group C was 22 % , which was significantly higher than that in group A ( 2 % ) and group B ( 4 % ) .

  27. 然而,final限制是令人烦躁的&开发人员常抱怨在编译器弄清楚需要了解的一切时,他们必须声明某些final。

    However , the final restriction is irritating & developers will grumble that they must declare something final when the compiler can already figure out everything it needs to know .

  28. 治疗后两组相比,在改善颈部肿大、心悸不宁、烦躁易怒方面有明显差异(P0.05),治疗组优于对照组。

    After treatment than in improving the neck swelling , palpitations , restless , irritability , there are significant differences ( P0.05 ), the treatment group than the control group .

  29. AEP指数比较可靠,但是长时间实时测量AEP会使病人因过多的单调声刺激而烦躁不安。

    AEP index is rather reliable , but the monotone click stimulus would make patients dysphoric .

  30. 结论:咪唑安定对呼吸机应用过程中的焦虑、恐惧、烦躁不安有镇静、抗焦虑作用,并且能改善心率、呼吸频率和SaO2。

    Conclusions : Midazolam ' sedation and anti-anxiety in course of ventilation improve cardiac rate , breath rate and SaO2 .