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xuān huá
  • hubbub;clamor;tumult;uproar;racket;confused noise;brouhaha
喧哗 [xuān huá]
  • [confused noise;hubbub;clamour] 声音大而杂乱

  • 起坐而喧哗者,众宾欢也。--欧阳修《醉翁亭记》

喧哗[xuān huá]
  1. 在喧哗与骚动中沉思&网络文学探索

    Meditation in Confused Noise and Commotion & Probe into Cyber-Literature

  2. 门外一阵喧哗。

    There was a hubbub outside the door .

  3. 人群一片喧哗。

    The crowd roared .

  4. 人群的喧哗平息下来,变成了满怀期待的低语声。

    The roar of the crowd stilled to an expectant murmur

  5. 第一局比赛结束了,口哨声、尖叫声与呼喊声一片喧哗。

    Round one ends , to a tumult of whistles , screams and shouts .

  6. 在公共汽车上大声喧哗是一种粗鄙的行为。

    Talking loudly on a bus is a sign of vulgarity .

  7. 不要大声喧哗!

    Don 't speak in a loud voice !; Dont 't make noise !

  8. 何人在此喧哗?

    Who is making such noise here ?

  9. 大多数博物馆都不允许喧哗和奔跑,也不允许人们触摸展品。

    In most museums , there 's no shouting and no running , and people aren 't allowed to touch the exhibits .

  10. 狂欢、喧哗、畅饮、狂欢作乐了整夜

    Engaging in boisterous , drunken merrymaking , we caroused whole night .

  11. 会议开始变得喧哗了。

    The meeting began to become clamorous .

  12. 开放式办公室中的员工在听到喧哗的声响或者其他声音时,总忍不住在格子间抬头张望,观察四周的动静,这就是“土拨鼠效应”。

    Prairie-dogging refers to the practice of workers in an open-plan office raising their heads above the partitions1 surrounding their desks when they hear a loud voice or other noise .

  13. allowed与aloud发音相同,若不看文字只听声音,这个标牌就会被误解为“Tospeakaloudisnotaloud(大声讲话不是大声)”,那么,在图书馆便可以喧哗了,真是令人啼笑皆非。

    What is the most contradictory sign in a library ? To speak aloud is not allowed .

  14. 随着众议员保罗瑞安(paulryan)被提名为共和党副总统候选人,美国总统选举俨然已经成为了一场高声喧哗的意识形态之争。

    With congressman Paul Ryan as the Republican vice-presidential candidate , the US election is shaping up to be a full-throated ideological brawl .

  15. 迷航的Geist安宁的水影&《喧哗与骚动》中昆丁的心灵解读

    Lost Geist and Tranquil Water Shadow : Quentin in Sound and Fury

  16. 在iPhone5s的土豪金颜色选择或指纹识别功能引发的喧哗骚动之外,人们没有意识到这款手机是拍照手机的一个转折点。

    Lost in the hype and hubbub around the 5s 's gold option or fingerprint sensor is that it marks a turning point in camera phones .

  17. 该瀑布曾是蜜月胜地,现在却沦为鸡肋景观。在商业化的克里夫顿山(CliftonHill)一带,同样命运的还有一些二流蜡像馆,喧哗的餐馆和肮脏旅社等。

    What was once a famed honeymoon destination is now only a minor " attraction " in a circus sideshow of second-rate wax museums , loud themed restaurants and grungy hotels along the armpit of commercialism called the Clifton Hill strip .

  18. 你轻轻的合上了这个世界的门,外面充斥着大声的喧哗。

    You gently closed the door of this world brawling loud .

  19. 全球商业中心失去了往日常见的喧哗。

    An unfamiliar silence descended on the hubs of global commerce .

  20. 他告诉我们不要喧哗,也不要跑动。

    He told us to be quiet and not to run .

  21. 阅览室内禁止大声喧哗。

    We don 't permit loud talking in the reading room .

  22. 她直接,热情,大声喧哗,百无禁忌。

    She 's direct , warm , noisy and uninhibited TOO .

  23. 街上的喧哗声闹得我们晚上无法睡觉。

    The noise of the street keeps us awake at night .

  24. 不可靠的叙述者:《喧哗与骚动》中的杰生

    Jason as an Unreliable Narrator in The Sound and the Fury

  25. 《喧哗与骚动》和《八月之光》中的基督教思想

    Christianity in the Sound and the Fury and Light in August

  26. 街上的喧哗吵醒了屋子里的每一个人。

    The tumult in the streets awakened everyone in the house .

  27. 老师进来时学生们正在大声喧哗。

    The students were talking loudly when the teacher came in .

  28. 我们举行过一两次难忘的喧哗热闹的晚会。

    We had had one or two memorable raucous evenings together .

  29. 严禁在化学实验室进食;严禁在化学实验室大声喧哗、打闹;

    Don 't eating or talk loudly in the chemistry laboratory .

  30. 本区域大部为居民区,请您离开时不要大声喧哗。

    Please leave quietly as this is predominantly a residential area .