
fá zé
  • penalty provisions;punitive provisions;penal clause;penal regulations
罚则 [fá zé]
  • [punishment rule] 处罚的规定

  1. 研究表明,《铁路法》中刑事罚则的内容已纳入现行《刑法》,已为现行《刑法》的相关内容所吸收和替代,因此其刑事罚则的内容实际上已失去原有的立法价值。

    My study shows that the penalty provisions in Law on Railway have been absorbed into the Criminal law and have been replaced by some concerning contents of it . Actually , the penalty provisions have lost their own legislative value .

  2. 第五章罚则

    Chapter Five Penalty Provisions

  3. 文中所使用的主要方法是罚则函数法,主要工具是Bihari不等式的一个推广形式及凸函数次微分算子的Yosida逼近。

    The penalization method is our main method and the main tools are the extension of the Bihari inequality and the Yosida approximation of the subdifferential operator of the convex function .

  4. 商品房认购书中定金罚则适用的困惑与反思

    On Puzzle and Introspection of the Application of sin Subscription Certificate

  5. 在双方当事人均不履行合同时,不能适用定金罚则;

    The deposit avouchment can 't be applied to loan contract .

  6. 认购书中的定金纠纷在实际生活中日渐增多,但定金罚则自有其适用的规则。

    The disputes about the deposit of subscription certificate have increased .

  7. 对定金罚则的适用,应以当事人有无过错为依据。

    Deposit penalties applicable , should be parties with or without fault .

  8. 罚则。主要是指对纳税人违反税法的行为采取的处罚措施。

    The essential boundary condition is imposed by employing a penalty method .

  9. 篮球新规则中特殊情况及罚则分析

    Study of Special Situation and Penalty in New Basketball Rules

  10. 持续性配额转让人罚则(二)已转让投资额度;

    Persistent transferor penalty rule 2 . Having transferred its investment quota ;

  11. 《铁路法》中刑事罚则适用问题研究

    A Study on the Application of Penalty Provisions in Law on Railway

  12. 建立诉讼调解中的罚则制度;

    Setting up punishing system in mediation of disputes ;

  13. 文章最后为共犯关系的脱离者设立了罚则。

    Finally , this article establishes rules of punishment for the complicity relation departure .

  14. 港府于今年四月建议加强虐畜罪行的罚则。

    The government has proposed heavier penalties on animal abuse in April this year .

  15. 但所订明的罚则,以罚款不超过$500为限。

    Provided that no penalty so prescribed shall exceed a fine of $ 500 .

  16. 罪行罚则及免责辩护

    " Offences , penalties and defences "

  17. 在刑罚罚则及刑罚的具体运用上,也缺乏可以依据的共同的原则。

    In the application of penalty , there is no common principle to base on .

  18. 兼顾两者的要求就要回归到合理解释罚则上来。

    To achieve both requirements will be returned to penalties up to a reasonable explanation .

  19. 犯规通常要科以罚则。

    Fouls are usually penalized .

  20. 制定关于伪造合众国证券和通货的罚则;

    To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States ;

  21. 修理合同中的罚则条款

    Penalty Clause of Repair Contract

  22. 屋宇署一直检讨现有权力和罚则,以提高执法效率和加强阻吓。

    BD has been examining existing powers and penalties to make for more stringent enforcement and stronger deterrent .

  23. 从一起购销合同纠纷案谈定金罚则的适用

    Implications from the Disputes over a Purchase and Selling Contract on the Application of the Penalty Regulations for Deposits

  24. 对在法庭内大笑的刑罚是坐牢六个月;要不是这么一条罚则,陪审团将无以聆听证词。

    A court attendant entrusted with duties such as the maintenance of order in a courtroom during a trial .

  25. 未成年人犯罪刑罚适用区域性考察及其罚则改革研究(上)

    Regional Research into Punishments on Juvenile Delinquent and Reform of Principles of Punishment in Juvenile Justice ( First Part );

  26. 我国《体育法》对体育的目的、规划、罚则等方面都做了相应规定。

    The aims , plans , rules , punishment among others have been defined in the China Law of Sports respectively .

  27. 回应市民的关注,我们已提高了在票站内拍照的罚则。

    In response to public concern , we have increased the penalties for the offence of taking photographs inside polling stations .

  28. 罚则规定了犯罪行为的法律后果,规范着司法者的裁判行为。

    The punishment criterion is the legal aftermath of criminal behavior , norms of the judicial referee who acts applicable penalties .

  29. 从性质上讲,预约责任不排斥实际履行、损害赔偿、违约金及定金罚则的适用。

    A pre-contract does not exclude in nature the application of real performance , damage compensation and penalty regulation of damages and deposit .

  30. 罚则是刑法规范不可缺少的组成部分,也是刑事司法活动的重要依据。

    Punishment criterion are not only an integral part of the criminal criterion , but also an important basis for criminal justice activities .