
  1. 他可能会逃脱严惩,仅仅罚一点钱了事。

    He is likely to get off with a small fine .

  2. SurePayroll公司建议公司设一个“粗话存钱罐”,一旦有人说粗口就缴罚一美元,这些钱可以用于公司外出活动。

    SurePayroll recommends starting a swear jar , with $ 1 donated for every breach of decorum , money that can then be used for an office outing .

  3. 对于这种不文明行为,我们要罚一儆百!

    We must punish such ill-mannered people as a deterrent to others .

  4. 说这种话非罚一杯不可

    " Such remarks demand a fine of one glass !"

  5. 我父亲便一直说服纳伊姆的朋友和家人来过夜,好让他也被罚一笔!

    My father kept trying to persuade Naeem 's friends and family to stay so he could be fined too !

  6. 该机构也试图对一些腐败者罚一儆百。群众有节奏地反复呼喊着“打倒腐败者。”

    The department also tries to make an example of some miscreants . The crowd chanted " Down with the corruptionists . "

  7. 如果你被当场抓住,那么你就会被狠狠地罚一笔钱,罪名是当众醉酒。

    If you are caught in the act , you will be slapped with a fine and possibly charged with being'drunk in public . '

  8. 只罚一方的对向犯,应综合考虑行为定型性、社会危害性和期待可能性来适用法律。

    For the crime punishing one side , the offender should be applied law according to the setting act model , the harmful effect to the society , and the probability of anticipation .

  9. 在上周四的第一轮比赛中,这位瘦削的少年打出了73杆的好成绩。尽管由于慢打在周五被罚一杆,但关天朗最终成功晋级,获得了参加周末最后两轮比赛的资格。

    The gangly teenager shot 73 in his first round on Thursday to remain in contention for the weekend 's final two rounds , despite being penalised a shot on Friday for slow play .

  10. 迈克尔•欧文:“阿尔维斯的行为无法让人高兴,如果他可以站起来重新比赛,那只应该被罚一张黄牌。当然,巴萨的球迷肯定会为他的所作所为而感到高兴。”

    Michael Owen : " Alves'actions won 't please many as if he had got straight up it would have been a yellow card , but Bar ç a fans will be happy with his actions . "

  11. 汤普森罚他一个月不能出门,并禁止看电视。

    Thompson grounded him for a month , and banned television .

  12. 参赛者每个错误只会被罚分一次。

    Competitor 's will only be penalized once for each mistake .

  13. 经理罚他一天的工资。

    The manager amerced him of a day 's wage .

  14. 贝尼特斯补充道:“在罚下一人之后,一切都改变了。”

    Benitez added : " After the sending off everything changed . "

  15. 她因上课说话被罚留校一小时。

    She was kept in for an hour for talking in class .

  16. 罚中一次得1分,投中一次得2分。

    One free-throw scores one point , and one shot scores two points .

  17. 根据捏造的罪名,罚停职一个月,这一着往往迫使不守规矩的人就范。

    A month 's suspension on some trumped-up charge usually brought non-conformists into line .

  18. 犯规的运动员会被罚扣一分甚至取消比赛资格。

    A wrestler is penalized one point or even be disqualified for committing a foul .

  19. 除了10年前因违规停车被罚过一次款外,她的驾驶记录无可挑剔。

    Apart from a parking fine ten years before , she had an unblemished driving record .

  20. 而其他老师则强烈反对。但是实践证明,以歌代罚是一个轻松愉快而又行之有效的办法。

    Other teachers were strongly against it , but it has proved to BE enjoyable and effective .

  21. 上周他在与立陶宛的比赛中梅开二度还罚失一个点球错过上演帽子戏法的机会。

    Last week Villa scored twice against Liechtenstein but missed a penalty to post a hat trick .

  22. 每当我在谈话时加入一些在大英百科全书中读到的与谈话无关的事实时,我妻子就会罚我一美元。

    My wife started to fine me one dollar for every irrelevant fact I inserted into conversation .

  23. 普洛克特和托瑞当场被判出场,第二天被罚禁赛一场的托瑞未出席比赛。

    Proctor and Torre were ejected from that contest , with Torre serving a one-game suspension the following day .

  24. 他莫名其妙地吹掉意大利的一个进球,罚下一名意大利球员,又判给韩国队一个点球。

    He strangely disallowed an Italian goal , sent off an Italian , and gave the Koreans a penalty .

  25. 意思是一个360度转圈惩罚选手在撞击浮标后被罚航行一整圈。

    Meaning a " 360 - degree penalty turn ", one complete circle sailed as a penalty for hitting a buoy .

  26. 半场时候被罚下一人,我们仍能先进球这是令人高兴的。

    To lose a man with a half to go and still get something out of the game is very pleasing .

  27. 部分球迷要求国米前锋维耶里就上周三在对索肖的联盟杯赛中被红牌罚下一事作出解释。

    Some fans asked Nerazzurri striker for an explanation on last Wednesday 's expulsion in the Uefa Cup clash against Sochaux .

  28. 布朗,38%的罚球命中率,罚进一个罚球使得湖人100-99领先,同时,他也罚丢了第二个球。

    Brown , a38 % foul shooter , connected on his first attempt to give the Lakers a100-99lead before missing the second .

  29. 明德慎罚作为一种社会意识,它一经出现,就有相对的独立性。

    As a social consciousness , the thought of " Bright virtue and careful punishment " had its relative independence as it appeared .

  30. 但是最终,后卫凯尔·洛瑞被吹罚了一次进攻犯规,而库里依靠两记罚球为勇士队锁定胜局。

    But guard Kyle Lowry was called for an offensive foul , and Curry hit two free throws to help seal the win .