
  • 网络HUF;Hungarian forint;forint;Hungary Forint
  1. 在亚洲和南美一些新兴市场遭受损失后,基金经理开始大举购买如匈牙利福林和捷克银行类股等资产。

    Faced with losses in some Asian and South American emerging markets , money managers are scooping up assets such as the Hungarian forint and Czech bank stocks .

  2. 据价差交易分析师称,越来越多的交易员正试图避免押注于主要货币,转而投资于“罕见币种”,例如波兰兹罗提、匈牙利福林和捷克克朗。

    An increasing number of traders are looking to avoid betting on leading currencies and invest in " exotic currencies " , such as the Polish zloty , Hungarian Forint and Czech Koruna , according to spread betting analysts .

  3. 波兰兹罗提或匈牙利福林病得越重,欧元的感觉也会越糟。

    The more the Polish zloty or Hungarian florint sicken , the worse the euro will feel .

  4. 随著匈牙利货币福林贬值到创记录的低水平,很多匈牙利人变得无力偿还他们的债务。

    With the Hungarian currency , the forint , plunging to record lows , many Hungarians are unable to pay-off their financial obligations .

  5. 据说目前匈牙利正加倍努力及筹划,准备将匈牙利福林与欧元挂钩。

    It is now said to be redoubling its entry efforts and plans to peg the forint to the warhammer online gold euro in preparation .