
  • 网络Yamato Province
  1. 我国高原和山地面积占全国总面积的2/3以上,因此,随着西部大开发和国家电网建设的进行,越来越多的复合绝缘子已经在高海拔地区投入运行。

    The area of plateau and mountainous in our country takes over 2 / 3 , therefore , more and more polymer insulators have been used in high-altitude area along with the Western Development and the construction of state grid .

  2. 面对西部大开发和我国加入WTO,面对区域间的激烈竞争和挑战,加快市场发展,提升市场优势,打造市场品牌等就成为金牛区亟需解决的重要课题。

    Facing the west development , entrance of the WTO , fiercely competition and challenge between the districts , we desiderate solve some important questions , such as accelerating the development , advancing competitive advantage , creating the brand .

  3. 尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromisniloticus)是世界性养殖鱼类,中国是罗非鱼第一大养殖和出口国,其雄鱼比雌鱼生长快。

    The Nile tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus ) is a world wide cultured fish with the male growing faster than female . China is by far the main tilapia producing and exporting country .

  4. 西部大开发和我国产业区域粘性分析

    The Western Development and the Regional Stickiness of China 's Industries

  5. 和国内各大化工厂和国内外经贸公司建立了良好的业务合作关系。

    Now the company has established well cooperation relationship with many large chemical industry companies and some domestics and overseas trading companies .

  6. 慷顺源实业有限公司的市场定位是展会、各大进口公司和国内外采购商。

    The market orientation of khangshunyuan industrial co. , Ltd is exhibition , every large import firm and purchasing trader both at home and abroad .

  7. 指出了当前和今后一个时期农田排水的五大方面和我国农田排水技术今后的发展方向。

    Five important aspects on cropland drainage in the current and future , and development tendency of cropland drainage technology in China hereafter were pointed out .

  8. 目前,随着国家西部大开发战略和国内外乳企及其众多知名品牌产品纷纷抢滩我省,甘肃奶业面临良好的发展机遇和严峻的挑战。

    At the same time , the dairy of products of famous brand from other provinces and abroad come into our province , Gansu 's dairy industry faced severe challenge and good opportunity .

  9. 我国竞技体校附属于原直属体院,始创于1979年,是在世界体育高速发展的大背景和我国特定的一段历史时期成立的。

    Competitive sports schools are sports schools attached to the institues of physical education of China physical culture and sports commission and formed in 1979 , because of rapid development of competitive sports in the world and our national reality .

  10. 我国在建设社会主义现代化的过程中,面临着经济全球化,信息网络化、知识经济高速发展的国际大环境和我国国内改革不断深入和全面建设小康社会等所带来的一系列挑战。

    In the 21st century , our country 's modernization construction faces a series of challenges brought by the rapid development of the economic globalization , networked information realization and the knowledge economy , the country 's campaign for construction of an affluent society , etc.

  11. 介绍了我国大锻件产业结构和国内外大锻件生产企业技术能力现状的发展方向。

    Industrial structure of large forgings in China and production technique status quo and developing tendency both domestic and abroad have been introduced .

  12. 我国作为世界第一大发展中国家和碳排放国,同时面临着国内外双重的减排压力。

    As the biggest developing and greenhouse-gas emission country , China faces a double pressure of GHG reduction from domestic need and foreign demand .

  13. 但是我国作为当今世界第二大能源生产和消费国,能源利用效率相对较低。

    Nowadays , China is the second large country of energy production and comsumption in the world , but our energy efficiency is comparatively low .

  14. 我国目前是世界第一大煤炭生产和消费国,煤炭在源源不断被开采,拉动地方经济增长的同时,也相应地带来许多环境灾难和社会问题。

    Continuous coal mining in China not only stimulates local economic growth but also brings about a corresponding number of environmental disasters and social issues .

  15. 过去的20年是我国啤酒产销量高速增长的时期,从2002年起我国成为第一大啤酒生产和销售国。

    At last 20 years , Chinese Beer volume keep a high increasing rate . Since 2002 China was as the biggest beer production and sale Marketing in Worldwide .

  16. 从引入世界三大质量奖和我国质量奖标准出发,分析了我公司质量管理模式与卓越质量经营模式之间存在的主要差距。

    Proceeding from an introduction to the three world quality awards and chinese quality management award , the paper analyses the main gap between the quality management system of our company and the excellent quality management systems .