
  • 网络Economic anthropology;Economical Anthropology
  1. 经济人类学视野中的回族乜贴

    The Intention of the Hui Nationality from the Perspective of Economic Anthropology

  2. 经济人类学视野中民族经济发展分析

    On the Development of National Economy from the Perspective of Economic Anthropology

  3. 中国古代朝贡关系之于经济人类学的独特价值

    The Distinctive Value of Tributary Relationships in Ancient China to Economical Anthropology

  4. 经济人类学理论前沿综论

    A Summary on the Advanced Theories of Economic Anthropology

  5. 经济人类学中跨学科趋势的强化

    The Increasing Emphasis on Cross-discipline Study of Economic Anthropology

  6. 意大利佛罗伦萨的地方性艺术市场&经济人类学个案研究

    The Local Art Market in Florence , Italy & A Case Study of Economic Anthropology

  7. 美国经济人类学与中国研究

    U.S. Economic Anthropology and China Studies

  8. 经济人类学对商品分析的文化视野

    Economic Anthropology and Commodity Cultural Analysis

  9. 经济人类学的生态分析

    An Ecological Analysis of Economic Anthropology

  10. 马克思理论在经济人类学中的拓展

    Marxist Theory in Economic Anthropology

  11. 经济人类学在当代已成为理解社会与文化人类学的一个枢纽和核心领域。

    Economic anthropology has become a hub and the nuclear field of understanding social and cultural anthropology today .

  12. 精神分析在经济人类学中的展布

    Psychoanalysis in Economic Anthropology

  13. 文章从经济人类学的视角审视了民族文化与民族发展的关系。

    From the prospective of economic anthropology , the author discusses the relationship between ethnic cultures and ethnic development .

  14. 经济人类学是人类学中与经济学对话的部分。鄂伦春族生产关系的变迁及其效应鄂伦春族发展问题的生态经济人类学研究之二

    Economic anthropology is where anthropology meets economics . Relations of Production Among the Olunchun People : Changes and Effects

  15. 文化认同与生活主体&经济人类学视野中的集市聚居形态研究综述

    Cultural Identification and Main Content of Life & Summary of Form Study on Bazaar Settlement in the View of Economic Anthropology

  16. 从经济人类学视野对集市聚居形态进行研究是必要的。

    The paper concludes that it is necessary to carry out study on the form of bazaar settlement from the view of anthropology .

  17. 在理论与方法上,它融合了经济人类学、历史学、地理学、人口统计学、社会学、生态学等多种人文学科和社会科学的理论与方法。

    It absorbs theories and approaches from other social and humane studies like economic anthropology , historiography , geography , demography , sociology and ecology , etc.

  18. 中国学者在完全不同的情况下,创建了在研究对象、研究范围方面与美国经济人类学有某些近似之处的民族经济新学科。

    Under the completely different conditions , Chinese scholars create new subject & Chinese Ethnic Economics , which has some analogy to American economic anthropology in objects and ranges of study .

  19. 从生态&经济人类学的视角来看,鄂伦春族的经济类型变迁并不是适应森林生态系统的结果,相反是改变森林生态平衡的原因;

    From the point of view of eco economic anthropology , the change of the economic types of the ethnic Oroqens is not a result of adaptability to the forest ecological system , but rather a cause of the transformation of the forest ecological balance .

  20. 本文力图运用经济人类学的社会交换理论就这一问题作出自己的解释,结果发现中国古代朝贡关系对于构建和修正经济人类学的礼物理论和交换理论有着独特价值。

    This thesis tries to interpret it with the theory of social exchange in economical anthropology , and finds that it has the distinctive value for the tributary relationships of ancient China to establish and amend the theory of gift and social exchange in economical anthropology .

  21. 我们通过对美国经济人类学早期发展阶段的考察,可以看到人类学和经济学这两门学科走向结合的过程,也可以看到早期经济人类学在不同层次上对各种经济类型所做的比较研究。

    This paper conducts an examination of the early development of economic anthropology , showing the process of the combination of the two disciplines , anthropology and economics , and exemplifying the comparative studies economic anthropology made on various economic patterns at different levels in its early phase .

  22. 20世纪中期诞生的美国经济人类学是一门新兴的边缘学科,其最有价值的部分是独特的研究领域&从民族学、经济学的交叉视角观察与分析问题,以及选择向广义方向发展。

    American economic anthropology created in the mid 20 th century is a new type of frontier science , its most valuable is its own characteristic study view & observe and analyze problems from the overlapping of ethnology and economics , and choose to develop from many aspects .

  23. 农业社会和农民经济的人类学分析

    Anthropological Analysis of Agricultural Society and Peasant Economy

  24. 冀南乡村的物物交换&地方经济的人类学研究

    The Rural Barter of South Hebei Province & An Anthropological Research of Local Economy

  25. 冀南地区城乡青少年生活事件对比研究冀南乡村的物物交换&地方经济的人类学研究

    Differences of stressful life events between urban and rural adolescents in Southern Hebei The Rural Barter of South Hebei Province & An Anthropological Research of Local Economy

  26. 经济、生态人类学与消费文化研究

    Economic and Ecological Anthropology and the Study of Consumer Culture

  27. 经济植物学为人类学、植物学和环境保护作出了重要的贡献。

    Economic botany makes significant contributions to anthropology , botany and environmental conservation .

  28. 作者运用他在伯利兹的田野工作的实例来揭示消费与消费文化研究在经济与生态人类学研究中的基础作用。

    The author , by using his case studied in Belize , illustrates that research of consumption and consumer culture are a fundamental part of economic and ecological anthropology .

  29. 体验经济背景下基于人类学视角的我国旅游体验研究

    Researches on " Tourist Experiences " in China Based on the Background of " Experience Economy " with the Anthropology Visual Angle

  30. 经济文化类型是人类学的一个重要理论概念,它回答的是人类和自然关系的问题。

    Economic and cultural types is an important theoretical concept of anthropology and it is used to study the question of the relationship between mankind and nature .