
jīnɡ jì fā zhǎn
  • economic development;growth
  1. 本章探讨的是经济发展与环境之间的关系。

    This chapter explores the linkage between economic development and the environment .

  2. 会谈将着重讨论该地区的经济发展。

    The talks will focus on economic development of the region .

  3. 新贸易协定应当会加快经济发展。

    The new trade agreement should facilitate more rapid economic growth .

  4. 在经济发展快速的20世纪90年代,有才华的大学毕业生可以发展很快。

    In the expansive 1990s bright graduates could advance rapidly .

  5. 高利率阻碍了经济发展。

    High interest rates are a brake on the economy .

  6. 在20世纪90年代爱尔兰是西欧经济发展最快的国家之一。

    Ireland was one of the fastest-growing economies in Western Europe in the 1990s .

  7. 这为后来的现代经济发展奠定了基础。●Ifaneventshakesthefoundationsofasocietyorasystemofbeliefs,itcausesgreatuncertaintyandmakespeoplequestiontheirmostdeeplyheldbeliefs.动摇根基(或基础)

    This laid the foundations for later modern economic growth .

  8. 经济发展速度已经放慢,增长率很低,或者根本没有增长。

    The economy is already sputtering , with low or no growth

  9. 他们首要考虑的是防止经济发展过快。

    Their prime consideration has been not to overheat the economy .

  10. 近几年,奥地利的经济发展超过了其他多数工业国。

    In recent years the Austrian economy has outperformed most other industrial economies

  11. 该岛当前的经济发展主要归功于蒸馏法酿造威士忌酒行业。

    The island 's present economy owes a good deal to whisky distilling

  12. 教育对一个国家的经济发展至关重要。

    Education is central to a country 's economic development

  13. 你会听到有关美国经济发展无序、后劲乏力的议论。

    You hear talk about American business being flabby .

  14. 在未来几年里,日本的经济发展将继续快过其国外的对手。

    The Japanese economy will continue to outpace its foreign rivals for years to come

  15. 私营企业的开支急剧增长造成经济发展过热。

    The private sector is increasing its spending so sharply that the economy is overheating

  16. 我不赞成经济发展应优先于环境保护这个前提。

    I disagree with the premise that economic development has priority over the environment .

  17. 总统提到了共同致力于世界和平和经济发展。

    The President spoke of a shared commitment to world peace and economic development .

  18. 总督的计划可能会造成上百万人失业,并束缚经济发展。

    The governor 's proposals would actually cost millions of jobs and suffocate the economy .

  19. 安南先生说该地区现在必须为经济发展与和平而奋斗。

    Mr Annan said the region must now strive for economic development as well as peace .

  20. 反对该措施的人士认为这是一场政治作秀,会对经济发展带来严重的打击。

    Opponents of the measure say it 's political grandstanding that could prove devastating to the economy .

  21. 目前的经济发展明显慢于20世纪80年代中期到末期的迅猛增长时期。

    Current economic activity is markedly slower than during the go-go years of the mid to late 1980s

  22. 总统渴望获得政治胜利,以促使世界贸易更为自由,经济发展更为迅速。

    The President is keen to notch a political triumph that would foster freer world trade and faster economic growth .

  23. 这让美联储几乎无计可施,在经济发展方向明朗之前只好硬挺着。

    It makes it hard for the Fed to do anything but stand pat till the economy 's direction becomes clearer .

  24. 这项新政策对经济发展至关重要。

    This new policy is crucial to economic development .

  25. 专家们深信稳健的货币政策将有助于经济发展。

    Experts firmly believe that the prudent monetary policy will be helpful for economic development .

  26. 经济发展了,人民的生活水平也随着提高了。

    As the economy develops , the living conditions of the people have been improved accordingly .

  27. 这对于经济发展将是一个巨大的促进。

    This will be a great boost to the economy .

  28. 从众多经济发展指标来看,南非的经济状况良好。

    By many indicators of economic development , south Africa is doing well .

  29. 缺乏劳动力使我们的经济发展速度减慢。

    Shortage of labour power retarded our economic development .

  30. 经济发展中还存在着一些盲区。

    There are still some blind areas in the development of the economy .