
  1. 我教你英语,你教我潮汕话。

    I teach you English , and you teach me your mother language .

  2. 英语,普通话,粤语,潮汕话,能和不同地区客户良好沟通。

    Fluent to use English , Chinese , Canton language and Chaoshan language .

  3. 潮汕话属于闽南方言的一个支系,与现代汉语有较大的差异。

    Chaozhou dialect is a branch of Minnan dialect , which bears great differences from modern Chinese .

  4. 潮汕话的特点概括起来就是语法特殊、词汇丰富、音韵独特、古语义多等。

    Chaoshan words summed up the characteristics of the particular grammar , vocabulary rich , unique music , such as more ancient meaning .

  5. 由于处于长期稳定的状态,所以潮汕话也成为联结海内外潮人的最强大的纽带。

    Due to the long-term stability in the state , it has also become a link in the Chaozhou-Shantou , then people at home and abroad tide of the most powerful bond .

  6. 潮汕话古朴典雅,词汇丰富,保留较多的古语音、古语汇和古语法,可谓唐音古韵千年不易。

    If the Chaozhou-Shantou flavor , rich in vocabulary , keeping more of the old voice , the ancient language and ancient grammar , Tang is the sound of the Millennium Relics is not easy .

  7. 汕头属于潮汕,每个人都会说潮汕话。

    Shantou belong to tide chanshan , everybody metropolis say tide Shan words .