
  • 网络wave phenomenon
  1. 在这个历史变迁的过程中,潮涌现象是重要的影响因素。

    In this process , wave phenomenon is an important factor .

  2. 结构失衡、潮涌现象与通胀&通缩逆转

    Structural Imbalance , Wave Phenomenon and Inflation-Deflation Inverse

  3. 潮涌现象是一个崭新的概念,是著名经济学家林毅夫先生于2007年第一次提出。

    " Wave phenomenon " is a brand-new concept , which was firstly proposed in 2007 by a well-known economist - Mr. Lin Yifu .

  4. 基于“潮涌现象”、劳动生产率非平衡增长和工资非平衡增长率三个宏观经济典型化事实,本文构建了一个结构性物价水平决定模型。

    Based on the three macroeconomic stylized factors , wave phenomenon , imbalance growth in productivity and wage growth rate , this paper constructs a model that determines the structural price level .

  5. 第三章,在上述研究的基础上,结合我国实际,从政府部门和投资者两个角度分析研究如何防范潮涌现象和防治金融风险,并提出相关对策建议。

    We mainly study how to guard against wave phenomenon and control financial risk from government departments and investors , based on above studies and our actual situation , and then put forward relevant suggestions .

  6. 本文结合国际产业转移理论、全球价值链理论和反映中国情境典型事实的潮涌现象理论,探讨了在新新贸易理论中国化过程中如何放松假设,以发展适宜于中国情境的新新贸易理论。

    This dissertation references theory of international industrial transfer , the global value chain theory and wave-phenomenon theory and discusses how to relax the assumptions of New-New trade theory so as to make it appropriate for the context of China .

  7. 第二章,深入分析潮涌现象、产业风险以及金融风险之间的传导机理,认为潮涌现象的发生会导致三大金融风险的增加,即信用风险、市场风险和对外支付风险。

    We profoundly analyze the transmission mechanism among the wave phenomenon , industrial risk and financial risk . According to the study , we conclude that wave phenomenon will lead to an increase in the three major financial risks : namely credit risk , market risk and payment risk .

  8. 但是随着旅游业的兴盛,作为海滨度假重要体验地之一的海滨沙滩旅游区却出现了游人潮涌的现象。

    But along with the tourism flourishing , beach resort as the one of the important experience holiday resorts , appears the " waves of visitors " phenomenon .