
tǔ rǎnɡ féi lì
  • soil fertility
  1. 太行山封育区森林土壤肥力的特性研究

    Forest Soil Fertility Characteristics in Closure Area of Taihang Mountain

  2. 用主成分分析法评价渍害土壤肥力

    Evaluation of Waterlogged Soil Fertility by Principle Component Analysis

  3. 基于GIS的土壤肥力信息管理及棉花施肥推荐支持决策系统研究

    Research on Management of Soil Fertility Information and Fertilization Decision Support System in Cotton

  4. 变异系数表明,除pH属于弱变异外,其它土壤肥力要素都属于中等变异。

    Using coefficients of variation , all soil fertility elements , except for pH , were moderately variable .

  5. HPLC法测定赤芍在不同土壤肥力中芍药苷的含量

    Measurement of Contents of Paeoniflorin in the Different Fertility of Soil of Paeonia lactiflora by HPLC

  6. 运用GIS技术研究浙江省衢县白水畈农业科技示范园区土壤肥力状况及其空间分布变异。

    The soil fertility status and their spatial variability in Baishuifan agricultural demonstration zone were studied by application of geographic information system ( GIS ) .

  7. 碱解N、速效K、总盐对于福海河谷林3个主要林型土壤肥力的影响最大,而速效P、电导率的影响相对较小。

    Alkali solution N , available K , total salt caused greatest impact of soil fertility of 3 major forest types in Fuhai valley forest , and available P , the conductivity was relatively small .

  8. 对防护林草本层物种多样性指数与土壤肥力因子的关系研究表明:影响草本层物种多样性的主要因子是土壤PH值,其次是土壤全磷含量。

    Study on the relationship between soil fertility properties and species diversity in grass layer showed that the main factor affecting species diversity was soil PH , then was the soil total phosphorus .

  9. 笔者在此背景下概括了当前生态风险分析的研究进展,分别建立了区域水资源承载力模型、土壤肥力风险评价模型、基于Markov过程的风险评价模型以及一种综合评价模型。

    Under this background , the author reviews the development of ecological risk analysis research and establishes Water resource carrying capacity model , soil fertility degradation risk model , Markov process risk model and integrated risk evaluation model .

  10. 研究结果表明,连续施用有机肥将显著地改善土壤肥力,增加有机质和氮磷钾的含量,以及土壤有效态Cu、Zn、Mn、Fe的数量。

    The results showed that long term applying of organic manure would increase amount of organic matter , nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium in Helu soil , as well as available Cu , Zn , Mn and Fe in the soil .

  11. 本文选取与土壤肥力密切相关的7个因素,建立综合评价指标体系,运用GIS和SPSS技术,对许昌市主要农业土壤肥力进行综合评价.针对评价结果,提出土壤合理利用的建议

    This paper chooses 7 factors to establish a system of comprehensive evaluation in order to evaluate the agricultural soil fertility in Xuchang based on the technique of GIS and SPSS Some proposals are put forward for the utilization of these soils

  12. 从TN来看,尾矿库、桉树林和木薯地属于较差等级,其余各采样点均达到土壤肥力分级指标(NT/Y391-2000)的Ⅱ级水平以上。

    TN in tailing pond , eucalypt forest and cassava land were in the lower levels , the remaining samples were reached the level grade ⅱ above of the grading index of soil fertility .

  13. 土壤肥力的PCA结果表明:全P、有机质、全N、速效P对土壤肥力有正向负荷,全K、pH值、C/N、速效N、对土壤肥力有逆向负荷。

    Principal component analysis of soil fertility showed that organic matter , the total N , the total P , and the available P have the positive load ; pH , available N , C / N , and the total K have reverse load to the soil fertility .

  14. 萱草和景天品种及洋常春藤的不同光强和土壤肥力适应性试验表明,H1、H2和H3在全光、50%全光和25%全光下植株正常生长开花,各项生长和观赏指标都没有显著差异。

    The adaptability of tested cultivars to different irradiance and soil fertility levels indicated that Hemerocallis could normally grow and bloom in full sun , 50 % full sun and 25 % full sun .

  15. 本研究在典型的旱作农业区以长武农业生态试验站的长期定位试验为基础,研究了长期施肥对小麦产量、氮淋溶、N20排放、CO2排放以及土壤肥力的影响。

    Based on the long-term fertilization experiment at the Changwu Agro-ecological experimental station in the typical dry-farming area , the objective of this work was to study the effect of fertilization on wheat yield , nitrate leaching , N2O emission , CO2 emission and soil fertility . 1 .

  16. 结果表明,每公顷施用污泥7500~30000kg,能够使玉米产量增加、品质改善,土壤肥力提高,而未对土壤和作物产生重金属元素污染。

    The results showed that applying sludge of 7500-30000 kg / ha could increase the yield and quality of maize , improve the soil fertility without polluting the soil and crop by heavy metals .

  17. 研究表明:蔗糖酶、易氧化碳、速效氮、速效磷、阳离子代换量、<0.01mm的物理性粘粒、重组碳、原上复合量8个指标是反映耕层土壤肥力的体质指标;

    The result showed that invertase activity , active organic carbon , available N , available P ( P2O5 ), CEC , physical clay ( < 0.01 mm ), heavy fraction carbon and undisturbed soil complex quantity were as the indexes to indicate the soil matrix of plough layer .

  18. 河南省主要烟区植烟土壤肥力状况评价

    Evaluation of the Soil Fertility in Tobacco-growing Areas in Henan Province

  19. 土地利用变化对土壤肥力影响研究进展

    Review on the Influence of Land Use Changes on Soil Fertility

  20. 河北省主要农田土壤肥力变化趋势

    Trend of Soil Fertility in the Main Farmland of Hebei Province

  21. 黄土丘陵沟壑区不同人工林地土壤肥力变化研究

    Soil fertilizer change of different artificial forest on Loess plateau Gully

  22. 土壤肥力及土壤供氮性能评价与分析

    Analysis and Evaluation of Soil Fertility and Soil Nitrogen Supplying Capacity

  23. 根据检测结果提出了提高保护地土壤肥力的施肥措施。

    The fertilization recommendations were proposed based on the test results .

  24. 不同作物秸秆还土对玉米及土壤肥力的影响

    Effects of Different Crop Straw on Maize Yield and Soil Fertility

  25. 生草和生物覆盖对果园土壤肥力的影响

    Effect of Sown Grass and Organism Mulching on Orchard Soil Fertility

  26. 平顺县主要植被类型土壤肥力状况的研究

    Researches on Soil Fertility of Major Vegetation Types in Pingshun County

  27. 土壤肥力状况对莴笋光合特性及产量影响的研究

    Effect of soil fertility on Photosynthetic Characteristics and yield of lettuce

  28. 甘肃灌漠土土壤肥力的空间变异性典型研究

    Spatial Variability of Irrigated Desert Soil Fertility in Gansu Province

  29. 稻田年内水旱轮作对土壤肥力的影响

    Effect of the Paddy-Upland Yearly Rotation on the Soil Fertility

  30. 漳州香蕉园土壤肥力状况分析

    Analysis on soil fertility in banana garden of Zhangzhou Prefecture