
  • 网络soil moisture;soil water;Soil moisture content;tdr
  1. 基于GIS的黄土丘陵沟壑区土壤水分模型研究

    Soil moisture model for loess hilly region based on GIS

  2. 基于GIS的农田土壤水分状况管理模型及应用

    Development of soil moisture management models based on GIS for farmland and its application

  3. 它们被种植在阳光充足、土壤水分不多的山坡上。

    They are grown on the hillsides in full sun , without much water

  4. 土壤水分对夏玉米农田CO2通量和群体水分利用率的影响

    Influence of Soil Water on CO_2 Flux Density and Group Water Use Efficiency in Summer Corn Field

  5. 土壤水分和CO2浓度增加对小麦、玉米、棉花蒸散、光合及生长的影响

    Effects of Soil Water and the Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Increase on Evapotranspiration , Photosynthesis , Growth of Wheat , Maize and Cotton

  6. 尿素颗粒水解及其产生的NH3-NH4+平衡移动是肥斑内土壤水分和pH变化的主要原因。

    Hydrolysis of urea granules and shift in the balance of NH3 - were the main reasons that water content of soil and pH value changed .

  7. GIS技术的广泛应用、土壤水分遥感监测模型的优化,微波遥感的应用将是该领域的重点研究方向。

    The extensive application of GIS technology , the optimization of the model of remote sensing monitoring of soil moisture and the application of microwave are the key direct of future study .

  8. 土壤水分供应充足的晴天,苹果幼树叶片水分亏缺影响净光合效率(PN)。

    Leaf water deficits influents net photosynthesis efficiency ( PN ) of the apple leaves on a sunny day when there is enough water in soil .

  9. 提取作物的外部形态特征:叶片颜色和仰角,在RGB和HIS颜色模型下,分析了土壤水分含量与各颜色分量、叶片仰角之间的相关性。

    The correlations between the leaf color parameters , leaf elevation and water content of soil are anal - yzed under the RGB and HIS model .

  10. 土壤水分胁迫和高水分处理的Pn与Tr日变化呈双峰曲线,但在适宜土壤水分下为单峰曲线。

    The diurnal variation curves of Pn and Tr of water stress and high water treatments were demonstrated in two peaks , but which was demonstrated in one peak under suitable soil moisture content .

  11. 土壤水分胁迫引起针叶CAT和POD的活性的规律性变化。(4)不同土壤含水量对脂松苗木针叶渗透调节物质含量有显著影响(p0.05)。

    Soil water stress caused regular variation of the activities of CAT and POD in needlings . ( 4 ) The different soil moisture treatments had significant influence on the contents of osmoregulation substances in red pine seedling needlings ( p0.05 ) .

  12. 主要试验结果如下:1.随土壤水分胁迫的加重,各品系的产量随之下降,但C4转基因品系的产量下降少,未转基因的对照品种WT下降显著。

    The main results are as follows : 1 . With the decrease of soil water potentials , the grain yield decreased , with the transgenic lines decreased less and untransformed WT decreased more .

  13. 小麦生长后期各种栽培模式难以控制上层土壤水分的大量损失,而各种模式在全生育期均对120cm以下土层水分影响不明显。

    Different models at wheat growth anaphase could not control loss of upper layer soil water content .

  14. 文中简要介绍了时域反射仪(TDR)及其测定土壤水分的原理、特点和使用技术。

    Time Domain Reflectometry ( TDR ) is introduced briefly and the principles , characteristics and application techniques of TDR used in the measurement of soil water content are discussed in this paper respectively .

  15. 根据中科院栾城农业生态系统综合试验站和栾城县气象站的常规观测资料,运用SWAP软件对太行山山前平原-河北省栾城县田间土壤水分运动进行了数值模拟。

    Based on the data from Luancheng Agriculture Experimental Station of CAS and Luancheng Weather Station , numerical simulation of soil water movement of farmland in the piedmont plain of the Taihang Mountains is conducted using SWAP model as an analysis tool .

  16. NDVIΔT空间中的湿边基本与横坐标平行,表明当土壤水分处于饱和状态或植被完全无水分胁迫条件下,植被和土壤对缓冲环境温度变化的能力大体相当;

    From NDVI - Δ T spaces , we found that the wet edges are all parallel to the abscissa and the wet soil has the same power to hold back temperature change with the vegetation non-water stress .

  17. LEACHC是描述土壤水分运动、溶质运移和盐分积累的盐度模型。

    LEACHC is the salinity model describing water flow , solute movement and salt accumulation in soil profiles .

  18. 土壤水分、土壤温度、土壤铵态氮含量和硝态氮含量是影响苜蓿草地N2O释放的主要非生物因素,其中,土壤水分发挥着最重要的作用。

    Soil moisture , soil temperature and soil ammonium , nitrogen and nitrate content were four major abiotic factors that affected N2O emissions from the alfalfa grassland , however soil moisture played the most important role of the four major abiotic factors .

  19. 当生长期降雨量超过400mm时,坡地枣园土壤水分含量比对照提高1.7%1.8%。

    When the amount of precipitation was over 400 mm , the soil water content of the slope garden increased by 1.7 % to 1.8 % .

  20. 其次,论文利用VG模型来描述文中涉及的有关土壤水分运动参数,其中由VG模型本身引进的参数通过实测的土壤水分特征曲线,结合Matlab软件计算得到。

    Next , the VG model is used to describe the unknown parameters of the soil concerned in this thesis . And the unknown parameters introduced by the VG model itself are computed by the data measured in an indoor experiment combining the Matlab software .

  21. 由此建议84K杨树不宜在黄土高原地区大面积栽植,应栽植在土壤水分条件较好的立地条件下。

    From results , it can be concluded that poplar is not suitable to plant widely in loess plateau area and only fit to favorable soil water condition .

  22. 应用英国PPS公司生产的CIRAS-2型光合作用系统,在不同土壤水分条件下测定了2年生爬山虎苗木叶片生理参数的光响应特性。

    With CIRAS-2 portable photosynthesis system made in PPS corporation of England , response characteristics to light of gas exchange parameters of Parthenocissus Quinquefolia leaf in two years old were studied under different soil moisture conditions .

  23. 小麦拔节-腊熟期间各时段内,复合系统中0~80cm土层贮水量随带距的变化均大致呈抛物线状分布,对比单作小麦系统,复合系统土壤水分总体平均效应2.7%。

    The soil water content at the depth of 0 ~ 80cm varied with the distance from the tree row in a parabola trend in the intercropping , reflecting an average increase of water content by 2.7 % compared with the monoculture system .

  24. 水分盈亏状况分析表明,带田冬小麦全生育期0~90cm上层土壤水分处于极度亏缺状况,灌水比不灌水处理水分亏缺程度更为严重,但不同生育期灌水的处理间水分亏缺差别极小。

    While harvesting soil water in 90 cm depth was in seriously deficient conditions for intercropping winter wheat , and irrigated treatment was more serious than that of no irrigation , but these deficiencies betWeen treatments that irrigated in different developing stapes hardly showed differences among them .

  25. 土壤水分补给量与降雨量为线性关系;

    The relationship between rainfall and soil water supply is linear .

  26. 黄土高原坡耕地土壤水分主要受控因子研究

    Effects of Primary Factors on Soil Moisture in Cultivated Slope land

  27. 土壤水分胁迫对白芥根系发育的影响

    Effects of soil water stress on root development of Sinapis abla

  28. 土壤水分是影响凋落物分解主要环境因子之一;

    Soil moisture was a key environmental factor affecting litter decomposition .

  29. 围栏禁牧对退化草原土壤水分的影响研究

    Studies on Effect of Fencing on Soil Water of Degenerated Grassland

  30. 祁连山青海云杉林地土壤水分特征研究

    Soil water characteristics in Picea crassifolia forestry lands in Qilian Mountains