
tǔ rǎnɡ wū rǎn
  • soil pollution
  1. 采用EC-386微型电子计算机,以AUTOCAD图形软件包,建立农业土壤污染数据信息图形化处理系统。

    This paper details a method of creating data base management system with graphic programming by Auto CAD software package in agricultural soil pollution on EC-386 microcomputer .

  2. 该平台成功应用于农业病虫害和农业土壤污染数据分析,从而验证了基于Web的农业数据挖掘平台的原理框架的有效性,以及责任链式结构的灵活性和可扩展性。

    The platform is successfully applied in data analysis as plant diseases and insect pests as well as agricultural soil pollution , so to verify not only effectiveness of theoretic framework for Web-based agricultural data mining platform , but also flexibility and scalability of Responsibility Chain Pattern .

  3. 土壤污染修复工程技术装备初探

    A Primary Probe into Technical Outfit for Restoring Soil Contamination Projects

  4. 农业用地土壤污染防治立法的初探

    Probe to the Legislation of Soil Pollution Control of Agricultural Land

  5. 根际环境与土壤污染的植物修复研究进展

    Progress in the research of rhizosphere and phytoremediation of contaminated soils

  6. 动物生物标志物在土壤污染生态学研究中的应用

    Application of terrestrial invertebrates biomarkers in soil pollution ecology study

  7. 论土壤污染与有机农业土壤保护的生态学原理

    Ecological Principle of Soil Pollution and Organic Agricultural Soil Protection

  8. 土壤污染评价三维可视化系统开发研究

    Study on the Development of 3D Visualization System for Soil Pollution Assessment

  9. 关于耕地土壤污染调查与评价的若干问题探讨

    Some Problems in Current Cultivated Soil Pollution Survey and Assessment in China

  10. 用彗星试验检测土壤污染对蚯蚓活体基因损伤

    Detection of genotoxicity of soil pollution to earthworm invivo exposure by comet assay

  11. 国内土壤污染研究状况

    The Present Situation of Domestic Research of Soil Pollution

  12. 汽车尾气中气载铅对行道树及沿亍土壤污染的研究

    The pollution of roadside trees and soil by LEAD-CARRYING gas from automobile exhaust

  13. 吸附丝法追踪非极性化合物的土壤污染

    Tracing to Contamination of Nonpolar Compounds in the Soil With the Adsorption Wires

  14. 城市地区土壤污染优化分类

    Optimum Classification of Environmental Pollution in Urban Area

  15. 矿区土壤污染与修复

    Soil Contamination and Remediation in the Diggings Area

  16. 应用地球化学工程学修复水、气、土壤污染的研究进展

    Study advancing of using geochemical engineering to remedy water , air and soil pollution

  17. 所以,城市土壤污染问题已经引起人们的高度重视。

    Therefore , people has paid highly attention to the problem of urban soil contamination .

  18. 原沈阳冶炼厂主厂区土壤污染现状评价及污染治理措施

    Assessment on Existent Soil Polluted Status of Original Shenyang Smelting Plant and Pollution Treating Measure

  19. 土壤污染及治理措施

    Soil pollution and its controlling technologies

  20. 土壤污染调查与评价是土壤环境研究和管理的重要内容,一直受到各国政府及相关部门的关注。

    Soil pollution monitoring and risk assessment are very important in soil environmental protection and management .

  21. 聚类分析结果为菜豆、番茄和青花菜的土壤污染较严重。

    The cluster analysis showed the pollution of soil of Pea , Tomato and Cauliflower were serious .

  22. 土壤污染的植物修复

    Phytoremediation of Contaminated Soil

  23. 磁化率及光谱方法对成都经济区土壤污染指示性的研究

    The Study of Magnetic Susceptibility and Spectral Reflectance as the Indication of Polluted Soil in Chengdu Economic Region

  24. 矿产与粮食复合主产区土壤污染的生物修复与生态重建对策

    Strategies of Bioremediation and Ecological Reconstruction on Contaminated Soils in the Overlapped Areas between Mining Industries and Food Production

  25. 提出工厂污染防治建议,制定土壤污染治理标准。

    The measure of contamination protection and treatment were proposed and treatment levels of the contaminated soil were developed .

  26. 随着农用薄膜用量的不断增加,农用薄膜的土壤污染问题也日益突出。

    With the increasing use of the agricultural plastic film , the pollution it brings is also becoming serious .

  27. 首先,文章介绍了土壤污染的概念、特征以及土壤污染的主要类型。

    First , the article introduces the concept of soil pollution , characteristics , and the main types of soil pollution .

  28. 许多房地产项目都是在工业企业原址上进行开发建设,可能存在不同程度的土壤污染。

    Many real estate items were exploited on former industrial enterprise land , It might have potential soil pollution in some degree .

  29. 生物修复在这类污染中恰恰有着不可替代的优势,将成为土壤污染治理的潮流产业。

    Bioremediation in this kind of pollution play an irreplaceable advantage , it is will become the trend of soil pollution control .

  30. 近年来,土壤污染问题日趋加重,污染物随着食物链传递给生物体,给生物体带来了严重的危害。

    Recently , soil pollution has become the most serious problem , and pollutants bring a great harm to organism by entering food chain .