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  • Titan
  1. 或者土卫六只是个坑坑疤疤的冰冷卫星?

    Or is Titan simply an icy satellite pocked with craters ?

  2. 科学家一直猜想土卫六上存在着由液态甲烷构成的海洋。

    Scientists have long conjectured that oceans of liquid methane exist on Titan .

  3. 用RBF计算了太阳系中木星、土星、天王星、海王星和土卫六的大气密度随高度的分布。

    The atmospheric number density distributions of Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus , Neptune and Titan upon height are evaluated in this paper .

  4. 在土卫六上,甲烷可以形成云甚至降雨。

    On Titan , methane forms clouds and maybe even rain .

  5. 我们在研究的另一个卫星是土卫六。

    Another moon that we 're looking at is Titan .

  6. 一架三英寸的折射望远镜就能看到极好的景象,还可以看出土卫六。

    A three-inch refractor will give an excellent view as well as showing Titan .

  7. 土卫六是土星的一个非常大的卫星。

    Titan is a huge moon of Saturn .

  8. 土卫六表面是否覆盖了液态的碳氢化合物?

    Is it covered with liquid hydrocarbons ?

  9. 由于土卫六是最大的卫星,因此我们对它特别感兴趣。

    Because Titan is Saturn 's largest moon , it held special interest for us .

  10. 天文学家无法断定土卫六的大气层中是否含有生命存在的必要元素。

    Astronomers were not sure if Titan 's atmosphere contained the elements necessary for life .

  11. 太阳系八大行星中,土星至太阳距离第六,而土卫六是土星最大的卫星。

    Titan is the largest moon of Saturn , the sixth planet from our Sun .

  12. 甲烷和乙烷是否共存于土卫六表面的湖泊或海洋中?

    Are methane and ethane mixed together in hydrocarbon lakes or seas on Titan 's surface ?

  13. 旅行者1号发回的其它信息表明,土卫六的大气中的气体主要是氮气。

    Other information sent back by Voyager One showed that Titan 's atmosphere is mainly nitrogen .

  14. 以及在土卫六的甲烷湖里,天体生物学家正在寻找外星生命的线索。

    and within the methane lakes of Titan , astrobiologists are on the hunt for extraterrestrial life .

  15. 从重型建造增强尼龙覆盖的土卫六分期间提供运输和储存额外的保护。

    Constructed from heavy duty reinforced nylon the Titan SUB covers provide extra protection during transportation and storage .

  16. 本文将通过一个简单的模型来模拟在土卫六外逸层中产生的离子轨迹。

    In this paper the trajectories of ions born in Titan 's exosphere are simulated through a simple model .

  17. 艺术家的创想变成了现实,当一个着陆装置降落在土星的巨大的卫星泰坦(土卫六)上。它降落在土卫六的表面。

    This artist 's impression turned into reality when a parachute landed on Titan , Saturn 's giant moon .

  18. 今年12月25日,卡西尼号将释放惠更斯号探测器,让它航向土卫六,历时三周。

    On December 25 Cassini will release the Huygens probe , which will coast toward Titan for three weeks .

  19. 它的云层凝结做成降雨,落到土卫六的表面上,形成充满液态甲烷的湖泊和海洋。

    Its clouds condense and rain onto Titan 's surface , sustaining lakes and seas full of liquid methane .

  20. 结果,土卫六发生了收缩,冰冷的外壳发生凹陷、起皱,犹如一个巨大的西梅干。

    As a result , Titan contracted and the overlying icy crust sagged and wrinkled up like a giant prune .

  21. 发射能穿透土卫六大气的无线电讯号,将可揭示温度如何随纬度及高度变化。

    Radio signals beamed through the moon 's atmosphere will reveal how much the temperature varies by latitude and altitude .

  22. 那里水的代替物是另一种溶剂,可以是甲烷,那个地方就可以是土卫六。

    where the substitute of water is another solvent -- and it could be methane , it could be Titan .

  23. 卡西尼号在研究土星的同时,还探索了可能存在外星生命的土卫六和土卫二。

    While it studied the planet , Cassini explored moons - Titan and Enceladus - that could be home to extraterrestrial life .

  24. 以土星最大的卫星土卫六为例,它有厚厚的氮气层,含有甲烷和许多其它有机分子。

    Take Titan , Saturn 's largest moon , which has a thick nitrogen atmosphere containing methane and many other organic molecules .

  25. 土星的两个最大的月亮在天空中拥抱在了一起。土卫六的浓雾在土卫五的左边发着亮光。

    Saturn 's two largest moons meet in the sky in a rare embrace . Smog-enshrouded Titan glows to the left of airless Rhea .

  26. 在土星诸多的卫星中,和那充满碳氢化合物的兄弟土卫六不同,土卫二作为又一颗可能存在液态水的星球,引得整个天文界对它众说纷纭。

    Enceladus , another of Saturn 's many moons , has the astronomy world abuzz with its potential to hold water , unlike its hydrocarbon-rich sister .

  27. 冬去春来,卡西尼号搜索太空船最近拍到了土卫六北极的地貌图,其中充满了湖泊。

    With spring emerging and winter clouds retreating , the Cassini probe was recently able to get some great snapshots of the lakes littering Titan 's north pole topography .

  28. 当卡西尼继续侦察土卫六时,科学队继续改进它的拍照能力,在于未加工的图象。

    As Cassini continues its reconnoitering flybys of Titan , the imaging science team continues to improve its ability to tease out surface details hidden in the unprocessed images .

  29. 比利时皇家天文台的研究人员表示,卡西尼探测器的最新引力数据表明,和土卫六以及土卫二一样,土卫四的表面之下也有一个巨大海洋。

    Using gravity data from the Cassini probe , researchers at the Royal Observatory of Belgium say Dione joins Titan and Enceladus as Saturn moons likely having subsurface oceans .

  30. 由卡西尼号飞船携带的探测器惠更斯将在土星的最大卫星土卫六的表面着陆。

    The probe " Huygens " carried on the " Cassini " spacecraft will land on the surface of Saturn 's satellite Titan , the largest of all Saturn 's moons .