
  • 网络certain event;event;Sure event;necessary event
  1. 通过构建适当的概率问题,利用必然事件的概率为1得到恒等式,这样也就完成了对恒等式的证明。

    The paper argues that identity can be proved by from appropriate probabicity problems , and identity can be obtained by making use of the fact that the probabicity of certain event is1 .

  2. 必然事件迫使我们延长了我们的旅程。

    Certain events have compelled us to extend our travels .

  3. 几率为1表示必然事件。

    A probability of 1 represents certainty .

  4. 火灾对建筑是偶然事件,对城市则是必然事件。

    Fire is an accident to a building , while it is a necessity to a city .

  5. 随着市场内部风险不断累积,爆发系统性危机也就成为必然的事件。

    Internal risk as the market continue to accumulate , the outbreak of a systemic crisis has become an inevitable event .

  6. 我们希望对必然的冲突事件采用民事程序。

    We had to expect inevitable clashes with civilian processes .

  7. 所以当我得知最近几起必然发生的事件时

    So when I was tipped off about the inevitability of recent events ,

  8. 在这种理论中,瘟疫作为一种必然性的事件,其作用被淡化。

    By this theory , the effect of pestilence is neglected and the Black Death is recognized as a kind of Necessary event .

  9. 并不是因为这是历史的必然进程,历史事件是由人类的选择推动的。

    Not because history runs on the wheels of inevitability ; it is human choices that move events .

  10. 废止科举是19世纪末20世纪初东西方文明冲突的必然结果和典型事件,实际上科举是废于时而不是废于制。

    Around the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century , the abolition of IES was an inevitable result and a typical case of the conflict of Eastern and Western civilizations .