
  • 网络Inevitability;Inevitable;necessity;certainty;naturalness;logical necessity
必然性 [bì rán xìng]
  • [certainty;inevitability;necessity] 指由事物本质决定的事物发展变化的必定趋势

  1. 首先从介绍可扩展置标识语言XML的基本特点开始,详细讨论了HTML语言和XML语言的差异及XML语言取代HTML语言的必然性;

    From introducing the basic character of Extensible Markup Language ( XML ), the artcle discussed in detail the difference between the HTML and the XML , the necessity to replace the HTML by the XML .

  2. 本文对引入ASON的必然性进行了充分的论述,并对比传统光网络,得出了引入ASON是完全可行的结论。

    This thesis analyzes the necessity of ASON implementation , compares it to conventional optical network , and concludes that ASON is completely feasible .

  3. 从客观事实出发,论证Internet已经成为大众学习媒体。通过对现象的分析和综合,说明Internet学习媒体存在的客观性和必然性。

    By analyzing and synthesizing the present phenomena , the article explains the objectivity and inevitability of Internet as a mass learning media .

  4. 提出了中医药信息服务的发展对策,即加入WTO后加强中医药信息研究的必然性;

    Increasing the research and development of TCM information , therefore , has become an important task in TCM information service .

  5. 基于供应链上的各种对象与GIS的关系,指出了物流技术与空间信息技术融合成物流空间信息技术的必然性;

    The paper firstly points out the inevitability of integrating logistics delivery technique with spatial information technique into logistics spatial technique based on the relationships of elements of supply chain between GIS .

  6. 从地理信息科学的基本特征入手,深入研究了地理信息系统向语义方向发展、向移动GIS和语义GIS服务方向发展的必然性,剖析了其现状、相关支撑技术以及当前所面临的问题。

    In-depth analysis of geographic information science is investigated according to its essential characteristic , and come to a conclusion that geographic information system inevitably goes to the semantic GIS , mobile GIS and semantic GIS service directions .

  7. 介绍了CRM中引入数据仓库的必然性及数据仓库在CRM中的应用,并设计了CRM中的数据仓库模型和体系结构。

    The writer introduces the necessity of data warehouse in the CRM and the application of data warehouse in the CRM , and design the data warehouse model and system structure of CRM .

  8. 从介绍移动IP技术的概念入手,阐述了移动IP技术发展的客观必然性,讨论了3G时代移动IP技术的应用前景和不足之处。

    Starting from the concept of the mobile IP technique , this paper expounds the objective necessity of developing the mobile IP technique , and discusses on the application prospect and the shortages of the mobile IP technique in 3G times .

  9. 本文在对两者比较分析的基础上,提出了两者集成的可行性和必然性,对MRPⅡ/JIT集成模式作了进一步的探讨。

    Based on the analysis of them , the possibility and inevitability of their integration was put forward , and the further discussion on MRP ⅱ / JIT was made in this paper .

  10. 本文首先介绍了事务在传统数据库中的处理技术及其故障恢复和并发控制理论,其次,分析和探讨了XML技术在描述、存储非结构化信息方面的优势及其与非结构化信息相结合的必然性。

    Firstly , this thesis introduces the transaction processing techniques , recovery and concurrency control theory . Then , it analyzes the advantages of the XML techniques in describing and storing unstructured information , and discusses the inevitability that the XML techniques combined with the unstructured information .

  11. 最后通过对影响岩石视在断裂韧度因素的讨论,论证了水力压裂法确定的岩石视在K(1c)值大大地大于标准3点弯曲实验值的必然性。

    The discussion on the factors affecting apparent toughness indicates the inevitability that the apparent fracture toughness of rock measured by hydraulic fracture experimental data is significantly higher than that measured by the standard three-point bending method .

  12. 以中国纺织大学信息管理研究所的系统开发流程重建作为高校科研模式改革的典范,系统阐述了其引入BPR重建的全过程,分析了原流程的系统结构,指出引用BPR重建流程的必然性。

    As a model of reforming the out-dated style of scientific research in university , this paper focuses on the remodeling of the system developing process in information management institute of China Textile University . Analyzing the system structure of original process .

  13. 其次,通过分析MCAS理论促进区域物流实现良性循环发展的过程,探讨了将这两者相结合进行研究的理论与操作实践可行性和必然性。

    Secondly , through analyzing MCAS theory affect the healthy developing process of regional logistics development , explore the feasibility and necessarily of applying MCAS theory to regional logistics planning technology .

  14. 并以基于WAA算子的决策为例在数学上推导了决策矩阵规范化致使无关方案独立性的违背以及逆序的产生的必然性,最后用具体的数例验证了这一结论。

    And take the WAA operator as an ( example ) to deduce in theory that violation of the independence is inevitability only if the normalizing formulae are utilized ; and validate the conclusion using specific data at last .

  15. 用事实来说明中日关系向良性发展的必然性。

    Factual statement to describes the development of China-Japan relations necessity .

  16. 论译者在文学翻译中主体作用的必然性

    On the Necessity of Translators ' Subject Role in Literary Translation

  17. 明确了女子以血为本理论产生是具有历史必然性的。

    The production of women with blood-based is a historical inevitability .

  18. 最后阐明了从信息管理走向知识管理的必然性。

    Finally expounds the necessity from information management to knowledge management .

  19. 因此,同居相为隐这一古代刑法原则的形成与确立有其历史必然性。

    So the principle is destined to generate and establish .

  20. 第二部分是人性化原则的必然性。

    The second component is " the Human Principle ' Inevitability " .

  21. 它的存在有它的历史必然性和合理性。

    Its existence had its own historical certainty and reasons .

  22. 中国形成了以国有银行主导的金融体系具有其历史必然性。

    That China developed state-owned bank-dominated financial system has its history inevitability .

  23. 这一社会转型既是历史的必然性,又具有价值的合理性。

    The society revolution features history inevitability as well as value rationality .

  24. 语义的缠绕和词汇体系的必然性

    The Winding of Meaning and the Inevitability of the System of Vocabulary

  25. 走中国特色城市化道路的历史必然性

    The historical necessity of taking the urbanization road with distinct Chinese characteristics

  26. 对分析化学教学改革的必然性、教学改革的成效及存在的问题进行了探讨,并提出了自己的看法。

    To discuss the inevitability and effectiveness of analytical chemistry teaching reformation .

  27. 阐述了信息教育课产生的必然性及其意义。

    The paper sets forth the inevitability and meaning of information instruction lesson .

  28. 论图腾产生的必然性与图腾个体选择的或然性

    On the Inevitability of Totem Origin and the Probability of Totem Individual Choices

  29. 我国金融混业经营必然性的制度分析

    The Institutional Analysis of the Necessity for Mixed Operation in the Chinese Finance

  30. 各具特色的社会主义建设充满活力。这些都显示了社会主义取代资本主义的历史必然性与合理性。

    These all indicate the inevitable trend and rationality of socialism replacing capitalism .