
  • Pizza Hut
  1. 拥有塔可钟和必胜客的百胜餐饮集团的旗下品牌肯德基已经推出了一款售价约5美元的鸡肉三明治。

    RFC , a division of Yum ! Brands , which also owns Taco Bell and Pizza Hut , has launched a chicken sandwich that costs around $ 5 .

  2. 他曾在密苏里大学(universityofmissouri)读新闻,在广告业工作过10年,1986年,他得到了一份在必胜客的营销工作。

    He studied journalism at the University of Missouri and worked in advertising for a decade before taking a marketing job at Pizza Hut in 1986 .

  3. 披萨连锁店必胜客(PizzaHut)的销售额需要再加点料了。

    Pizzeria chain Pizza Hut 's sales could use a few more toppings .

  4. 麦当劳、肯德基、必胜客(PizzaHut)和其他从福喜工厂采购食物的美国品牌,一直在中国宣称执行更高的标准。

    McDonald 's , KFC , Pizza Hut and other American brands sourcing from the OSI plant held themselves to higher standards in China .

  5. 当在facebook上收到一张假冒必胜客香水的积极反馈照片之后,加拿大的必胜客停止了110瓶的必胜客比萨饼香味的香水的制作。

    Pizza Hut Canada ended up making 110 bottles of Eau de Pizza Hut pizza-scented perfume after a photo of a fake Pizza Hut perfume on Facebook received positive feedback .

  6. 位于肯塔基州的百盛餐饮集团(Yum)才是中国快餐业的老大,旗下品牌包括肯德基、必胜客(PizzaHut),甚至连小肥羊(LittleSheep)火锅连锁店也被它收入了帐下。

    Kentucky-based Yum brands is the big kahuna of fast food in China , with the KFC , Pizza Hut , and Little Sheep hotpot chain under its umbrella .

  7. 亚洲的必胜客(PizzaHut)门店将有望在今年试用Pepper接受一些顾客的订单并处理银行卡支付。

    Outlets of Pizza Hut in Asia will use the robot to take some customer orders and process card payments in a trial expected to take place this year .

  8. Reuters拥有肯德基(KFC)、必胜客(PizzaHut)和塔可钟(TacoBell)的百胜餐饮认为,中国经济趋弱是该公司同店销售额增速下滑的原因之一。

    The company , which owns KFC , Pizza Hut and Taco Bell , blamed the decline , in part , on the softening Chinese economy .

  9. 硬逼着孩子去必胜客(pizzahut)打工,或是改变自己的活法、省出更多时间陪伴他们,或许能灌输一种更好的职业道德也许不会。

    Forcing them to work at Pizza Hut or changing your life to spend more time with them might instil a greater work ethic or it might not .

  10. 1997年,百胜脱离百事(pepsico),当时诺瓦克正在管理肯德基和必胜客的美国业务。

    Yum was spun off from PepsiCo in 1997 , when Mr Novak was running KFC and pizza hut in the US .

  11. 百胜表示,旗下品牌肯德基(KFC)和必胜客(PizzaHut)最初也发生了销售额下降的情况。它补充称,如果这种下滑持续下去,可能对全年每股盈利(EPS)造成实质性影响。

    Yum said its brands KFC and Pizza Hut also saw sales drop initially , adding that if the decline persists it could have a material effect on full-year earnings per share .

  12. 该公司表示,奶酪消费目前还不到中国乳制品市场的4%,但它将随着必胜客(PizzaHut)和麦当劳(McDonald's)等快餐连锁店的扩张而增长。

    It says cheese consumption , currently less than 4 per cent of the country 's dairy market , will rise alongside the expansion of fast food chains such as Pizza Hut and McDonald 's.

  13. 百胜表示,旗下品牌肯德基(KFC)和必胜客(PizzaHut)最初也发生了销售额下降的情况。它补充称,如果这种下滑持续下去,可能对全年每股盈利(EPS)造成“实质性影响”。

    Yum said its brands KFC and Pizza Hut also saw sales drop initially , adding that if the decline persists it could have a " material effect " on full-year earnings per share .

  14. Novak称,肯德基一直给在该公司在美国的业绩表现拉后退,而姊妹品牌必胜客和塔克贝尔渡过了很好的一年。

    Novak said KFC had been a drag on the company 's U.S.performance while sister brands Pizza Hut and Taco Bell had a good year .

  15. 这位1976年揣着200美元来到达拉斯、后来当过必胜客(PizzaHut)总裁的达拉斯市长正在小憩,暂时把他的日常活动宣传达拉斯放在了一边。

    The man who came to Dallas in 1976 with $ 200 in his pocket and made it to president of Pizza Hut was taking the briefest break from his usual activity : plugging Dallas .

  16. 麦当劳和美国同行百胜餐饮集团(YumBrandsInc),[旗下拥有肯德基(KFC)、必胜客(PizzaHut)、塔可钟(TacoBell)等]均立即采取措施,撇清与该供应商的关系。

    McDonald 's and U.S. - based peer Yum Brands Inc , which is the parent of KFC , Pizza Hut and Taco Bell , both immediately sought to distance themselves from the supplier .

  17. 经营着肯德基、必胜客(pizzahut)和塔可钟(tacobell)的百胜,正继续努力成为中国主要的外国餐厅连锁店,同时试图让步履维艰的美国业务复苏。

    Yum , which operates KFC , Pizza Hut and Taco Bell , is continuing its push to be the dominant foreign restaurant chain in China while trying to revive a struggling business in the US .

  18. 百胜餐饮集团是百事可乐公司(PepsiCo)1997年分拆餐馆业务后成立的餐饮企业,旗下有肯德基、必胜客和塔可钟(TacoBell)等品牌,诺瓦克从公司成立之初就开始担任首席执行官。

    Yum ( Yum ) is the restaurant business spun off from PepsiCo ( PEP ) in 1997 , comprising KFC , pizza hut , and Taco Bell , and Novak has run it from the beginning .

  19. 他指出,必胜客、星巴克与哈根达斯(hagen-dazs)堪称外国品牌如何在华取得成功的典范。

    He points to pizza hut , Starbucks and Hagen-Dazs as the gold standard for foreign brand success in China .

  20. 与此同时,其它餐饮连锁店也开始插足必胜客的领地:12月,契普多墨西哥连锁快餐店(ChipotleMexicanGrill)入股了一家小型快餐连锁店PizzeriaLocale,现在正在建设分店。

    Meanwhile , other restaurant chains are muscling in on Pizza Hut 's turf : In December , Chipotle Mexican Grill CMG - 1.17 % took a stake in a small chain called Pizzeria Locale , and is adding new outlets .

  21. 必胜客母公司百胜餐饮集团(YumBrands)周三公布消息称,据ConsensusMetrix数据显示,营业一年以上的必胜客连锁店第二个季度销售额的跌幅达到了3%,分析师原本预计销售额能有0.1%的小幅增长,但结果却让人大跌眼镜。

    Parent company Yum Brands YUM - 0.57 % said on Wednesday that sales at Pizza Hut stores open at least a year fell 3 % in the second quarter , an unexpected drop as analysts were anticipating a small 0.1 % increase , according to Consensus Metrix ,

  22. 在美国,深受肉食者喜爱的必胜客大号铁盘披萨每块卡路里含量和热量令人瞠目结舌,即每块含450卡和26g脂肪——每份披萨就是3600卡和208g脂肪。

    In the US , the Pizza Hut meat lover large pan pizza contains a jaw-dropping 450 calories and 26g fat per slice - that 's 3600 calories and 208g fat per pizza .

  23. 今天晚上我请你吃必胜客,怎么样?

    I treat you to eat Pizza Hut tonight , OK ?

  24. 路线:东直门外大街,必胜客后面,靠近澳大利亚使馆。

    Route : Dongzhimen-behind Pizza Hut , near the Australian Embassy .

  25. 那我们是去必胜客餐厅还是去比萨意大利餐厅?

    OK , shall we go to pizza hut or pizza Italia ?

  26. 这就是全球第一家必胜客餐厅。

    This is the world 's first Pizza Hut restaurant .

  27. 不过,必胜客出现大于预期的滑坡。

    Pizza Hut , however , recorded a bigger than expected drop .

  28. 我更愿意去必胜客餐厅。

    I 'd prefer to go to Pizza Hut .

  29. 我问服务员,这是必胜客的新政策吗?

    I asked the cashier whether this was a new Pizza Hut policy .

  30. 好的,那你们准备在必胜客干什么呢?

    Well , what are you going to do in the Pizza Hut ?