
  1. Gilles的文字发布以后,GoFundMe上发起了一个为Gutierrez众筹的活动。截止发稿时,筹款已超过40000美元。

    Shortly after Gilles ' post went up , a GoFundMe was established for Gutierrez , and as of this writing , it had racked up more than $ 40000 .

  2. 今年,世界自然基金会还发起了众筹平台平台“蓝色地球小时”(EarthHourBlue)行动,该平台旨在为全球的环保项目募资。

    This year the World Wide Fund for Nature also launched Earth Hour Blue , a crowdfunding platform aimed at raising money for environmental projects around the globe .

  3. (财富中文网)本文作者莱恩o费特是SeedInvest公司的CEO和联合创始人,SeedInvest是纽约的一家连接投资人和创业公司的私募众筹平台。

    Ryan Feit is CEO and co-founder of SeedInvest , a New York City-based equity crowdfunding platform that connects investors with startups .

  4. 由于小批量运输成本过高,OneEarthDesigns便通过Kickstarter众筹活动筹集了资金,装了3个集装箱,将货物送往了不同的配送中心。

    Low-volume shipping costs were prohibitive so One Earth Designs raised funds via a Kickstarter campaign , filled three containers and sent them to different distribution hubs .

  5. 问及一旦美国证券交易委员会(SEC)设定相关规则之后,这个网站是否会向股权众筹融资扩展时,赞克没有明确表态。

    When asked if the site would expand to equity-based crowdfunding once the SEC sets such rules , Zanker was noncommittal .

  6. 这是众筹平台的一个项目,让IDA重建一座新的儿童医院,

    It was a global crowdfunding campaign to enable IDA to rebuild a whole new children 's hospital ,

  7. 但在Kickstarter网站上发起的众筹项目未能达到4.5万美元的目标,《滚石》(RollingStone)杂志报道了此事,为他带来了一些新的捐助,但最后还是没有筹到足够的钱。

    But a Kickstarter campaign fell far short of the $ 45000 goal , even after an article in Rolling Stone brought in fresh donations .

  8. 要知道,股权型众筹不同于Kickstarter。

    Remember , equity-based crowdfunding is different than KickStarter .

  9. 比如道奇(Dodge)和现代汽车(Hyundai)就推出了“众筹”项目,旨在帮购车人从亲戚朋友那里筹集资金来支付首付。

    Dodge and Hyundai have launched crowdfunding programs geared to help buyers round up contributions from friends and family toward down payments .

  10. 为了从原型设计阶段转向生产阶段,格拉塞求助于众筹网站Kickstarter。

    To move from prototype to production , Grassell turned to the crowdfunding site Kickstarter .

  11. 如Kickstarter等众筹服务商也鼓励有抱负的设计承办人为其项目寻求支持。

    Crowdfunding services like Kickstarter also enable aspiring design entrepreneurs to find support for their projects .

  12. 去年11月,阿里巴巴与华谊兄弟达成一项协议,为其提供制片资金、并允许通过其众筹网站娱乐宝(YuleBao)进行投资。

    Last November Alibaba struck a deal with that company to fund productions and allow investment through its crowdfunding site , Yule Bao .

  13. Comet手机由加利福尼亚州的普拉桑特·拉杰·乌尔斯设计,他在Indiegogo网站发起了众筹活动,来筹集生产该设备的资金。

    Comet was designed by California-based Prashanth Raj Urs who has launched an Indiegogo campaign to fund production of the device .

  14. 发明此FlexyPaw工具的公司PawChamps正在众筹网站Kickstarter上发起众筹,目标是募集30000镑(约合人民币266262元)的资金。

    Paw Champs , the company behind the gadget , has a Kickstartercrowdfunding campaign aiming to raise 30000 for the Flexy Paw device .

  15. 两人在众筹网站Indiegogo上募集了4万美元,作为起步。

    They raised $ 40000 on the crowdfunding site Indiegogo to get started .

  16. 众筹领域有几个平台,最著名的是Kickstarter和Indiegogo。

    There are several platforms in the crowd funding space , most notably KickStarter and indiegogo .

  17. Volterman公司近日在Indiegogo网站上为这款智能钱包发起了众筹活动。

    Volterman recently started a crowdfunding campaign for the smart wallet , on Indiegogo .

  18. FundAnything在许多方面类似于Kickstarter和Indiegogo这些等现有的众筹融资平台。

    In many ways , fundanything resembles existing crowdfunding platforms like KickStarter and indiegogo .

  19. SmartThings目前总部位于华盛顿特区。2012年9月,该公司先是在一次Kickstarter众筹活动中获得了120万美元,接着又筹集了1550万美元风险投资。

    Washington DC-based SmartThings raised $ 15.5m in venture funding after receiving $ 1.2m from a Kickstarter campaign in September 2012 .

  20. 他们去众筹平台Kickstarter网上,希望筹集到10万美元,制作一些这样的手表来销售。

    they actually went to Kickstarter and they were asking for 100000 dollars to make a few of them to sell .

  21. Kickstarter等大受欢迎的众筹网站目前允许待孵企业通过一个捐赠体系筹集资金。

    Crowdfunding sites like the wildly popular KickStarter currently permit prospective ventures to raise funds through what is essentially a donation system .

  22. 维什诺剪完片子,预算也花光了,于是他在Kickstarter网站上发起了一次运命多舛的众筹。

    By the time Wishnow locked his edit , he was out of cash , so he launched an ill-fated Kickstarter campaign .

  23. 本次IndieGoGo网众筹活动说明悬浮鞋创意特别火爆。

    If the Indiegogo campaign is any indication , the idea of levitating shoes is extremely popular .

  24. 不过,它已经大大促进了众筹的发展,Kickstarter和它的竞争对手Indiegogo等平台则一马当先。

    Nonetheless , it has inspired the growth of crowdfunding , with KickStarter and competitors like indiegogo leading the charge .

  25. 露丝o王认同这种看法。五月份,这位SixFoods公司联合创始人在众筹平台Kickstarter上筹集了7万美元,开始制作Chirps蟋蟀条,她希望这款产品能够在今年秋天进入食品店。

    Rose Wang , co-founder of Six Foods , which in May raised $ 70000 on Kickstarter to make its Chirps cricket chips and hopes to have the product in stores by fall , agrees .

  26. 尽管LPP可能是核能创业公司中唯一一个靠众筹来拉资金的公司,但它也像它的小兄弟们一样,立志要把死气沉沉的核能行业搅得风生水起。

    While LPP might be the only crowdfunded member of the group , it is determined like its young peers to shake up the staid nuclear industry .

  27. 此后,Kickstarter这类众筹网站可以为各种各样的事情筹资,从开设博客到服装设计公司,再到拍摄独立影片,几乎无所不包。

    Since then crowdfunding sites such as kickstarterhave been used to raise money for everything from blogs to clothing design companies and independent films .

  28. 这款别具特色的运动衫现正在众筹平台Kickstarter上面对公众募集资金。该公司的目标是在1月11日前募得3万美元。

    The tricked out sweatshirt is currently listed on Kickstarter , where they company has set a goal of $ 30000 by January 11th .

  29. 这款头盔在众筹平台Indiegogo上筹集了近30万美金,未来可能在实体店销售。

    Morpher has raised almost $ 300000 on Indiegogo and may be available for sale in stores in future .

  30. 从本质上讲,这意味着如果这场众筹活动以失败告终,领投的Timberland公司前CEO杰夫•斯沃茨以及其他几位身份不明的投资者将提供必要的生产资金。

    Essentially this means that lead investor and former timberland CEO Jeff Swartz , along with a handful of other unidentified investors , will provide the necessary funding should the indiegogo campaign fail .