
  1. 企业只能在一家银行的几个分支机构开立一般存款账户。

    The enterprise can be in only a few banks issued a general deposit account .

  2. 定期存款的利怎能怎么会比一般存款利息高出那么多呢?

    T ; How come the rate is so much higher than the regular savings rate ?

  3. 您知道,我们的一般存款利率是按照商业银行所允许的利率定期性的变化。

    As you know , our regular savings rate changes periodically in accordance with the interest earnings rate allowed for commercial banks .

  4. 银行存款账户分为基本存款账户、一般存款账户、临时存款账户和专用存款账户。

    Bank deposit account is divided into the basic deposit account , a general deposit account , temporary deposit account and a special deposit account .

  5. 最近几个月发售的银行大额存单,利率比基准利率高40%。这一利率仍低于一般存款的法定上限,但高于大型银行一般存款的实际存款利率。

    Bank certificates of deposit were sold in recent months at 40 per cent above the benchmark - still below the legal limit for normal deposits but above the rate big banks are actually offering for normal deposits .

  6. 高息外币投资存款助您于汇价窄幅波动时,赚取比一般定期存款更高之利息收益。

    Convertible deposit allows you two weeks to enjoy interest returns higher than normal time deposits when exchange rate fluctuation is low .

  7. 一般情况,存款准备金率的上调会对商业银行信贷规模产生重要的影响。

    In theory , raising the deposit reserve ratio had a significant effect to control the scale of commercial bank credit .

  8. 沃并没有觉得自己更加富有了,因为他的财富比一般的银行存款更具有流动性。

    Ver says he doesn 't feel richer but that his wealth is much more liquid than it would be in a normal bank account .

  9. 沃并没有觉得自己“更加富有了”,因为他的财富“比一般的银行存款更具有流动性。”

    Ver says he doesn 't feel " richer " but that his wealth is " much more liquid than it would be in a normal bank account . "