
  1. 是该国的执政者创造了这一体制。

    It was the country 's rulers who devised this system

  2. 最后,对这一体制的发展作了简单评述。

    Finally , the development of the system is reviewed simply .

  3. 总的看,这一体制运行状况是好的。

    Generally speaking , the operation of the system is good .

  4. 对伊春市政企合一体制下金融生态环境的调查报告

    The Investigation on the Financial Ecology Environment in Yichun City

  5. 这一体制非常容易被滥用。

    The system is wide open to abuse .

  6. 那么,这一体制发生了什么而导致了中国一场真正的社会革命?

    What happened to this system that made in China a genuine social revolution ?

  7. 这一体制有其内在的矛盾性。

    The system has its inherent contradictoriness .

  8. 这一体制鼓励违法的人改造他们的行为,而不只是惩罚他们。

    Instead of simply punishing them , the system encourages offenders to modify their behaviour .

  9. 这一体制建立的突破点是大连北方航运中心的形成和发展。

    The breakthrough point of the system is thedevelopment of Dalian northern center of marine transport .

  10. 特别是大科学的迅速发展正是这一体制优势的具体体现。

    The rapid development of the big science was the positive embodiment of the planned economic system .

  11. 战后50年代美国思想学术界共识的形成,与美国举国冷战体制的建立这一体制因素有着重要的关联。

    The construction of Consensus in American academia during 1950s had great relevance to the establishment of Cold War system .

  12. 在经济发展水平较低的历史阶段,这一体制在加快实现工业化方面曾经发挥了积极的作用。

    At the lower history stage of economic development , the system played an important role in speeding up the industrialization .

  13. 为了维护这一体制,在高宗默许下建立起了以秦桧为主导的专制体制。

    In order to maintain this system , the acquiescence of the Emperor Qin Hui set up a dictatorial regime led .

  14. 在这一体制中,国家通过对政治、经济、文化资源的控制,强制人们合作,农民合作问题实质上变成了国家的一个组织问题。

    In this system , the country forces people to cooperate though the control on politics , economy , and culture resources .

  15. 在这一体制下,消费者、生产者和政府通过价格体系,每天都会做出经济决策。

    In this system , consumers , producers and government make economic decisions on a daily basis , mainly through the price system .

  16. 从主观方面来讲,这一体制形成的主要原因就在于我国选择的重工业优先发展战略。

    From subjective point of view , the main reason for the formation of this system lies in the heavy industry priority development strategy .

  17. 因此,从某种意义上讲,这一体制已经成为诱发当前农村治理困境的一个非常重要的诱因。

    Therefore , this sort of system , in a certain sense , has become an essential factor triggering the crisis in rural governance .

  18. 市场导向型体制的基本特征是金融市场非常发达,大量存在股权广泛分散的开放型公司,公司控制权市场非常活跃,这一体制主要分布在盎格鲁撒克逊国家,如美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚;

    The former exists in Anglo-Saxon countries , such as America , England , etc. , characterized with developed finance market and decentralized capital structure .

  19. 结果就是现有体制的复杂性日益增加,在这一体制下冲突将越来越多,跨国公司面临双重征税并日益受到公众指责。

    The result is a system of ever growing complexity , which will create increasing conflicts and expose multinationals to double taxation and rising public obloquy .

  20. 本文以湖北咸安区高桥镇为例,对咸安区乡镇站所改革的全过程进行重新扫描,并探讨了这一体制变迁的重大意义。

    Taking the example of the departmental reform exercised in Gaoqiao Town of Xian'an Urban District , Hubei Province , this paper probes into the significance of the institutional transformation .

  21. 然后讨论了这一体制的安全性,并进一步论述了这种公钥体制秘密密钥的形式,提出了算法层次上的公钥体制的思想。

    Then the security of the cryptosystem and the forms of the secret-key are analyzed , and finally the idea of Public-key cryptosystem on level of the algorithm is presented .

  22. 但是,在三组要素上,这一体制仍然存在着严重的问题:调控性要素上授权不规范、体制性要素不协调、结构性要素不平衡。

    However , this system has serious issues , for instance , authorization is nonstandard in the adjustment elements , system elements are not matched and structure elements are not balanced .

  23. 这一体制在计划经济时代发挥了重要作用,但是随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和发展,这一体制越来越不能适应时代发展的需要了,走向了改革的边缘。

    It played an important role in the planed economy era , but with the establishment and development of socialist market economy , it can not adapt to the need of the times and should be changed .

  24. 问题在于,这一体制建立后,或因企业的疏通,或由于经济衰退的后果尚不可测,监管者给予企业污染极大的宽容。

    The problem is that when the system was set up , regulators allowed companies overly generous permits to pollute , in part because of lobbying and in part because the effects of the recession were not foreseen .

  25. 我国传统的内输入型的地方政府决策机制本身具有一定的历史性和时代性,随着我国经济社会的转型,这一体制逐渐暴露出其不足和缺陷。

    The traditional local government decision mechanism of our country which belongs to internal born type certainly has historic characteristic . Along with the economic and social transformation of our country , this system exposes its disadvantages gradually .

  26. 在这种体制下,将军与大名之间是御恩和奉公的主从契约关系,维护这一体制和这种主从契约关系最重要的就是加强对大名的统御力。

    Under this system , the relationship between the general and daimio was the master-slaver contract relationship . In order to maintain this relationship , the best measure was to enhance the ruling and controlling power to daimio .

  27. 这一体制有一大优点:它能防止中国石油企业在收购海外资产时相互竞标,因为监管部门通常不会批准两家企业去竞购同一资产。

    That system had one major advantage : it prevented Chinese oil companies from bidding against each other for overseas assets , since the regulator would not usually grant approval for two companies to bid for the same thing .

  28. 这一体制涉及到二个层面的内容:一是从层级治理角度看,市管县体制就是省县间的中间层政府地级市以上级政府的身份对下级地方行政单位县进行管辖。

    This system involves two levels of content : one is on the eyes of level management , city is the middle-level government between province and county , which the city governs the county as a higher authority government .

  29. 随着商业银行市场竞争的日趋激烈和信贷业务的不断发展,这一体制已在许多方面与当前信贷业务发展实际不相适应,改革现有信贷体制十分必要。

    With increasingly fierce market competition among commercial banks and continuous development of credit business , this system has been in many ways incompatible with the current development of credit business practic , reforming the existing credit system is necessary .

  30. 然而,有关这一体制的讨论对于我来说却是索然无味,或者换另一种说法,就是新瓶装旧酒,换汤不换药。

    Much of the discussion around such systems , however , strikes me as pretty thin soup & or , to put it in terms of another food metaphor , appears to be putting some old wine in new bottles .