
It was the country 's rulers who devised this system
Finally , the development of the system is reviewed simply .
Generally speaking , the operation of the system is good .
The Investigation on the Financial Ecology Environment in Yichun City
The system is wide open to abuse .
What happened to this system that made in China a genuine social revolution ?
The system has its inherent contradictoriness .
Instead of simply punishing them , the system encourages offenders to modify their behaviour .
The breakthrough point of the system is thedevelopment of Dalian northern center of marine transport .
The rapid development of the big science was the positive embodiment of the planned economic system .
The construction of Consensus in American academia during 1950s had great relevance to the establishment of Cold War system .
At the lower history stage of economic development , the system played an important role in speeding up the industrialization .
In order to maintain this system , the acquiescence of the Emperor Qin Hui set up a dictatorial regime led .
In this system , the country forces people to cooperate though the control on politics , economy , and culture resources .
In this system , consumers , producers and government make economic decisions on a daily basis , mainly through the price system .
From subjective point of view , the main reason for the formation of this system lies in the heavy industry priority development strategy .
Therefore , this sort of system , in a certain sense , has become an essential factor triggering the crisis in rural governance .
The former exists in Anglo-Saxon countries , such as America , England , etc. , characterized with developed finance market and decentralized capital structure .
The result is a system of ever growing complexity , which will create increasing conflicts and expose multinationals to double taxation and rising public obloquy .
Taking the example of the departmental reform exercised in Gaoqiao Town of Xian'an Urban District , Hubei Province , this paper probes into the significance of the institutional transformation .
Then the security of the cryptosystem and the forms of the secret-key are analyzed , and finally the idea of Public-key cryptosystem on level of the algorithm is presented .
However , this system has serious issues , for instance , authorization is nonstandard in the adjustment elements , system elements are not matched and structure elements are not balanced .
It played an important role in the planed economy era , but with the establishment and development of socialist market economy , it can not adapt to the need of the times and should be changed .
The problem is that when the system was set up , regulators allowed companies overly generous permits to pollute , in part because of lobbying and in part because the effects of the recession were not foreseen .
The traditional local government decision mechanism of our country which belongs to internal born type certainly has historic characteristic . Along with the economic and social transformation of our country , this system exposes its disadvantages gradually .
Under this system , the relationship between the general and daimio was the master-slaver contract relationship . In order to maintain this relationship , the best measure was to enhance the ruling and controlling power to daimio .
That system had one major advantage : it prevented Chinese oil companies from bidding against each other for overseas assets , since the regulator would not usually grant approval for two companies to bid for the same thing .
This system involves two levels of content : one is on the eyes of level management , city is the middle-level government between province and county , which the city governs the county as a higher authority government .
With increasingly fierce market competition among commercial banks and continuous development of credit business , this system has been in many ways incompatible with the current development of credit business practic , reforming the existing credit system is necessary .
Much of the discussion around such systems , however , strikes me as pretty thin soup & or , to put it in terms of another food metaphor , appears to be putting some old wine in new bottles .