
  • 网络general trading;general trade
  1. 属于一般贸易进出口货物的报关;B。

    Of a general trade import and export goods declaration ; B.

  2. 但随着WTO相关规则和CAFTA政策的逐步推进,边境贸易将会逐步丧失其目前在政策上所具有的优势而被一般贸易所替代。

    But with the further implementation of related rules and polices , the border trade will be progressively taken place by general trade due to the lost of policy advantage .

  3. 随后实证检验了产品内贸易进出口、一般贸易进出口与GDP之间的关系,发现产品内贸易出口比一般贸易出口更能促进经济增长。

    Subsequently , it checks up the relationship between intra-product trade , common trade and GDP , and finds that intra-product export trade could stimulate economic growth further than common export trade .

  4. 存放加工贸易、一般贸易进口货物;

    Warehouse for bonded trade and regular import trade cargo ;

  5. 数据交换是一般贸易网的关键部分,如何使用其他系统中的现有数据,从而减少大量的重复录入;

    Data exchange is one of the key point of the MarketPlace network .

  6. 一般贸易进口货物不允许存入保税仓库。

    Other goods and merchandise are not allowed to be stored in bonded warehouses .

  7. 除一般贸易外,来料加工已在我厂各种业务中越来越具有特殊的地位。

    More and more business of this factory are from processing client 's materials .

  8. 之一,饲料加工和作为主要方式一般贸易出口。

    One to feed processing and export of general trade as the main way .

  9. 一般贸易和加工贸易是国际贸易的两种主要方式。

    There are two forms of international trade , including common trade and processing trade .

  10. 加工贸易自改革开放以来在我国得到迅猛发展,现已超过一般贸易成为我国最主要的贸易方式;

    Processing trade is the major trade mode of our country after reform and opening .

  11. 一般贸易逆差明显增加,为459.9亿美元,增长66.5%。

    The deficit of general trade increased significantly by66.5 % to US $ 45.99 billion .

  12. 中国与东盟一般贸易人民币结算难点与对策研究

    Research on the Difficulties and Countermeasures of RMB General Trade Settlement between China and ASEAN

  13. 一般贸易与加工贸易对我国经济增长影响的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on the Influence of Processing Trade and Normal Trade on China 's Economic Growth

  14. 一般贸易与加工贸易同步发展,加工贸易比重略有提高。

    General trade and processing trade developed synchronously , and the processing trade proportion increased slightly .

  15. 一般贸易出口货物;

    Export goods under ordinary trade ;

  16. 《凯利商人、制造商和货运行名录》是一种两卷本的一般贸易指南。

    Kelly 's directory of merchants , manufactures and shippers is a general trades directory in two volumes .

  17. 一般贸易网是铁路物资总公司电子商务系统的重要项目之一。

    The MarketPlace network is one of the most important e-business project of China Railway Materials and SuppliesCorporation .

  18. 技术性贸易壁垒的影响比一般贸易措施更为广泛和深远。

    The impacts of TBTs on international trading are more extensive and profound than the general trade measures .

  19. 我来试试如果是按一般贸易报关,就必须向海关提供销售合同。

    If we apply to customs in commonly way , we have to supply the sales contract to CIQ .

  20. 从一般贸易和加工贸易角度,研究贸易以何种方式和途径影响经济的增长。

    The paper classifies international trade into processing trade and general trade and explains how international trade stimulates economic growth .

  21. 一般贸易进口白银,须报经中国人民银行批准。

    The import of silver under general trade shall be reported to the People 's Bank of China for approval .

  22. 进料贸易加工和一般贸易的融资,在企业经营周期的不同阶段又有所不同。

    Enterprises engaged in imported materials processing and common trade need trade finance in the whole period of their functioning .

  23. 下大力气抓好一般贸易,完善和加强对加工贸易的管理。

    Great efforts should be made to promote general trade and to improve and strengthen the management of processing trade .

  24. 中国货物贸易中一般贸易顺差半数以上是由外资企业来实现的。

    Of the trading goods to the USA more than half is contributed by the foreign invested companies in China .

  25. 一般贸易货物集中申报手续不得跨年度办理。

    The formality of centralized declaration for the goods of general trade may not be gone through beyond the year .

  26. 如果我们期望与发电厂的客户有一个长期的合作,我们不能像做一般贸易一样的买卖煤。

    We cannot buy and sell coal like trader if we want a long term business with the Power Plant customer .

  27. 我们以一般贸易、来料加工等多种贸易方式承接世界各地客商的定单。

    We accept orders from customers from all over the world in various ways , such as common trade , cloth-processing , etc.

  28. 通过对我国1981-2002年的数据进行计量分析,揭示出我国一般贸易出口和加工贸易进口的发展对经济增长作用显著。

    The sampled data from 1981 to 2002 indicates the importance of general exporting trade and manufacturing importing trade in promoting national economy .

  29. 实际测算显示,一般贸易出口每增加1元人民币,会相应带动当年税收增加0.4-0.5元人民币。

    According to our measurement , increasing export by 1 Yuan RMB will increase tax by 0.4 to 0.5 Yuan in one year .

  30. 在贸易形式上,以一般贸易为主,同时根据具体情况进口操作保税业务,出口操作加工贸易。

    2nd , mainly in the general trade , simultaneously operate bonded issues in importing business and operate processing trade in exporting business .