
  • 网络agent;agency;general agent;Commission agent
  1. 代理投票不同于一般的委托代理,代理投票涉及的是特定的投票行为,而非一般代理的交易或财产处分行为,并且在一定程度上导致了股权与投票权的分离。

    Proxy voting is different from the normal agency by agreement . Proxy separates stock right from the voting power to a certain extent .

  2. 需要构建可以在Web中连接到数据源的一般代理。

    You want to build generic agents that can connect to data sources on the Web .

  3. 本文共分六章,具体安排如下:第一章主要是作为家族企业代理理论研究的基础,对一般代理理论进行评述。

    They are as follows : Chapter one mainly sets the foundation for the fundamental research into the family enterprises agency theory with narration on the general agency theory .

  4. 所以我方价格,比其它几家工厂的一般出口代理的要低,且服务又好。

    Therefore , you get lower price and better service than possible through general export agent with only a few factory line .

  5. 第二部分分析了票据代理与一般民事代理的关系,以突出票据代理不同于一般民事代理的特殊性,从而表明了研究票据代理的必要性。

    The second part talks about the differences of agency systems between general civil agency and negotiable instrument agency to show the importance to study negotiable instrument agency .

  6. 政治领域内天然地存在着委托代理关系,它不仅继承了一般委托代理关系的共性,而且还有着自身的特殊性,即委托人地位的特殊性与代理人地位的特殊性。

    In Political realm , there is naturally a principal-agent relation which is not only inherit to common characteristices of the principal-agent relation , but also have some special features .

  7. 最后对改进的方案进行了安全性分析,指出改进的方案满足一般门限代理签名方案的基本性质,并可以有效抵抗已知的攻击。

    At the end we give the cryptanalysis of the improved scheme , point out that our scheme has the basic properties of threshold proxy signature scheme and can resist the known attacks .

  8. 企业价值实现的外部环境日益复杂,其改善运作的范畴要从一般直接代理行为衍生为前瞻性的风险控制管理。

    The outer environment for realizing the enterprise 's value becomes more and more complicated , so the improvement method should be shifted from general acting behavior to risk controlling management with forward thinking .

  9. 第一章从企业委托代理的起源与演变、委托-代理一般理论的代理风险原理两个方面,对企业委托代理的一般理论作一概述。

    Section one viewed the origination and evolvement of consigning-acting enterprise . And section two discussed the principle of deputizing risk .

  10. 在二者的基础上,对于现代供应链中多委托人-单代理人之间的关系,从经济学的角度建立一个一般性共同代理模型,并给出模型解释以及未来可能的研究方向。

    Then it gives out a general common agency model , explanation and future research directions for the multi-principals and one agent issue .

  11. 隐名股东与显名股东之间一般存在着代理关系,在某些情况下可能存在着信托关系,隐名股东与实际控制人存在着较为明显的区别。

    Implicit and explicit shareholder of shareholders ' general agency relationship between exist , in some cases , the trust relationship may exist hidden shareholder and actual control exist obvious differences .

  12. 总的来说,主要存在于一般的民事代理领域以及商事中的董事、监事和高级管理人员对公司、股东的勤勉和忠实义务。

    Generally speaking , commercial back helps is mainly exists in general civil agent , the behaviors of the commercial directors , supervisors and senior managers . These behaviors refer to the diligence and faithful obligations to their company and shareholders .

  13. 本文首次提出了基于单向Hash链的、改进的前向安全代理签名方案,解决了一般前向安全代理签名方案存在的上述问题。

    We proposed an improved forward-secure proxy signature scheme based on the one-way Hash chain for the first time , and addressed the security weakness of ordinary forward-secure proxy signature schemes .

  14. 一般企业的委托代理关系主要涉及股东、董事会和高管人员。

    The principal & agent relationship of general enterprises mainly involves the shareholders , the board of directors and the executives .

  15. 为国内生产企业、贸易商、国外代表处、国内买家及国外买家提供一般贸易进出口代理服务。

    Service definition is providing common trading import and export agent services to domestic manufacturing company , trading partners , foreign agency , domestic and foreign buyers .

  16. 由于家族企业的特殊性,上市家族企业在表面上呈现着与一般上市公司相同的治理结构,但是一般的委托代理理论又难以解释其内部的治理问题。

    As family businesses are unique , the family holding listed companies , on the surface show the same with the general governance structure of listed companies , but the general principal-agent theory also difficult to explain their internal governance issues .