
  • 网络Terminal sales;retail terminal
  1. 后WTO时代如何应对成品油终端销售市场竞争

    How to Face Market Competition of Terminal Sale of Petroleum Product in WTO Age

  2. 移动商务在DN饮料终端销售管理中的应用

    Mobile Business Application on Sales Outlet Management in DN Beverages

  3. 议油品终端销售市场的开拓

    A Discussion on Broadening the Oil Products Final Sale Market

  4. 发展终端销售摆脱经营困境

    Developing Terminal Sales , to Get Rid of Business Straits

  5. 浅谈石油成品油终端销售的创新

    Discussion on die Terminal Sales of Oil Products

  6. 展望未来,家蚕丝宝系列服饰将主攻产品开发与终端销售网络系统。

    Looking ahead , our company will focus on product development and terminal marketing network system .

  7. 除了终端销售,所有的营销都可能是批发环节。

    In addition to the terminal sales , all marketing is likely to be the wholesale segment .

  8. 文章对当前我国石油成品油终端销售市场格局做了简要分析。

    The text analyzes the current market construction and terminal sale situation of petroleum products of China .

  9. 本人在该论文撰写过程中,对现有定制终端销售过程中涉及的系统应用进行重点研究,对于系统流程中涉及的各个环节进行分析。

    During writing this thesis , I emphasized the research in the current selling process of the customized terminals .

  10. 服装终端销售是服装产业链的终端以及实现价值的最后一环。

    Apparel Terminal Sales ( ATS ) is terminal unit of apparel industry chain and the last step of value creation and distribution .

  11. 本研究获得的主要研究结论如下:(一)对快消业终端销售人员胜任力模型进行了构建。

    The main conclusions of this study are as follows : ( A ) Fast eliminating karma terminal sales staff competency model building .

  12. 如果没有适应市场的销售体系和稳定可靠的终端销售网络,没有稳定的产品销售量,就不能保证炼化企业的正常生产,也将直接影响上游油田的稳产、增产。

    If there is not adapted sales system , stable sales network and stable sales number , it can not guarantee regular production .

  13. 把握好终端销售,服装企业及上游厂商的所有经营活动才能真正实现市场价值。

    Therefore , grasping the terminal sale can achieve the real market value of all management for apparel enterprises and their related upstream firms .

  14. 如何把握服饰性格,营造服装店铺的氛围应引起设计师及终端销售部门的高度重视。

    How to grasp the character costumes , creating an atmosphere of clothing stores should attract designers and marketing departments attach great importance to the terminal .

  15. 为提高终端销售市场的占有率,各地石油公司都在进行收购、租赁和联营社会加油站工作。

    In order to increase the market share of retail sales , petroleum companies are continuing to merge , lease and jointly-operate service stations from third parties .

  16. 然后,本文对品牌态度和品牌情感的相关概念、理论进行了论述。在文献基础上,本文建立了终端销售促进对购后品牌情感影响的模型。

    Then , the paper discussed on brand attitude and brand emotions and the related concept . Then , the paper builds the model of the influence of sales promotion on brand emotion .

  17. 时装街及店铺是展示时装发展水平的窗口,是推动时装发展的重要一环,是时装的终端销售和展示场所。

    Because fashion streets and fashion stores show the level of fashion development , they are an important aspect of promoting fashion development , and they are the places of fashion show and fashion sales .

  18. 成品油终端销售将成为我国石油公司与国外石油公司竞争的焦点,而油品成本高低将是决定胜负的关键。

    Terminal marketing of petroleum products will become a focal point of competition between Chinese and foreign oil companies and the cost for petroleum products will be a key factor in deciding their success or failure .

  19. 在他此前担任首席执行官时,布隆伯格几乎只专注于提升终端销售业绩,凭直觉做事,讨厌会议,从来不裁员而且对于开支也不在乎。

    In his previous incarnation as CEO , Bloomberg focused almost single-mindedly on increasing the number of terminals sold , trusted his gut , hated meetings , never laid anyone off , and didn 't worry about spending .

  20. 其中自营渠道包括自建营业厅、合作营业厅和自助受理渠道的改善策略;代理渠道是由卡号销售渠道、终端销售链渠道以及、值业务营销渠道组成的渠道解决方案体系。

    Self-channels includes improving strategies of self-building offices , cooperation offices and self-helping channels ; agent channels are composed by solution systems of card sales channels , end-sales chain channels , value-added marketing channels as well as 3G Deputy channels .

  21. 根据中国石化集团公司终端销售网络建设要求,中国石化股份有限公司上海石油分公司实施了IC卡加油网络结算系统,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。

    According to the requirement ordered by SINOPEC Group for end - sale network construction , SINOPEC Shanghai Petroleum Branch has executed the project " IC Card Oil Service Accounting System " and achieved both excellent social benefit and economic gains .

  22. 服装陈列在我国虽是一门新兴行业,但近几年服装陈列在品牌服装发展中的重要性,正被越来越多的服装企业所认识,并在终端销售中逐渐推广应用。

    Although Clothing display is an emerging industry in China . But in recent years the importance of clothing display in apparel brand development is being more and more recognized by the clothing enterprises , and gradually is applied in the terminal Sales .

  23. 由于通信产品和营销方式的特殊性,经销商之间的竞争已从单纯的产品、市场的竞争转向信息和时间的竞争,经销商只有不断提高企业管理的效率和水平才能在终端销售的竞争中占据优势。

    Because of the particularity of communications products and marketing , competition among dealers has been transformed from products and market competition into information and time competition . Only by constantly improving the efficiency and level of business management can the dealers gain a competitive advantage in terminal sales .

  24. 在市场营销能力方面,特别是终端销售能力和终端管理水平上,国内石油公司与国际石油公司存在明显差距,而国内对加油站市场营销的研究还远未引起重视。

    In the aspect of market sale ability , especially on terminal sale ability and terminal level of management , domestic petroleum companies and international petroleum companies have obvious gap , however domestic research of the market sale of gasoline station is still far to arouse to pay attention to .

  25. 戴尔公司(DellInc.)终端电脑销售副总裁谢尔(KirkSchell)周一说,戴尔也在向新的设备类型拓展,该公司展示了一款可以向后折叠成平板电脑的超薄笔记本电脑。

    Dell Inc. is also expanding into new device forms with a thin laptop that can fold backward into a tablet , the company 's vice president of end computing sales , Kirk Schell , said Monday .

  26. 微型计算机销售点终端卷烟销售与专卖管理计算机网络实时管理系统的开发研究

    Development of Realtime Management System of Computer Network for Cigarette Market and Sale Management

  27. 董德融一直在努力地改变彭博古怪的、由布隆伯格建立起来的企业文化,并在时代不断变化和终端业务销售放缓的情况下创建新业务、控制成本。

    He labored to change Bloomberg 's eccentric , Mike-shaped culture , starting new businesses and reining in costs in the face of changing times and slowing terminal sales .

  28. 因此加强石油销售企业的管理,扩大终端市场销售,依靠管理进步打造强势终端,已成为中油集团提升竞争力的重要手段。

    Therefore , it has been important measure to strengthen Corporation 's competition competence that reinforcing petroleum selling enterprises ' management , widening terminal market , and making better market depend on management .

  29. 基于移动终端技术的销售管理系统的开发与应用研究

    Study on Sales Management System Base on the Technology of Mobile Phone

  30. 微型计算机销售点终端企业一线销售人员授权与其销售绩效关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Empowerment and Sales Performance of Front-line Salespeople in Enterprise