
  • 网络lifelong learning;life-long learning;life long learning;life-long study;life learning
  1. 本文作者贾斯丁o基齐为在线视频教育平台Curious.com的CEO和创始人,该网站致力于推广终生学习。

    Justin Kitch is the CEO and founder ofCurious.com , a marketplace for lifelong learning .

  2. 信息社会同时也是终生学习的社会,这是一个人人学习,处处学习,时时学习.事事学习的社会。

    The information society is also the lifelong learning society .

  3. 人们只有终生学习才能适应这一变化。

    People can only adapt themselves to the changes through life-long learning .

  4. 与时俱进终生学习

    Advance with the times and study all one 's life

  5. 在我们的世界中,我们同为终生学习者。

    We are lifelong learners together in our world .

  6. 了解这方面的知识,对一般的终生学习者而言无疑是很有用的。

    Knowledge of them can certainly be of use to the average lifelong learner .

  7. 这种成功应该能够为他们做更进一步的努力,和投入到终生学习中做出贡献。

    Such success should contribute to the desire to achieve further and to a commitment to lifelong learning .

  8. 强化高校图书馆教育职能迎接知识经济时代终生学习的挑战

    Fulfill the Educational Functions of University Libraries to Meet the Challenge of Life-long Education in the Knowledge-based Economy Era

  9. 为了站到你“游戏”的顶端,你必须树立一个终生学习和研究的信念。

    To stay at the top of your game you will need to commit to a lifelong process of learning and research .

  10. 在这个瞬息万变的信息时代,要赶上社会发展的步伐,终生学习已成为当务之急,必须做好准备,接受新事物。

    To keep up with the changing world , one must be involved in lifelong learning and be ready to accept new things .

  11. 快速发展的现代社会要求人们终生学习,需要人们具备独立、自主、有效的学习能力。

    The rapid changes of the present society demand lifelong learning of people , which calls for the ability to learn independently , autonomously and efficiently .

  12. 它倡导知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观的三维目标,倡导学生终生学习和个人发展所必备的内容。

    It is advocated " knowledge and skills , process and methods , attitudes and values ", advocate the 3d object student lifelong learning and personal development necessary content .

  13. 希望能进一步提高农村地区高中生的地理学习能力,促进他们对地理终生学习意识的发展。

    The author hopes to further improve the high school students ' ability to learn geography in rural areas and promote their development of consciousness to geographic lifelong learning .

  14. 我做终生学习方面的研究,写这方面的文章,愤笔疾言针砭时弊是常有的事。我承认,对此我是爱恨交加。

    I bump up against this world frequently when researching and writing about lifelong learning , and I have to admit a bit of a love-hate relationship with it .

  15. 所以,一个人终生学习,向目标奋进,就会迎来新的挑战,有时甚至是新的恐惧。

    So to take what one learns through life and to press on towards the goals set will one begin to face new , challenging , and sometimes even exciting new fears .

  16. 一方面,时下流行的有关终生学习方面的建议数量不少,却都是陈词滥调,文笔拙劣,照搬起码是数百年前的老观点。

    On the one hand , so much of the advice that gets peddled seems hackneyed , poorly written , and derivative of concepts already established hundreds , if not thousands , of years ago .

  17. 也应该有人提早地教会我们,倾听技巧是终生学习和进步的核心,它与孜孜以求地提高语言能力和沟通技巧既有关联,又相互独立。

    Someone should have taught us that listening skills should be the focus of ongoing , lifetime learning and development , related to but separate from the life-long quest to improve our language and communication skills .

  18. 当代教育强调要把学生培养成知识和信息的积极探寻者和加工者,要培养学生的终生学习能力,教育的终极目标是要教会学生自主学习。

    The contemporary education emphasizes on cultivating students to be the positive seeker and processor who are eager for knowledge and information , and developing their life-long learning capability . The ultimate objective of education is to teach students how to learn independently .

  19. 教育是一种终生的学习。

    Education is a lifetime study .

  20. 总之,我要重申自己的信念,即领导力需要终生不懈的学习。

    To conclude , I will reiterate my belief that leadership is a journey of lifelong learning .

  21. 智能网络教学是服务于终生教育、构建学习型社会的一种重要技术基础,有着巨大的发展潜力和广阔的应用前景。

    Intelligent teaching is an important technique which served for lifetime education and constructing learning society , it has huge develop potential and wide application foreground .