
  1. 第二部分系统分析了黄浦区青年职业见习工作目前的运行情况及所遇到的问题和隐忧。

    The second part of the systematic analysis of the Huangpu District Youth Job Shadow work and the operation of the current problems and worries .

  2. 青年就业问题一直是世界性的难题,近年来,我国政府为解决这一问题出台了许多政策,如:职业见习计划、鼓励青年自主创业等。

    Youth employment has been a worldwide problem . In recent years , in order to solve this problem , our government introduced a number of policies , such as : occupation training program , to encourage youth on starting own businesses and so on .

  3. 去年,他要求每位美国人承诺参加为期至少一年的培训,无论通过“社区大学、四年制大学、职业教育或见习”方式。

    Last year he asked every American to commit to at least one year of training , whether through a " community college or four-year school , vocational training or an apprenticeship " .