
  • 网络Marketing organization;Somo
  1. 结论如下:第一,JG出版社营销组织结构存在严重问题。

    The conclusions are as follows : first , serious structural defects exist in the marketing organization of the Machine Press .

  2. FFI是一家具有15年成功管理组织营销组织市场经验的专业公司。

    The FFI is a furniture to has15 years to manage an empirical professional company of the organization marketing organization market successfully .

  3. 在后部分重点研究了战略执行的策略支持,包括建立市场驱动的营销组织、4C营销组合策略和战略合作伙伴关系策略。

    In the end of thesis , it studies the tactics to support the strategies ' implementation , including establishes market-driven marketing organization , 4C marketing tactics mixes and strategic cooperation relationship tactics .

  4. 其次,对大4S营销组织的研究,目的是为了建立优质高效的营销网络和销售服务终端,进而使得市场营销措施得以集中实施。

    Secondly , building of the big 4S Marketing Organization also is for Building of the high quality and highly effective Marketing Network and the terminal of marketing , and then makes the marketing measure be implemented .

  5. 营销组织与营销控制研究。营销活动与营销决策研究是市场营销学的核心内容,也就是营销学常说的4Ps,即产品策略、渠道策略、定价策略、促销策略。

    The core idea of marketing is marketing activity and marketing decision , which is often mentioned as 4Ps in marketing , that is , product strategy , channel strategy , pricing strategy and promotion strategy .

  6. 加强商业银行市场营销组织建设构想

    The Concept of Construction of Marketing Organization on Chinese Commercial Banks

  7. 这种形式的市场营销组织被称为功能组织。

    This type of marketing department organization is called functional organization .

  8. 企业营销组织的风险模糊评价与预警管理

    A Fuzzy Evaluation and Forewarning Management on the Risk of Enterprise Marketing Organization

  9. 基于可持续发展观的企业营销组织变革研究

    Marketing Organization Reform Based on Concept of Continuous Development

  10. 萧山印染企业营销组织的变革实证研究

    Research on the Change of Marketing Organization of Xiaoshan Printing and Dyeing Enterprise

  11. 企业营销组织预警管理指标体系初探

    Study on Forewarning Management Index Systemof Enterprise Marketing Organization

  12. 关于管理软件厂商多业务线的营销组织模式设计的探讨

    On Designing a Marketing Organization Model for Management Software Developers ' Multi-business Lines

  13. 虚拟营销组织的构建问题研究。

    Research on Virtual Marketing organizational buildup .

  14. 营销组织职能的完整性;

    The integrity of marketing organization function ;

  15. 企业营销组织模式的比较研究

    Comparative Studies on Patterns of Marketing Organizations

  16. 企业需要综合考虑其外部环境和自身成熟度来选择营销组织模式。

    Enterprise should select its marketing organization mode considering the external environments and its own maturity .

  17. 我国高等院校营销组织结构模式探讨

    The Discussion About the Pattern of Marketing Organizational Structure of the Colleges and Universities in China

  18. 促进这种扩张的,是一些州内学校联合体创设的营销组织,其目的就是要向国际学生推销自己。

    Driving that expansion are marketing organizations created by several statewide consortia of schools designed to sell themselves to international students .

  19. 为了应对更加动荡和复杂的竞争环境,企业需要更加灵活、高效以及富有创新的营销组织。

    In order to deal with the more turbulent and complex environment , enterprise needs more flexible , efficient and innovative marketing organization .

  20. 最后,对哈尔滨车站的客运营销组织、客运服务中存在的问题进行了改进,对客运专线形势下,哈尔滨站客运管理现代化进行了初步的探索。

    Improve the Harbin Railway Station marketing organization , change organizational problems , modernize the management of Harbin Railway Station conducted a preliminary exploration .

  21. 第三,根据上述情况,国家应在政策上注意加快农产品市场建设,建立健全农产品营销组织和完善市场正常运行的法律环境,减少政策干预对价格的扭曲和降低交易成本。

    Thirdly , the government should take measures to improve agricultural marketing system , so as to reduce policy-induced price distortion and transaction costs .

  22. 本文首先对该企业的内外部环境进行分析,制订营销组织规划。

    First , this article inside and outside to this enterprise the analysis is made in part environment and carried the marketing and organize the plan .

  23. 从经营主体和经营产品性质出发,深入剖析了一体化经营市场营销组织及销售策略特征;

    From the view of the operators and the products ' characters , it thoroughly analyses the characters of the marketing organization and the marketing strategies .

  24. 营销组织设计的优劣,不仅关系到企业的营销效率、管理成本,而且直接影响到企业的经济效益和进一步发展。

    The designing of marketing organization has a direct impact on the enterprises ' profit and further development as well as marketing effectiveness and management cost .

  25. 再就营销组织结构、营销人力资源管理、营销费用预算、方案实施步骤、营销绩效评价和控制进行了概述;

    The author gave an overview of marketing organization structure , marketing HR management , the marketing budget , and the evaluation and control of marketing achievement .

  26. 现代企业营销组织模式多元化,导致组织模式混乱,令众多企业无所适从。

    Diversify models in modern enterprise marketing organization resulting in the confusion of organizational model , which lead to a number of enterprises feel difficult to find the way .

  27. 从国内市场走向国际市场的企业面临着一系列新的挑战,其中最为重要的是营销组织与管理的适应问题。

    Enterprises , entering international market , are facing a series of new challenges , of which the most important one is the adaptation between marketing organization and management .

  28. 结合理论研究的结果,在分析目前大河纸业集团营销组织体系现状和问题的基础上,确定了大河纸业集团营销组织体系整合的原则、方法和组织架构。

    Combined with theoretical results of the study , the analysis of the current system of river Paper Group marketing organization based on marketing principles , methods and organizational structure .

  29. 接着认真分析顾客需求、产品特点、竞争格局、渠道结构、渠道政策、渠道营销组织等渠道管理问题。

    After that earnestly is analyzing channel management question and so on customer demand , product characteristic , competition pattern , channel structure , channel policy , channel marketing organization .

  30. 因此,商业银行改变经营观念,以顾客需求为出发点,以顾客满意为经营目标,构建自身的营销组织体系已成为必然趋势。

    Therefore , it has become an inevitable trend that Chinese commercial banks changing marketing concept , putting consumer satisfaction into business objectives and building their own organizational system of marketing .