
  1. 多样化有助于营造学习环境。

    Diversity is conducive to the learning environment .

  2. 为了推进高校教育信息化的进程和积极为学生营造数字化学习环境,国内高校纷纷引入以Blackboard平台为代表的数字平台,广泛开展基于网络平台的教学组织与管理工作。

    In order to advance the process of higher education information technology and create a digital learning environment for students positively , domestic colleges and universities have brought in the digital platforms , represented by Blackboard platform , and teaching organization and management have been widely implemented through web-based platform .

  3. 提出对青年教师的培养应给予极大的重视,并将此列入学校的长远计划和发展目标中,采取相应的措施,为青年教师成长创造条件、营造工作学习环境。

    We should take corresponding measures to create condition and build working and studying environment for the growth of the younger teachers .

  4. 通过营造良好学习环境,创设和谐班级氛围,促动学生学会正确定位,初步形成自我认识。

    By creating a good learning environment , the creation of a harmonious atmosphere in the class , students are motivated to learn the correct position , the initial formation of self-awareness .

  5. 四是努力营造良好的学习环境。

    Fourth , help the students to form the good learning environment .

  6. 营造绿色英语学习环境&培养与训练学生学习的策略

    Cultivating a " Green " English Environment & Developing and Training Students ′ awareness of Learning Strategies

  7. 调查问卷反映认知学徒模式具有营造合适的学习环境,激发学生的学习兴趣,加快学生对知识和技能的掌握速度的作用。

    Questionnaires reflected that the cognition apprentice mode helped to shape a learning environment , stimulate students to learn more , and accelerate the speed of mastering knowledge and skills .

  8. 发展电大远程教育不仅需要完善的硬件,还需要完善的学习支持服务系统,营造良好的学习环境。

    The development of TVU distance education needs not only a complete system of hardware , but also a perfect learning support service system to create a good learning environment .

  9. 图书馆也应采取多种措施,积极营造团队学习的环境,使网络环境下的编目工作迈上新的台阶。

    And the library should take various measures to create the environment for the team learning and make the cataloging work under the network environment step onto a new height .

  10. 教师应遵循学生发展规律,精心组织教学内容,激发学生学习动机,传授学习策略,营造和谐的学习环境,以利于学生自主学习。

    Teachers should follow students developing patterns , carefully organize teaching materials , stimulate students ' learning motivation , impart learning tactics and create harmonious learning atmosphere to help them learn autonomously .

  11. 在学习策略上必须实现3个转变,落实主体地位,探究学习方法,养成自主式学习习惯,创设和谐氛围,营造良好的学习环境。

    In learning strategies , it ′ s important to improve students-centered learning , to seek learning methods , to form good habit of autonomic learning and create a harmonious atmosphere for Chinese learning .

  12. 此外还应该在营造有利的学习环境、培训教师转变观念、从实际出发设计学习活动以及灵活运用各种学习方法等方面多做一些有益的工作。

    In addition some beneficial things should be done in building better study environment , training teachers to change ideas , designing study activities in practice and using flexibly every kind of study method , etc.

  13. 随着网络培训的逐渐深入,人们对这种时空分离的学习环境的优势和新鲜感逐渐淡去,随之更加关注网络培训平台为学员营造的学习支持环境。

    With the gradual in-depth training , the advantages and the freshness of the " temporal and spatial separation " learning environments was faded out , yet , trainees paid more attention to the training platform for supporting learning for learners .

  14. 营造良好的英语学习环境,促进学生英语语言技能的形成。

    Making up English teaching and learning atmosphere to speed the forming of the students ' English language skills .

  15. 学生在营造有利于学习的环境方面自主性最低,且在利用社会性环境方面的自主性最差。

    Students have the lowest autonomy in creating an environment conduction , moreover the autonomy of using the social environment is the worst . 4 .

  16. 为应对这种挑战,提出了会计教学必须从根本上改变传统教学模式,更新会计教学观念,确立新的学习和教学观念以及目标,营造丰富多彩的学习环境,促进学生主动学习。

    To face the challenges , traditional accounting teaching mode must be substantially changed , accounting teaching perspectives must be renewed , and new teaching and learning perspectives and objectives must be established to provide rich learning environment and promote active learning .

  17. 探究式教学是建立在建构主义等理论基础上的教学模式,在高职语文教学中实施探究式教学,要落实以学生为中心的教学,引进课题学习的方式,营造开放的语文学习环境等。

    Inquiry teaching is a teaching model based on the theory of constructivism . To implement inquiry teaching in the teaching of Chinese in higher vocational school , teachers should exert student-centered teaching , introduce the mode of theme learning , build open learning environment .

  18. 根据时代的要求,大学生思想政治教育更要重视个体性功能,提高大学生积极情绪体验能力、挖掘大学生身上积极的个人特质、营造大学生积极学习的环境氛围。

    According to the requirements of the times , ideological and political education of college students should pay more attention to individual function , improve students ' positive emotional experience ability , students ' body positive personal qualities , create the students ' positive learning atmosphere .