
zhí wù zuò pǐn
  • work done in the course of employment
  1. 论文介绍主要国际公约关于职务作品著作权制度的相关规定,如《伯尔尼公约》、《世界版权公约》及TRIPS协议关于职务作品著作权的规定。

    This paper introduces mainly the international convention on duty works copyright system of the relevant provisions , such as the Berne convention ", " world copyright convention and the TRIPS agreement the provisions on duty works copyright .

  2. 职务作品与非职务作品的界定

    The Definition of Post Works and Non-post Works

  3. 我国职务作品的著作权归属问题研究

    Research on China Work Duties Copyright Attribution

  4. 因此,关于职务作品著作权制度所存在的问题必须亟待解决。

    Therefore , the problems on Occupational Work in the copyright system to be solved urgently .

  5. 对于职务作品,其著作权归属因单位介入程度不同而不同。

    For the post creation , the ownership of the copyright differs according to the extent of their unit involved .

  6. 加之我国法学界对职务作品著作权利用研究力度不够,法律规定单一,更为权利的滥用留下空间。

    In our country , legal rules are unitary to work of employment and the study of it is not enough .

  7. 两大法系基于不同文化传统和历史渊源对职务作品著作权的保护有所差异。

    Based on different cultural traditions and historical origins , two law systems take different actions to protect work made for hire .

  8. 试论我国著作权职务作品法律制度的完善浅论著作权法中作品独创性的认定及其完善

    On Perfection of Copyright System of Service Works in China ; The Legalization of the Works Originality and Its Improvement in Copyright Law

  9. 根据创作的原因关系,我国的著作权法把作品分为自然人作品、职务作品、委托作品、法人作品和合作作品。

    In this way works are divided into natural person works , duty works , commissioned works , corporate works and the joint works .

  10. 现代民法以物的利用制度为核心,而职务作品著作权的利用制度是这一核心的重要内容。

    The core of modern civil law is the system making use of objects , but the copyrights of work of employment is to be this important content .

  11. 职务作品是指基于有规律支付劳动报酬的劳动法律关系而产生的,并在清晰工作范围内创造的作品。

    Work made for hire is based on the regular payment of salaries arising from Labor-law relationships , and then a clear scope of works created within the work .

  12. 实际上,职务作品著作权利用中权利冲突的根源在于单位优先权的性质认识模糊。

    The origin that in fact , to use the copyright of work of employment is to be hit by right conflict depends on the priority of the Unit .

  13. 《著作权法》同时规定了“法人作品”和“特殊职务作品”及其两者不同的著作权归属规则,导致在实践中难以区分这两类作品。

    Therefore , beginning with relevant regulations of the two law systems , this thesis explores the root causes of above problems and redivide post works and corporate works .

  14. 归属是利用的前提,由于我国立法在职务作品的归属上有别于国外的立法例,导致了利用法律关系趋向复杂化。

    Owning is a prerequisite for making use of the copyrights . Legal relation tends to be made complicated since our country has diffident rules with abroad legislation example on legislation .

  15. 受到计划经济时代行政领导决定一切的思想影响,我国在规定职务作品之外规定了法人作品,想通过双保险的方式来保证单位的利益。

    Being influenced by administrative leadership in planned economy we invented corporate works outside of duty works so as to ensure the interests of the unit by way of double insurance .

  16. 我国《著作权法》第十一条第三款单位作品的规定与第十六条第二款特殊职务作品的规定常发生适用上的混乱。

    There is always confusion in the application of Article 11th Section 3rd about Institutional works and Article 16 th Section 2nd about Duty works in the Copyright Law of China .

  17. 完善我国职务作品著作权制度可以从以下方面着手:首先,职务作品和单位作品冲突的解决。通过对著作权法的修改来实现;其次,在职务作品著作权归属方面。

    As following aspects : first , By perfecting the copyright law , solving the confliction between The Works Made For Hire and unit . ; Secondly , in the copyright ownership .

  18. 然而在我国现行《著作权法》颁布实施之前,职务作品和法人作品的创作活动是很普遍的。

    However , prior to the promulgation and implementation of the current copyright law of the PRC , the creation activity of works made for hire and works of legal entity are universal .

  19. 按照现行法律规定以及相关法理:职务作品分为一般职务作品和特殊职务作品,其著作权各有不同的归属。

    According to the present law and related legal principle : The works for hire classified into general works for hire and special works for hire , and its ownership of copyright is different .

  20. 公民为完成法人或者非法人单位工作任务所创作的作品是职务作品。

    A work created by a citizen in the fulfillment of tasks assigned to him by a legal person or entity without legal personality shall be deemed to be a work created in the course of employment .

  21. 再次,在职务作品某些著作权的规定上与相关司法解释与行政法规(例如《计算机软件保护条例》等)存在冲突,客观上形成了法律漏洞。

    Thirdly , there is a shortage objectively exist in law because there are contradictions between the stipulations of copyright and the judicial interpretations and administrative rules ( such as Regulations for the Protection of Computer Software , etc ) .

  22. 但是由于职务作品的复杂性和特殊性,一些作品虽是作者在履行工作任务的过程中完成的,但是不如一般职务作品那样容易识别,它们常被人们所忽视,继而难以得到法律的保护。

    Because of the complexity and particularity of The Works Made For Hire , the authors in some of those works are not so easy to identify , they often ignored by people , and they are difficult to get legal protection .

  23. (一)主要是利用法人或者非法人单位的物质技术条件创作,并由法人或者非法人单位承担责任的工程设计、产品设计图纸及其说明、计算机软件、地图等职务作品;

    Drawings of engineering designs and product designs and descriptions thereof ; computer software ; maps and other works created in the course of employment mainly with the material and technical resources of the legal person or entity without legal personality and under its responsibility ;

  24. 根据《著作权法》关于作品著作权归属的规定,具体分析了高等学校教材作品著作权的一般归属以及合作作品、职务作品、汇编作品和委托作品等的特定归属。

    In accordance with Copyright Law pertaining to the regulation on the ownership of the copyright of the works , this paper particularly analyzes the common copyrights for college teaching materials as well as the special copyrights of the co-works , duties works , compilation works and custom-made works .