
  • 网络non-store retailing;non-store selling
  1. 本文的第三部分介绍了国外先进的经验,在欧美,无店铺销售早已渗透到每一个行业领域,所以对其研究也相对成熟很多。

    In the US and Europe , non-store retailing has already permeated every industry , thus its research is relatively more mature .

  2. 本文首先介绍了无店铺销售与传统实体店铺的区别,省时、省力、省钱、享受人性化服务,是无店铺销售模式逐渐受到消费者欢迎的主要原因。

    The major reason that the non-store retailing has gradually become popular with the consumers is that it is time-saving , labor-saving , money-saving and provides a personalized service .

  3. 21世纪的营销利器&无店铺销售

    Non-Store Selling : A Powerful Marketing Tool in 21st Century

  4. 论无店铺销售发展及其规范

    On Non - store Selling Development and Regulation

  5. 2004年10月起即将实行的《零售业态分类》标准首次把六种无店铺销售形式列为零售业态。

    " Retail Industry Form Classification ", which is to be implemented in October 2004 , for the first time includes the six no-shop forms .

  6. 阐述无店铺销售具有店外交易、媒体促成、双向沟通、交易空间大等特征及发展背景。

    Non-store selling includes the characteristics of business trade outside the shop , media facilitate , two-way communication , trade space getting large and so on .

  7. 我们应深刻总结中国无店铺销售的经验与教训,营造有利于我国无店铺销售健康、有序发展的环境和氛围。

    The experiences of Chinese non-store marketing should be summarized in order to construct the environment suitable for non-store marketing to develop healthily and orderly in China .

  8. 作为无店铺销售的一种,电视购物如今的发展势头十分迅猛。在国外,电视购物已经发展得较为成熟,这种新型的零售业态已经被人们广泛接受。

    As " non-store sales ", TV shopping now is developing rapidly . Overseas , the television shopping is mature , this new type of Retailing has already been widely accepted .

  9. 采用无店铺销售方式,没有店铺租金和过多的人员及管理费用,具有方便、快捷和低价优势。

    Because its selling model of no shops , it can save shop rent , excess workers and management cost , so it has advantages about convenience , rapid and low price .

  10. 电视购物是以电视媒体为销售渠道的一种无店铺销售方式,在我国作为法定无店铺零售业态中的其中一种,是继百货商场、仓储超市之后的又一次零售革命。

    TV shopping is the non-store sales method which uses television media as its sales channel . As one of the statutory non-store retail formats in China , TV shopping is another retail revolution after the department store and warehouse supermarket .

  11. 除新华书店外,民营发行商、专业发行机构、出版社发行机构、其他国有书店、非书店零售店、网上书店,以及其他无店铺销售方式都得到了较大发展。

    Besides Xinhua Bookstores , private sales merchants , professional sales institutes , printing house sales merchants , other state-owned bookstores , non-bookstore retailing stores , bookstores online , and many other sales patterns with no fixed counters have all attained great development .

  12. 电视购物是一种典型的无店铺销售模式,所以更多的受制于电话,大部分业务收入来自呼入的热线电话,呼入电话量和成功率极大影响着企业收益。

    As one typical kind of " No store " sale model , TV shopping has more to do with phone calls , for most of its operation income come from the hotline and thus the successful rate of incoming calls greatly affect enterprises ' whole income .

  13. 针对我国无店铺零售主要存在的问题,政府要加大监管力度,出台切实可行的措施,推动和鼓励无店铺销售方式发展。

    Focusing on the major problems of non-store retailing in our country , the government should increase the intensity of management and take practical and feasible measures promote and encourage the development of non-store retailing .