
wú zhuī suǒ quán
  • No recourse;without recourse
无追索权[wú zhuī suǒ quán]
  1. 凭受益人汇票办理,对出票人无追索权。

    Availble against beneficiary 's draft , without recourse to drawers .

  2. 福费廷是一种新兴的以无追索权为特点的国际融资服务项目。

    Forfaiting is a new kind of international financial credit service which discount without recourse .

  3. 其中许多是通过空壳公司被称为城市发展投资公司(UDIC,简称城投)发放至各省、市、县的无追索权贷款。

    Many were non-recourse loans to provinces , municipalities and counties through shell companies , known as Urban Development Investment Corporations ( UDICs ) .

  4. 然而,霍诺汉本月在国际货币基金组织(IMF)的一场辩论中透露,爱尔兰一些按揭贷款提供者推出了“无追索权”贷款,让它们有权在出现违约的情况下收回房产,但无权追索借款人个人的偿债责任。

    But this month Mr Honohan revealed during a debate at the International Monetary Fund that some Irish mortgage providers were now offering " non-recourse " loans , which give them the right to repossess property in the event of default but not to pursue borrowers personally .

  5. 软贷款和无追索权财务包在特定情况下可用。

    Soft loans and non-recourse finance packages are available in certain circumstances .

  6. 好的债务是指,可以靠房地产本身全额清偿债务,而且是用无追索权的方式融资。

    Good debt is the type of debt the property itself pays in full and non recourse .

  7. 持票人为背书人的,对其后手无追索权。

    Where the holder is an endorser , he has no right of recourse against the subsequent parties .

  8. 但中国执行的是非常严格的抵押贷款制度,例如个人无追索权贷款和高首付比例等。

    But the country has more stringent mortgage restrictions , such as recourse loans for individuals and high down payments .

  9. 与其它融资方式比较,其最大特点在于能够提供无追索权的中长期贸易融资。

    The most important feature of forfaiting is that it allows the exporters get cash back at a discount without recourse .

  10. 福费廷无追索权的实现方式包括票据背书转让和放弃追索的书面承诺两种方式。

    The implementation of forfeiting without recourse includes two ways , notes transferable by endorsement and a written undertaking to give up recourse .

  11. 这套东西应用到欧洲,便宜的无追索权贷款将会鼓励投资者购买意大利和西班牙的债券,并降低收益率。

    In a European version , cheap , non-recourse loans would encourage investors to buy Italian or Spanish bonds and bring down yields .

  12. 首先明确无追索权国际保理中的债权转让是一种不完全的、特殊的民法性质的债权转让。

    Firstly as a matter of fact , assignment of debt in nonrecourse international factoring is an incomplete and special one belonging to civil law .

  13. 包买票据是商业银行对出口商持有,并经银行担保的债权凭证无追索权购买的金融服务活动。

    Package buying instruments are financial services activities held by commercial banks to exporters , and guar-anteed by banks of debt certificate of non-recourse buying .

  14. 此时政府出面了,表示将为投资者购买问题资产提供90%的融资,而且将以无追索权贷款的方式提供这笔融资。

    Along comes the government and says it will finance 90 per cent of the investor 's purchase and , moreover , do so as a non-recourse loan .

  15. 本文只分析了信用证项下的福费廷业务,赞同以往论文中福费廷业务债权让与的本质、无追索权的特征以及担保的独立性的观点。

    The article agrees on the viewpoint that the legal character of forfaiting is assignment of credit without recourse and that the guarantee for the assigning credit is independent .

  16. 项目融资是一种以项目的资产和预期的收益为保证的,具有有限追索权或无追索权的特殊融资方式。

    Project financing is one kind of special financing way taking the project property and the anticipated income as the guarantee , with the limited recourse or without recourse .

  17. 分析了福费廷无追索权的相对性对我国银行福费廷业务规范的启示并提出了完善意见。

    Besides , this part discusses the revelation that the relativity of forfaiting without recourse to the norms of the bank forfaiting business in China and put forward a sound opinion .

  18. 论述了国际保理业务在我国已有一段发展历史了,但是我国大多从事国际保理业务的银行却不敢轻易从事无追索权国际保理业务。

    The part shows that international factoring business has gone through for a long history in our country , but nonrecourse international factoring business threatens most of banks engaging in international factoring business .

  19. 福费廷作为一款出口贸易融资产品,因其不占用企业信用额度,由融资银行无追索权地买断债权的突出特点,越来越广泛的被中国企业所接受和欢迎。

    Forfeiting , as a kind of foreign trade finance , provides non-recourse finance , without engrossing the enterprise credit . It is more and more widely used and welcomed by the Chinese enterprises .

  20. 因此,本文的中心思想是通过对无追索权国际保理基本法律问题的分析论证以及在此基础上对风险防范的深层次法律问题进行深入分析,来寻求完善我国国际保理立法的对策。

    Therefore , the text focuses on searching for countermeasures to perfect international factoring legislation , through research on basic legal issues of nonrecourse international factoring , and further analysis on deep-seated legal issues of risk prevention .

  21. 然后论述了无追索权国际保理中债权转让涉及到债权转让必须使债款绝对不受任何影响,原债权人出口商负有将债权转让通知债务人进口商的义务等问题。

    Then another problem is discussed that the assignment of debt in the nonrecourse international factoring allows debt not impacted , and obligation must be taken by the original creditor exporter who should inform assignment of debt to loanee .

  22. 首先,采用品牌拓展的产品策略,创新供应链金融产品品牌,实施产品差异化策略,定制无追索权暗保理和无追索权明保理的应收账款融资产品,以适应供应链企业顾客需求差异。

    Innovate the supply chain financial products brand ; implement product differentiation strategies , custom hiding factoring without recourse and open factoring accounts receivable financing products , so as to adapt nonrecourse to different enterprise customers ' requirements in supply chain .

  23. 除得到卖方同意者外,买方应通过卖方所能接受的第一流银行开立保兑的、不可撤消的及无追索权、可分割、可转让的全部货款凭即期汇票支付的信用证付款。

    Unless otherwise agreed to by seller , payment is to be made against sight draft drawn under a confirmed , irrevocable , divisible and assignable letter of credit without recourse for the full amount , established through a first class bank acceptable to the sellers .

  24. 通过对各国国际保理机制的比较分析,笔者认为我国的国际保理机制应参考德国,将无追索权的保理确定为标准保理,这样不会产生歧义且有利于保理的发展。

    Through the principles comparison among various countries , I think the international factoring operative system in Germany is more valuable for our country-the standard factoring is non-recourse factoring , which will provide a more effective environment for the factoring development in our country without ambiguity .

  25. 会员对本会之组织、运作或管理并无投票权,对本会之任何财产亦无任何权利或追索权。

    Members have no voting right as to the constitution , the operation or management of the club and no right in or claim over any assets of the club .