
wú cháng zhài néng lì
  • insolvency
无偿债能力[wú cháng zhài néng lì]
  1. 及由与任何人的无偿债能力有关的其他成文法则所制定,或根据该成文法则所制定的所有条文。

    Any other enactment which is concerned with or in any way related to the insolvency of a person .

  2. 检查员告诉克里斯他的公司无偿债能力时。

    When the inspector told him that his company was insolvent .

  3. 依据命令获委任,为无偿债能力的遗产作破产管理的人;

    Any person appointed pursuant to an order for the administration in bankruptcy of an insolvent estate of a deceased person ;

  4. 第三,通过金融机构流转资源,是政府施惠的一个极具诱惑力的源泉,其重要例子之一,就是面向无偿债能力者推动购房。

    Third , the flow of resources through financial institutions is an irresistible source of government patronage . An important exemplar was the effort to promote home ownership among the insolvent .