
  • 网络External Analysis;external audit
  1. 第三章,通过介绍APC公司的发展历史、背景和渊源、组织结构、内部分析和外部分析引出APC公司战略目标。

    The third chapter , we will educe the strategic objective of ARC company by introducing the history , background , organic structure , internal analysis and external analysis of ARC company .

  2. 文本分析包括外部分析和内部分析。

    The text analysis consists of external analysis and internal analysis .

  3. 在研究过程中,首先进行的是公司外部分析。

    During the research , the first step is to analyze the outside aspects of a company .

  4. 企业财务分析可分为外部分析与内部分析,二者既有联系又有区别。

    Enterprise financial analysis can be classified into external and internal analysis which are different as well as connected .

  5. 二是最终选定新产品过程中采用的外部分析和内部分析的问题(新产品构思的预选和筛选)。

    - external and internal analyzing in procedure of new product confirmation ( pre-election & filtration of new product conceives ) .

  6. 然后通过内部分析评价矩阵和外部分析评价矩阵以及五力模型,指出猴王茶叶有限公司存在的具体问题。

    Then , internal appraisement matrix and external analysis appraisement matrix as well as five force models , point out the specific problem of the company .

  7. 本文运用战略管理的外部分析方法,考察神龙公司的市场环境,选取十个关键外部因素,对神龙公司的品牌战略进行分析。

    The dissertation applies external audit method of strategy management , investigates market circumstances of DPCA and selects ten pivotal external factors to analyse the brand strategy of DPCA .

  8. 结合高原地区的特点,从发动机外部分析,对柴油机废气净化装置采用三级滤烟设施,增加催化设备及利用再生技术。

    According to the features of plateau area , by analysis of the engine outside , the waste gas purifying unit for diesel engine adopts three-class smoke filtering facilities to increase catalytic equipment and utilize the regenerative technology .

  9. 在内部和外部环境分析的基础上,对该厂进行了SWOT分析。

    SWOT analysis is listed according to external and internal environment analysis .

  10. 在外部环境分析的基础上得出G公司所面临的机遇与威胁以及产业成功的关键因素。

    Finally , the opportunities and challenges G company faces and the critical success factors of the industry are identified on the basis of the external environment analysis .

  11. 具体运用了适用于外部环境分析的PEST分析法和五力竞争模型法,适合整体环境分析的SWOT分析法。

    Applicable to the concrete application of the external environmental analysis PEST analysis and five forces model of competition law , the overall environment for the analysis of SWOT analysis .

  12. 通过对ES公司内部环境及外部环境分析(SWOT),4Ps市场分析,明确投资目标及投资原则。

    ES environment within the company through the external environment analysis ( SWOT ), 4Ps market potential analyses , specific investment objectives and investment principles .

  13. 在外部因素分析方面,通过PEST模型分析了影响海尔家电韩国目标市场的宏观因素,通过波特五力模型分析海尔家电在韩国的微观环境。

    In the external factor analysis , through the PEST models to analyze the influence of the south Haier home appliance macro factors , target market by potter five competitive forces model analysis Haier home appliance in Korea the microcosmic environments .

  14. 第二章为理论综述,主要介绍企业战略管理有关理论和战略管理方面的技术方法和分析工具:PEST分析、五力模型、外部因素分析矩阵、内部因素分析矩阵、SWOT分析、平衡计分卡。

    The second chapter is the theoretical overview . Mainly introduces the enterprise strategy management theory and strategic management of technology and analysis tools : PEST analysis , Five Forces Model , EFE , IFE , SWOT analysis , Balanced Score Card .

  15. 根据对企业外部环境分析和企业竞争力的分析,SWOT分析的结果,本文建设性地提出了廊坊包装设备制造总公司的战略目标及总体战略并制定了相应措施。

    According to the result of the outer environment analysis 、 competition analysis 、 SWOT analysis and the relativity analysis , this paper puts forwards a strategic object and strategic plan as a proposal and describes the related measures for the company .

  16. 在外部环境分析和内部条件分析的基础上,用SWOT矩阵分析了S园林公司备选战略,明确了公司的总体战略、使命、目标、竞争战略和商业模式。

    On the basis of analysis of the external environment and internal conditions , it analyzes the alternative strategies of S-landscape Company via SWOT matrix analysis and have definite an overall strategy , mission , objectives , competitive strategies and business models .

  17. 其次,展开对GD公司外部环境分析,包括战略环境因素分析和行业结构战略分析,总结出外部环境对GD公司发展的机会和挑战;

    Secondly , launch analysing to GD Company 's external environment condition , including strategic environmental factor analysis and structure strategy of the trade are analysed . Summarize the environment chances and challenges to GD Company 's development of going outside department .

  18. 在此基础上,运用SWOT分析方法,通过外部环境分析,找出公司所面临的机会与威胁。通过内部环境分析,找出公司的优势及劣势。

    Based on this , it has found out the opportunities and threatens to which the company will face up by an analysis of external environments using the SWOT Analysis Method and has found out the advantages and disadvantages of the company by an analysis of internal environments .

  19. 在对企业的外部环境分析中,运用了PEST分析法、波特五力模型,对TSD实业有限公司的外部环境、行业竞争状况及所带来的机会与威胁进行了分析与评价。

    With PEST analysis method and Porter Five Powers Model , this paper analyzes the external environment , the industry competitive situation and its opportunities and threaten and makes a conclusion that TSD industrial Co. , Ltd is in an advantage external condition .

  20. 在本文中,对该案例通过PESTEL分析模型进行外部环境分析,再对公司内部条件进行说明,加之以市场细分及产品分类,详述了该案例所采用的战略分析方法。

    In the article , Based on External environmental analysis from the PESTEL Model and the Enterprises interior environment analysis , plus the Market Segmentation and product classification , it amplifies the strategy analysis methods adopted by this case .

  21. 产业主体技术吸纳能力的外部环境分析影响磁性纳米颗粒膜吸波性能的主要因素

    The main factors effects on absorbing properties of nano-magnetic granular film

  22. 西部山区农村能源的外部性分析

    Exterior character analysis on the rural energy of west mountain areas

  23. 制约吉林省风险投资业发展的外部环境分析

    External Environment Analysis on Restricting Venture Capital Development of Jilin Province

  24. 上海卫生发展的外部环境分析

    Analysis on the external environment for the health development in Shanghai

  25. 思想政治教育主体行为的外部性分析

    An Externality Analysis on the Behaviors of Ideological and Political Education Subjects

  26. 第四章澳柯玛冰柜业务外部环境分析。

    The fourth chapter is the analysis on external environment .

  27. 河南煤炭企业外部环境分析

    The External Environment Analysis on Coal Enterprise of Henan Province

  28. ·外部环境分析。

    Media Singing of Yao Analysis of the exterior environment .

  29. 第一部分企业外部环境分析。

    Section One : Analyze to the external environment of the enterprise .

  30. 影响大学生逆商的外部因素分析

    Outside Factors Analysis on Influencing the Adversity Quotient of the College Students