
  • 网络L/C
  1. 当前,国际贸易竞争日趋激烈,传统的信用证结算方式由于手续复杂,其地位受到了严峻挑战。

    Nowadays , the competition in international trade is becoming fiercer and fiercer .

  2. 国际保理与信用证结算方式的比较

    Comparison of International Factoring and Letters of Credit

  3. 第五节国内信用证结算存在的问题和风险分析。

    The analysis of the issues and risk in the Domestic Letter of Credit .

  4. 而作为国际货款支付方式的信用证结算方式被普遍采用。

    As one universal settlement method , letter of credit has been widely adopted .

  5. 浅谈外汇风险的防范信用证结算的风险防范

    On Guard Against the Risk in Foreign Exchange

  6. 信用证结算是一种单据买卖行为。

    The letter of credit balance of accounts is a kind of voucher business behavior .

  7. 信用证结算方式下买卖双方应注意的问题。

    Business under the letter of credit balance of accounts method the problem that the both parties should notice .

  8. 传统的信用证结算方式由于昂贵、复杂与低效率,吸引力正逐渐下降。

    The attraction of letter of credit is decreasing due to its expensive cost , low efficiency and complicated formalities .

  9. 因此,如何合理选择信用证结算方式便成了转口贸易中的必须解决的问题。

    Therefore , how to choose a usance letter of credit settlement way becomes transit trade problems and it must be solved .

  10. 然而在《国内信用证结算办法》推行后的几年之内,没有一家银行真正开立了国内信用证业务。

    However , after the introduction for a few years , no one really opened the domestic bank letter of credit business .

  11. 信用证结算方式既提供了贸易双方融资的便利,又解决了国际贸易中互不信任的难题。

    The Letter of credit not only provides trade financing facilities , but also solve the international trade of distrust of the problem .

  12. 第二节国内信用证结算产品的必要性,交易结构和类型,过去和目前的结算量。

    The introduction to the service of the Letter of Credit in Domestic Transaction : structure and type , the past and current amount of settlement .

  13. 信用证结算始于19世纪,发展到今天已成为一种成熟的、在国际贸易中使用最广泛的支付手段。

    Letter of credit appeared in 19th century , and nowadays has been developed to be a mature and widely used payment medium in international trade .

  14. 一些不法商人利用信用证结算的特点进行欺诈活动,严重干扰了我国的金融秩序及企业的正常经营。

    Some lawless persons are cheating by taking advantage of the characteristics of its settlement , which seriously disturbs the financial order and regular managment of enterprises in China .

  15. 因此研究信用证结算业务中审单的相关法律问题对中国和世界其它各国都有极其重要的理论和实践意义。

    Therefore in the research letter of credit settlement service examines the single related legal matter all has the extremely important theory and the practice significance to China and th .

  16. 其次,通过案例分析法、归纳分析法,总结Y公司出口贸易信用证结算方式下遇到的各类风险以及造成的损失或影响。

    Secondly , through case studies , generally drawing various risk type of letters of credit form under the export trade of company Y , as well as loss and influence .

  17. 信用证结算方式是随着国际贸易的发展,在金融机构参与国际贸易的过程中逐步发展起来的,是国际贸易中一种主要的支付方式。

    With the development of international trade and during the process of the participating of the financial institutions , letter of credit has become one of the main means of payment in international trade .

  18. 随着贸易全球化的推进及我国对外贸易工作的不断深化,信用证结算方式已经成为国际贸易结算中使用最为广泛和最为重要的一种结算方式。

    With the globalization of trade and deepening of China 's foreign trade , letter of credit has been one of the most important settlement tools which is widely used in international trade settlement .

  19. 从贸易关系人、业务操作程序及其综合效果等方面对国际保理业务和信用证结算方式进行比较,探讨了国际保理业务对国际贸易的影响。

    Inquires into the inherence of international factoring in international trade through the comparison of the international factoring and the clearing form for letters of credit in trade partners , operating processes and comprehensive effects .

  20. 只要银行针对信用证结算业务特点,找准风险源,采取有效防范措施,其所面临的信用证业务风险就会大大降低。

    In order to make good use of credit , bankers must identify the sources of risk and take effective preventive measures , lower the risk of credit , provide good service to our customs .

  21. 信用证结算始于19世纪的英国,它是国际贸易发展到一定阶段的历史产物,是在银行与金融机构参与国际贸易结算的过程中逐步形成的。

    Letter of credit traced back to England in 19th . It has become a very important settlement equipment and financing means . It has come into beings in the process of combining bank 's credit with international trade .

  22. 在国际贸易领域内,提单是占有权凭证和货物所有权的初步证据;在信用证结算领域,提单是权利质押的客体。

    In the realm of international trade , it is a document of right of possession and a prima facie evidence of ownership of the cargo , and the object of pledge in the realm of balance of Letter of Credit .

  23. 在保理业务发展的比较充分的的欧盟内部,80%以上的进出口业务都是采用非信用证方式结算。

    In the development of factoring interior , more than 80 % of the import and export business are using the letter of credit settlement .

  24. 据统计,目前以信用证方式结算的贸易额占世界贸易总额的90%,占我国对外贸易额的80%以上。

    Statistics show that 90 % of the world 's trade , and over 80 % of China 's foreign trade is paid in letter of credit .

  25. 银行在信用证支付结算中处理的是单据而不是货物,因此在单证表面完全一致的情况下,银行承担了第一性的付款责任。

    Besides , what bank deal with in the process is not goods , but receipts , and therefore , given that credits and receipts are identical in nature , bank assumes the first class responsibility of payment .

  26. 见索即付保函和国际备用信用证作为国际结算和担保的重要形式,在国际金融、国际租赁和国际贸易及经济合作中应用十分广泛。

    Both Demand Guarantee and Standby Letter of Credit play a very important role in International Finance , International Leasing and International Trade . They are more and more widely used in all aspects of international economy since last twenty years .

  27. 信用证是国际贸易结算的主要工具,在国际商业的交往中作用突出。

    Letter of credit is a key payment tool in the international trade business , it plays a prominent role .

  28. 信用证是一种重要的国际贸易结算工具,由于我国对外贸易处于高速增长期,虽然近年来信用证结算方式在国际贸易中的占比有所下降,但其绝对量仍然在快速增长。

    As an important tool of international trade settlement , letter of credit developed in rapid growth period owing to the fast growing sector in foreign trade , even though the proportion of letter of credit settlement decreasing .

  29. 第二部分讨论了信用证的独立原则并用博弈论分析了信用证在国际贸易结算中被广泛采用的原因。

    The second discusses the independence principle , and analyzes the reasons that a letter of credit is accepted in international trade settlement universally with game theory .

  30. 在当代中国,信用证也是外贸中经常使用的金融票证,大约80%以上的国际贸易采用信用证作为结算方式。

    In contemporary China , the letter of credit is also the financial bills which in the foreign trade uses frequently , about 80 % above international trade use the letter of credit to take the method of setting accounts .