
  • 网络beneficiary;credit beneficiary
  1. 表明以信用证受益人以外的一方为发货人的运输单据。

    A document indicates as the consignor of the goods a party other than the beneficiary of the Credit .

  2. 日期上的疏忽和错误将导致信用证受益人的单证被开证行拒付。

    Date 's Supermarket Any neglect or error herein will cause the document of beneficiary to be refused by the opening bank .

  3. 两份由信用证受益人出具的装箱单及/或重量单,注明每件货物的毛重和净重及/或尺码。

    A.3 Two copies of packing list and / or weight memo with indication of gross and net weight of each package and / or measurements issued by Beneficiary of Letter of Credit .

  4. 因此,如果信用证受益人或其代理人提供的单据符合要求,银行通常有义务付款,而不寻求进一步的条件。

    Accordingly , if the documents tendered by the beneficiary , or his or her agent , appear to be in order , then in general the bank is obliged to pay without further qualifications .

  5. 在任何单据中注明的托运人或发货人无须为信用证的受益人。

    K.The shipper or consignor of the goods indicated on any document need not be the beneficiary of the credit .

  6. 可转让信用证的第一受益人

    First beneficiary of a transferable credit

  7. 对于承兑信用证承兑由受益人出具的汇票并到期付款。

    C.to accept a bill of exchange (" draft ") drawn by the beneficiary and pay at maturity if the credit is available by acceptance .

  8. 可转让信用证可应受益人(第一受益人)的要求转为全部或部分由另一受益人(第二受益人)兑用。

    A transferable credit may be made available in whole or in part to another beneficiary (" second beneficiary ") at the request of the beneficiary (" first beneficiary ") .

  9. 可转让信用证下第二受益人的出口权益保障国家保护消费者的合法权益不受侵害。

    The Export Rights Guarantee of the Second Beneficiary under the Transferable Letter of Credit ; The state shall protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers to ensure that they will not be violated .

  10. 如一家银行利用另一家通知行的服务将信用证通知给受益人,它也必须利用同一家银行的服务通知修改书。

    If a bank uses the services of an Advising bank to have the Credit advised to the beneficiary , it must also use the services of the same bank for advising an amendment ( s ) .

  11. 如果信用证规定费用由受益人负担,而该费用未能收取或从信用证款项中扣除,开证行依然承担支付此费用的责任。

    If a credit states that charges are for the account of the beneficiary and charges cannot be collected or deducted from proceeds , the issuing bank remains liable for payment of charges .

  12. 开证行资信欠佳:信用度低的银行开立的信用证,受益人收汇困难,容易遭受钱、货损失的风险。

    Issuing bank credit is not good enough : Credit degrees of low letter of credit that bank open , it is difficult for beneficiary to collect , apt to suffer money , goods lost risk .