
  1. 论国际贸易中跟单信用证风险及对策

    Discussion on Risk and Countermeasure of Documentary Credit in International Trade

  2. 信用证风险的法律防范与救济研究

    Research on Legal Prevention and Recovery to the Risks of Letter of Credit

  3. 浅析信用证风险及其防范

    On Risks of Credit Cards and Countermeasures

  4. 建行大连分行出口信用证风险防范研究

    The Research of Export Letter of Credit Risk Prevention in China Construction Bank Dalian Branch

  5. 进口信用证风险初探

    Elementarily Probing into Risks of Import Credit

  6. 本文力图通过分析信用证风险产生的原因,研究信用证风险的防范与救济。

    The article deals with analyzing the reasons of risks and studying preventions of risks and judicial remedy .

  7. 到2009年我国出口贸易额总体下降了10个百分点,但由于信用证风险引起的贸易损失仍然居高不下。

    In2009 , our export trade volume declined by10 % in general , but trade losses resulting from LC risk still remained fairly high .

  8. 在探讨信用证风险防范法实践方面,解析了相关典型案例,使读者能更直观的感受到信用证的适用要领与应对策略,加大了法实践的指导意义。

    In exploring the practical aspects of law of Letter credit risk , analysis of the relevant typical cases , So that readers can feel more intuitive application of the letter of credit essentials and coping strategies , To increase the practice of the law guiding significance .

  9. 商业银行信用证业务风险评估

    Evaluation on the Risks of Letter of Credit in Commercial Bank

  10. 电子商务环境下信用证收汇风险研究

    Research on Exposures of Payment by Letter of Credit under the Electronic Commerce Environment

  11. 论信用证交易风险

    On the risk of letter of credit

  12. 可转让信用证主要当事人风险及防范

    The Risk and Precaution of Main Parties in Transferable Letter of Credit

  13. 软条款信用证浅析及风险防范

    On the Letter of Credit with Soft Sections and the Prevention to Risk

  14. 浅谈外汇风险的防范信用证结算的风险防范

    On Guard Against the Risk in Foreign Exchange

  15. 第四章分析问题,从不同角度分析出口信用证业务的风险。

    The fourth part analyses the risks of letter of credit in banking practice .

  16. 跟单信用证贸易融资风险研究

    Studies of Risks in Documentary Credit Finance

  17. 信用证欺诈性风险分析及防范措施

    An Analysis of Fraud Risks of Letters of Credit and Countermeasures Q & A on Sex

  18. 然而目前针对信用证贸易融资风险管理的研究,大多是站在国际贸易学的角度,从比较单一片面的方向去谈。

    Yet for credit risk management of trade financing , mostly stood in the part of international trade course , from the direction of a single comparison one-sided talked .

  19. 商业银行信用证贸易融资业务风险研究

    Risks Study on Trade Finance under Letter of Credit to Commercial Bank

  20. 信用证项下金融风险及其防范

    Financial Risk under Letter of Credit and its Precaution

  21. 如何防范信用证方式下的风险

    How to Prevent the Risks under the Mode of the Letter of Credit

  22. 只要银行针对信用证结算业务特点,找准风险源,采取有效防范措施,其所面临的信用证业务风险就会大大降低。

    In order to make good use of credit , bankers must identify the sources of risk and take effective preventive measures , lower the risk of credit , provide good service to our customs .