
  • 网络Store Design
  1. 美国苹果公司(Apple)在中国获得了针对其店铺设计中的某些独特元素而授予的专利。苹果产品,甚至销售渠道,在中国大陆都遭到猖獗的抄袭,苹果公司此举就是为了避免受到抄袭。

    Apple has been granted patents on some of the distinctive elements of its store designs in China as the US company acts to protect itself better against rampant copying of not only its products but also of its sales channels on the Chinese mainland .

  2. 宜家很擅长通过迷宫一样的店铺设计来引导顾客。

    IKEA is an old hand at herding customers through a labyrinthine store layout .

  3. 其运作的模式是通过店铺设计,打造服务营销理念;

    Firstly , build up a sense of service marketing by sophisticated shop designs .

  4. 零售企业的店铺设计

    The Designing of Retail Shops

  5. 从零售企业商品经营的客观规律出发,比较全面系统地阐明零售企业店铺设计的地位作用、具体内容和要求。

    Proceeding from retailing general law , the paper analyzes the importance , content and requirement of designing retail shops .

  6. 消费文化对建筑界的渗透导致建筑师以不同以往的身份立场介入商业店铺设计。

    The penetration of architecture area by consumer culture makes architects start to deal with commercial shop design with an Identity or a standpoint which is different from before .

  7. 截至2010年,淘宝占有中国电子商务市场80%以上的份额,注册用户达1.7亿,在线广告和店铺设计、销售培训等付费服务的收入超过了200亿元人民币。

    By 2010 Taobao served more than 80 per cent of China 's e-commerce market , with 170m registered users and revenues of more than Rmb20bn from online advertising and fee-paying services such as shop design and sales training .

  8. 凤凰古城特色店铺装饰设计

    Decoration of Distinctive Stores in the Ancient Town of Fenghuang

  9. 所以,灯光是店铺氛围设计的重要的工具之一。

    So , lighting design is an important shop atmosphere of one of the tools .

  10. 旅游地区的店铺装饰设计既要保持中国传统的风格特色,又要与当地地域特色相融。

    Store decoration in tourist areas should preserve the traditional characteristics as well as harmonize with regional features .

  11. 店铺陈列设计与其品牌营销策略不是两个独立的个体,而是一个视觉整体。

    The store display design and brand marketing strategy is not two separate individuals , butan overall vision .

  12. 服饰店铺空间设计需要呼应服饰性格,服饰的性格代表了服饰品牌的思想与内涵。

    Apparel clothing store space design needs to echo the character , the character costumes represent the thoughts and meaning of clothing brand .

  13. 所以,服饰性格决定了店铺的空间环境设计。

    So , dress shop determined character design of the space environment .

  14. 服装店铺内的色彩设计包括店内空间色彩设计与陈列色彩设计。

    Clothing shop store space , including color design color design and display color scheme .

  15. 海口市中山路近代店铺的整体风韵凤凰古城特色店铺装饰设计

    The Whole Style and Features of Modern shops in Zhong Shan Road , Haikou City Decoration of Distinctive Stores in the Ancient Town of Fenghuang

  16. 希望本文能对国内服饰店铺从业人员起到一定的参考价值,也希望投身买手型服饰店铺成为设计类毕业生解决就业问题的有效途径。

    I hope this can serve the domestic apparel store employees some value for reference , and hope to join hands to clothing-buyer shops to make it an effective way of solving the employment problem for designing graduates .