
  • 网络General policy
  1. 目前政策执行力的研究主要集中在一般政策执行力,环境保护政策的执行力研究还不太多。

    The current research of executive ability focus on the execution of general policies , the study of executive ability of environmental protection is blank .

  2. 美国财政部发言人马特安德森(mattanderson)表示:“直接竞购向很多投资者开放,但根据一般政策,我们不对单个竞购者发表评论。”

    Matt Anderson , a US Treasury spokesperson , said : " direct bidding is open to a wide range of investors , but as a matter of general policy we do not comment on individual bidders . "

  3. 但是考虑到印度关于转基因食品作物的一般政策的更广泛影响,环境部长JairamRamesh把这个问题纳入了一系列的公共磋商。

    But , given the broader implications for India 's general policy on GM food crops , the environment minister , Jairam Ramesh , opened the issue up in a series of public consultations .

  4. 此外,还将讨论美国与中国标准化体系的一般政策问题。

    Generic policy implications will be discussed both for the US and the Chinese standardization systems .

  5. 你可以谈一谈经济资助的一般政策吗?

    Would you talk about the general policy for financial aid ? Don 't let 's touch economics ;

  6. 博弈与均衡:农地金融制度绩效分析&贵州省湄潭县农地金融制度个案研究与一般政策结论

    Analyses of the Performance of Farmland Financial Institution : A Case Study of the Meitan in Guizhou Province

  7. 从一般政策系统看科技政策系统完善化的方向

    An Analysis of Direction of Perfection of System of Science and Technology Policy from Viewpoint of General Policy System

  8. 正如甲项一般政策声明中提及,大学无意妨碍校内成员建立私。

    As stated in clause a general policy statement , the university has no desire to interfere with the private relations of its community members .

  9. 4由法律授权而制定的普遍适用性实体规章,以及机关制定并通过的一般政策说明和普遍适用性解释。

    Substantive rules of general applicability adopted as authorized by law , and statements of general policy or interpretations of general applicability formulated and adopted by the agency ; and .

  10. 8.3如主管机关认为接受价格承诺不可行,则不必接受所提承诺,例如由于实际或潜在的出口商数量过大,或由于其他原因,包括一般政策原因。

    8.3 undertakings offered need not be accepted if the authorities consider their acceptance impractical , for example , if the number of actual or potential exporters is too great , or for other reasons , including reasons of general policy .

  11. 这是一般酒店政策。

    These are general hotel policies .

  12. 电力施工项目一般具有政策性强、技术含量高、投资额度大的特点。

    Power construction projects generally have the characters with high technical content , and a amount of investment .

  13. 1解释性规章、一般性政策说明,或者有关机关的组织、程序或实务的规章;

    To interpretative rules , general statements of policy , or rules of agency organization , procedure , or practice ;

  14. 第一章首先对一般货币政策体系框架进行界定,论述货币政策体系的普遍性。

    Chapter One firstly presents the concept of the framework of the general monetary policy system , discusses the universality of the monetary policy system .

  15. 但目前对于城市规划方案的评价方面却有很多欠缺,与一般公共政策严密的逻辑性有着很大的差距。

    But many are deficient to appraisal of the urban planning at present , have very great disparity with the general public policy tightly logically .

  16. 当商品价格冲高,一般的政策看法是把通胀的升高看作是将会把相关商品价格的调整一步到位。

    When commodity prices shoot higher , the standard policy response is to treat the resulting rise in inflation as a once-and-for-all shift in relative prices .

  17. 在这种情况下,特定网站的政策将作为这份世界卫生组织一般隐私政策的补充,但将提供该特定网站的额外详细规定。

    In these cases , the site-specific policies will be complementary to this general WHO privacy policy , but will give additional details for that particular site .

  18. 一般的政策声明说明行政机关在未来如何试图利用其立法权,但并无企图要马上约束任何人。

    A general statement of policy states how the agency intends to use its lawmaking power in the future but does not attempt to ' wind anyone immediately .

  19. 信贷集中于国家和银行是现代国家的一般金融政策和法律原则,非金融机构的企业间的相互借贷弊端甚多。

    The concentration of credit and loan in the state and the banks is a principle of modern financial policy , and the loan made by non-financial institutions entails a great many defects .

  20. 比较而言,中国经济的市场化改革是在缺乏一个一般竞争政策的条件下进行的,其网络型产业正在或即将面临竞争性改革。

    By comparison , China 's market reform is executed without existence of a general competition policy , which adds even more uncertainty and complication to the competition reform in networked industries in China .

  21. 立足一般公共政策所应该遵循的效率与公平原则,阐述了在今后调水政策设计过程中开展成本效益分析和引入水权交易机制的必要性。

    Based on the efficiency and equity principles the common public policy should follow , the necessity of conducting the cost-benefit analysis and introducing water right trade mechanism during the design of future water transfer policy was described .

  22. 专业学位设置政策虽然属于一般公共政策,但因与人的发展直接相关而不同于一般公共政策,其评价应坚持公正性、人本性、效益性和合法性标准。

    Though the policy of setting professional degree belongs to public policy , it differs from public policy because of its direct relation with human development . It should hold evaluation criteria , including justness , humanism , benefit and legitimacy .

  23. 新经济政策是阎锡山在抗日战争时期和国共第二次内战时期推行的重要经济政策,它不同于之前实行的一般经济政策,有其独特之处,其主要通过实行统制经济的方式克服战时经济困境。

    The New Economic Policy of Yan Xishan is an important economic policy during the Anti-Japanese War and the second Civil War , which is different from that before the implementation of the general economic policy , in particular it overcame wartime economic difficulties through the controlled economy .

  24. 在合作体制上,由一般的方针政策发展到基本的政治制度;

    In cooperation institution , policy turned to basic political system ;

  25. 深圳市一般人群及政策制订者对生殖道感染认识定性研究

    KAP qualitative research on RTI in common citizens and policy-makers in Shenzhen

  26. 货币政策工具分为一般性货币政策工具、选择性货币政策工具和其他货币政策工具。

    They can be divided into general , selective and other monetary policy instruments .

  27. 国会的共和党人回家过节去了,任由这一生命线一般的福利政策过期作废。

    Republicans in Congress went home for the holidays and let that lifeline expire .

  28. 日本中小企业支持体系一般分析及政策启示

    General analysis of Japan 's supporting systems of small and medium-sized enterprises and its policy-related inspiration

  29. 员工:一般我们的政策是很严格的,而且这学期已经快结束了。

    Employee : Well , the policy is generally pretty rigid and this semester is almost over .

  30. 通过一般税收优惠政策对企业行为的影响的阐述,重点分析六大优惠方式下影响其效果的摘要因素。

    It stress the emphasis on analyzing the factors which influence the effect of the income tax preference policies for foreign-invested enterprises .