
  • 网络stabilization policy
  1. 德国如果实行不那么注重稳定性的政策,将损及整个欧元区。

    A less stability-oriented policy in Germany would damage the eurozone as a whole .

  2. 理论具有稳定性,政策具有灵活性;

    Theory has stability and flexibility .

  3. 最后从实证研究的结果得出货币需求函数稳定性的政策意义下降的结论,并分析了原因。

    Finally , the author got the conclusion that the importance of " the stability of the function of the demand for money " is declining , and analysed the reasons .

  4. 鉴于股票市场已经对货币需求产生了重要的影响,而股票市场的高波动性造成其对货币需求影响的多变性,因而传统的货币政策框架中货币需求函数稳定性的政策意义已经下降。

    Seeing the important influence of the stock market on money demand , and the high fluctuation of the stock market , therefore , the policy meaning of the stability of money demand function has already dropped in the traditional monetary policy frame .

  5. 金融开放的稳定性与金融政策的外部协调

    The Stability of the Finance Opening and the Foreign Coordination of the Finance Policy

  6. 如受自然条件和经营条件的影响,农业上市公司的收益具有不稳定性,股利政策也会随之波动。

    If by natural conditions and operating conditions of the agricultural income of listed companies have no stability , dividend policy will fluctuate .

  7. 我国棉花政策调控范围较窄,缺乏稳定性,税收政策一度成为棉花种植业发展的一个阻力。

    Chinese cotton policy regulation scope is narrow and lack deficient in stability . The tax policy once became a resistance of the cotton crop production development .

  8. 这是因为石油作为工业发展的黄金血液,其价格波动乃至供应安全不仅直接关系一国宏观经济的稳定性和货币政策的制定,而且也间接影响地区性的居民生产和日常生活。

    As is considered as the blood of the development in industry , the oil price fluctuation even supply safety is not only related to the stability of the macroeconomy of a country directly , but also affect the production and common life of a region indirectly .

  9. 乘数-加速数模型的稳定性与宏观调控政策

    Stability of multiplier-addend model and the macro-control policies

  10. 人民币汇率制度的不稳定性因素与货币政策效力探析

    An Inquiry into the Unstable Factors in the Renminbi Exchange Rate Regime and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy

  11. 劳务派遣这种具有灵活性的非主流用工方式在劳动力市场中比例的持续增长已经成为一种世界性劳动用工的趋势,其最关键的问题是如何处理好就业稳定性和灵活性的政策平衡。

    The sustained growth in the proportion of the labor and employment market has made the non-mainstream and flexible labor dispatch become the worldwide employment trend , the most critical issue is how to handle the balance of the policy concerns employment stability and flexibility appropriately .

  12. 它忽略了资本主义经济内在的不稳定性,因此让那些原本能够控制住这种不稳定性的政策制定者得以脱卸责任。

    It ignored a capitalist economy 's inherent instabilities – and therefore relieved policymakers who could manage those instabilities of their responsibility to do so .