
  • 网络aboriginal;aborigine;aboriginal people;Koori
  1. 近200万土著人在美国各大城市的大街上过日子,其中40%的人每周经常两三天吃不上东西。

    Nearly 2 million aboriginals were living on streets of big cities in the United States and 40 percent of them went without food for up to three days at a time .

  2. 指出国际法上自决权的主体是殖民地人民、作为整体的人民或民族,而非一国之内的族群、少数人或土著人等;最后,分析了实现自决权的手段和方式。

    It pointed out that the subject of self-determination should be people of a colony , people or a nation rather than a ethnic group , the minority or aboriginals . Finally , it analyses the means and methods to achieve self-determination .

  3. 那个大块头西印度群岛土著人抓住他的肩膀时,他浑身紧张起来。

    He tensed as the big West Indian gripped his shoulder

  4. 他介绍了澳大利亚土著人土地权问题的历史。

    He introduced the history of the issue of Aboriginal land rights .

  5. 土著人以前总是用沉重的石头把这种金属锤打成箭头。

    The natives used to hammer the metal into arrowheads , using heavy stones .

  6. 在法国圭亚那热带雨林深处,仍然存在着一些不寻常的土著人群体。

    In the depths of the French Guianese rainforest , there still remain unusual groups of indigenous people .

  7. 卡梅隆说:“我打算拍一部3D电影,以反应这些土著人的生活和文化”。

    " I want to take a3D camera to film how they live , their culture ," said Cameron .

  8. 澳大利亚已经禁止研究人员发表有关土著人DNA的研究成果,印度禁止出口该国国民的遗传物质。

    Australia has banned researchers from publishing work involving Aboriginal DNA , and India bars the export of its citizens ' genetic matter .

  9. Poynton表示,当前土著人感到他们被剥夺了森林规划的权利。

    Poynton says at the moment , the indigenous population feels disenfranchised from the planning process for the forests .

  10. Poynton说,CIB目前正在寻求国际标准认证,而这要求公司非常密切地与土著人打交道。

    Poynton says CIB is seeking certification to an international standard , which requires that they work very closely with indigenous people .

  11. 另一个与《生存者》的不同就是Grylls会与他所在地区的土著人进行互动。

    Another change from " Survivorman " is that Grylls will interact with the indigenous people of the region he 's in .

  12. 纳吉布先生已经表示准备好削弱所谓布米普特拉人(bumiputras,马来西亚土著人,意为大地之子)的特权。

    Mr Najib has signalled a readiness to pare back the privileges for so-called bumiputras ( sons of the soil ) .

  13. 其他站在那哭泣女人背后的土著人,也低声地跟着哭。

    Behind the weeping girl other natives were crying along softly .

  14. 你向土著人卖武器多久了?

    How long have you been selling guns to the natives ?

  15. 她既是土著人的英雄,也是非土著人的英雄。

    Cathy is a hero for Aborigines and non Aborigines alike .

  16. 这些土著人准备杀死并吃掉囚犯。

    The natives were preparing to kill and eat the prisoners .

  17. 从印第安土著人的弓箭讲起,

    Start the story with the arrows of the Native Americans ,

  18. 北美土著人害怕猫头鹰。

    The native people of North America were afraid of owls .

  19. 华北人欧洲人和澳洲土著人的头骨厚度

    Cranial vault thickness in northern chinese , European and Australian Aboriginal populations

  20. 克鲁索看到了一些令人害怕的东西??一群押着囚犯的当地土著人。

    Crusoe saw something frightening ? a group of natives with prisoners .

  21. 美国人蓄奴,野蛮侵占土著人的土地。

    Americans kept slaves ; they brutally displaced indigenous peoples .

  22. 土著人过着与自然环境十分和谐的生活。

    The Aborigines lived in harmony with their natural environment .

  23. 我也会告诉人们,尽管土著人生活在和平中。

    I should tell people that though the naturals lived in peace .

  24. 你知道吗?土著人还有自己的旗帜。

    Did you know they even have their own flag ?

  25. 乔治?凯特林以绘画美洲土著人最为著名。

    George Catlin is most famous for painting Native Americans .

  26. 任何政府也不能剥夺土著人的权利。

    No government shall take away the rights of the native people .

  27. 这是把土著人土地转为白人所有的另一种方法。

    This is another method of transferring Aboriginal Land to white ownership .

  28. 来计算出美洲土著人可能的定居点。

    Just trying to infer where native American settlements might be located .

  29. 美洲土著人和欧洲殖民者之间发生了很多激烈的战争。

    There were many fierce wars between Native Americans and European settlers .

  30. 他们准备冒被土著人攻击的危险。

    They prepared to take their chances on the natives .