
yóu qì zī yuán
  • oil and gas resources
  1. 利用GIS技术进行油气资源综合评价

    Applying GIS in oil and gas resources appraising

  2. 基于网格与GIS的油气资源空间分布与定量评价系统及其应用

    Oil and Gas Resources Spatial Distribution and Quantitative Evaluation System Based on the Grids and GIS and Its Application

  3. 论述了基于网格与GIS的油气资源空间分布与定量评价系统的建立方法。

    This paper has mainly described the establishment of the oil and gas resources spatial distribution and quantitative evaluation system based on the grids and GIS .

  4. 深部较高地层温度与较高地层压力的配置关系可能有利于煤层气的开采,存在实现深部煤层气资源与常规油气资源共采的可能性;心排血量(CO);

    The match of the higher temperature with the flow pressure in the deep reservoir could be favorable of mining the coalbed gas , and , in another word , there is the reliability of co-mining the deep coalbed gas and petroleum & natural gas .

  5. 油气资源匮乏的日本和韩国主要以LNG的形式由研究区域以外进口天然气,且主要用于发电和民用;

    Since lacking gas resource , both Japan and South Korea have to import natural gas from the other regions than the northeast Asia by means of LNG , which is mainly used for power generation and residential use .

  6. 该公司还希望能与俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(gazprom)等俄罗斯企业合作,进一步深入北极地区寻找油气资源,包括在俄挪两国有争议的地带。

    It also hopes to co-operate with Russian companies such as Gazprom to find oil and gas further into the Arctic , including in areas disputed between Russia and Norway .

  7. 随着海上油气资源开发的加剧,各种海洋平台相继出现,其中FPSO拥有的诸多优点可以较好的适应深海复杂的海洋环境。

    With the increasing development of deepwater oil and gas industry , there have been various offshore platforms . FPSO has many advantages which can better adapt to the deep complexity of the marine environment .

  8. 传统上,企业将所找到新油气资源加入公司储量的比例,一直是投资者的重要衡量标准,虽然对这种方式的批评,最近已导致美国证券交易委员会(sec)修改了对储量报告的规定。

    The rate at which companies find new oil and gas to add to their reserves has traditionally been an important yardstick for investors , although criticism of the measure has recently led the US Securities and Exchange Commission to revise its rules for reporting reserves .

  9. 这片争议海域蕴藏着丰富的油气资源,同时还包括斯卡伯勒浅滩(ScarboroughShoal,中国称黄岩岛)等渔区,菲律宾船只和中国船只曾于2012年在该区域进行了近两个月的对峙。

    The contested waters include areas potentially rich in oil and gas , as well as rich fishing waters such as Scarborough Shoal , where Philippine and Chinese vessels were locked in a standoff for nearly two months in 2012 .

  10. 十五油气资源发展战略是:(1)深化东部老区勘探,安排探明储量3000×104t,为老油田稳产增加资源储备;

    The oil and gas resource development strategy of Henan oilfield in the " Tenth Five Year Plan " is to deepen exploration in the old areas to add reserves and stabilize production ;

  11. 土库曼斯坦油气资源十分丰富。

    Turkmenistan is endowed with rich oil and natural gas resources .

  12. 雪峰推覆体掩覆的下组合(Z-S)油气资源预测

    Assessment of petroleum resources in Lower assemblage under Xuefeng thrust nappe

  13. 油气资源遥感勘查新方法

    New methodology in remote sensing exploration for oil and gas resources

  14. 中国油气资源企盼二次创业

    The second exploitation of the oil and gas resources in China

  15. 全球油气资源形势与发展趋势

    The Situation and Development Trend of Global Oil and Gas Resources

  16. 世界油气资源现状分析

    Analysis of the Status of World 's Oil and Gas Resources

  17. 双序列法及其在油气资源评价中的应用

    The double serial method and its application in petroleum resource evaluation

  18. 中国渤海湾海滩-极浅海域油气资源潜力

    Hydrocarbon resources potential of beach - sublittoral zone in Bohai Bay

  19. 中国近海油气资源开发现状及前景

    Review and Prospects of Petroleum Exploitation , the Offshore of China

  20. 油气资源预测统计模型及其应用

    Statistical models to predict oil and gas resources and their applications

  21. 鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界油气资源数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of hydrocarbon resources in Upper Paleozoic of Ordos basin

  22. 利用计算机进行油气资源评价和勘探决策

    Evaluation of hydrocarbon resources and exploration decision & making using computers

  23. 加强油气资源基础调查评价;

    Enhance basic investigation and assessment of petroleum and gas resources ;

  24. 中国大陆裂谷盆地与油气资源

    On continental rift basins and oil - gas resources of China

  25. 截断帕雷托分布模型在油气资源预测中的应用

    Application of TSP distribution model to oil and gas resource forecast

  26. 我国油气资源评价现状与存在问题

    Current Situation and Problems in China 's Oil and Gas Resources Assessment

  27. 21世纪俄罗斯油气资源潜力分析

    An Analysis of 21st Century Russia 's Oil & Gas Resource Potential

  28. 油气资源条件对油气生产成本影响的研究

    A Study on the Influence of Oil-Gas Resource Conditions on Production Costs

  29. 油气资源评价与系统研究

    Petroleum resources evaluation in China and a unique system approach

  30. 波浪状镶嵌构造对我国油气资源的控制

    The WAVY-MOSAIC structure as a control of the oil-gas resources in China