
  • 网络Soil formation;pedogenesis
  1. 新构造运动对山西土壤形成分布的影响

    New tectonic movement and its influence on soil formation and distribution Shanxi area

  2. 贵州岩溶土壤形成及其可持续利用

    Guizhou Karst soil formation and its sustainable utilization

  3. 第四纪黄土剖面多元古土壤形成发育信息的揭示

    Revelation of information on genesis of multi paleosol from Quaternary loess profile

  4. 黄土形成时的沙尘暴活动比古土壤形成时要强的多。

    Dust storms in Loess period were much stronger than in paleosol period .

  5. 岩溶山区土壤形成机制与石山改造利用

    Mechanism of soil formation in karst mountains and transformation and utilization of stone mountains

  6. 青藏高原的隆起对高山土壤形成的影响

    The influence of plateau uplift on the formation of Alpine soil in Qinghai-Xizang region

  7. 地形或地形学、植被和气候都是对土壤形成有影响的因素。

    Landforms of topography , vegetation and climate are influential factors in formation of soils .

  8. 要素的土壤形成过程土壤有机质对土霉素在土壤中吸附-解吸的影响

    Elementary pedogenetic process Effect of soil organic matter on adsorption and desorption of oxytetracycline in soils

  9. 新疆博格达山北坡土壤形成特征及其垂直分布

    The genetic characteristics of the soils on the north slope of Bogda mountain and their vertical distribution

  10. 四川盆地西部平原新构造运动与土壤形成及分布的关系

    Neotectonic movement on the formation and distribution of soils in the west plain area of Sichuan Basin

  11. 土壤形成的人为因素

    Human Factors in Soil Formation

  12. 伊犁谷地野果林下的土壤形成特点及其系统分类

    The formation characteristics and taxonomic classification of the soil under the Wild-fruit forests in Yili valley , Xinjiang

  13. 浙北嘉湖全新世堆积平原地貌发育过程与土壤形成的关系

    The Relations Between the Development Course of Landform and Soil Formation in Jiaxing-Huzhou Holocene Sedimentary Plain of North Zhijiang

  14. 在西南高山林区,树种与下木对土壤形成有重要作用,主要成土过程为酸性淋溶与腐殖化过程。

    In the high-mountain forest region of Southwest China , the major soil forming processes are eluviation ( acid leaching ) and humification .

  15. 这个沼泽的其它部分此时已经成了芹菜地,芹菜的白色的茎与墨黑色的土壤形成强烈的对比。

    Other remnants had by then been turned to the cultivation of celery , whose white stalks contrasted strikingly with the jet-black soil .

  16. 其次为生物多样性保护、土壤形成与保护、气体调节、食物生产和原材料、娱乐文化等服务功能。

    There are some other services such as biological diversity , soil formation and erosion control , gas regulation , food and raw materials , recreation and culture .

  17. 土壤形成的主要特点是与水热条件相联系的强烈的淋溶过程和明显的淀积粘化过程以及在植被影响下的旺盛的生物累积过程。

    The major characteristics of the soil formation are heavy leaching and distinct illuvial-clayization conditioned by heat and water , and vigorous organic matter accumulation affected by the vegetation .

  18. 本文对整个土壤形成过程中“风化过程和成壤过程同时同地进行”的理论,作了新的补充;

    In all soil formation processes , it is new replenishment of theory : " weathering process and loamifiction process are in progress at the same place and time " .

  19. 本文阐述了鄱阳湖湖滩草洲土壤形成的特点,主要土壤类型的分布及其理化生物性质。

    This paper deals with the characterics of soil formation , the distribution of major soil types and their physical , chemical and biological properties of the meadow in Poyang Lake .

  20. 博格达山北坡土壤形成过程主要有腐殖质化过程、粘化过程、钙他过程、残余盐化-碱化过程、高山融冻过程。

    The main genetic processes of the soils on north slope of Bogda mountain include humification , argillization , calcification , relic salinization-alkalization and freezing-thawing of snow mentle of the mountain .

  21. 首先,南极海洋性气候区日益加速的气候变暖现象导致冰川消退、地表积雪融化,为土壤形成与分布提供了母质与空间基础;

    First of all , retreat of glaciers and shrink of perennial snowbank induced by climate warming provide parent materials and spatial room for soil formation and development in the maritime Antarctica .

  22. 其中,生态服务价值占优势的服务价值顺序是:土壤形成与保护价值>气候调节>废物处理>气体调节>水源涵养>生物多样性。

    The sequence of the different services value share in the total eco-capital is : soil formation and conversation > climate regulation > waste absorbing > air regulation > water saving > biodiversity .

  23. 本文介绍了湿地中铁的时空分布及其转化规律,指出湿地铁循环的影响因素,分析了湿地铁循环在湿地土壤形成、湿地植物的生理生态、湿地的物质循环、环境指示等方面的效应;

    This review introduced the distribution and transformation of Fe and influencing factors Fe cycling , analyzed its effect on wetland soil formation , physiological ecology of wetland plants , material cycling in wetland and environment indicators .

  24. 南极海洋性气候土壤形成过程中具有明显的有机质积累作用,有机质对成土过程和土壤性状产生重要影响,如土壤酸化、有机-金属螯合物的形成和生物成矿现象。

    Significant accumulation of soil organic matter play an important role in shaping soil characteristics during soil-forming processes in the maritime Antarctic , e.g. in soil acidification , podzolization , formation of metallo-organic compounds and biogenetic minerals .

  25. 研究生物风化作用机理及在生物作用下矿物的演化序列,对于揭示土壤形成、化学元素循环规律、全球环境变化有着极其重要的意义。

    Therefore , studies on the mechanism of bio-weathering and the corresponding evolution sequence of mineral will help us in understanding the formation of soil , the environmental cycle of elements , and the global environmental changes .

  26. 通过对城市土壤形成因素、城市土壤特点及土壤性能对植物生长影响的分析,提出了适应城市土壤特点特定的园林绿化措施。

    The factors that affect urban soil 's nature , the characteristics of urban soil and its effect on the growth of urban plants are analysed . The measures of gardening adapt to the urban soil characteristics are put forward .

  27. 这里简要地阐述了园林土壤形成机制、特征、特性以及它在城市园林生态建设中的重要地位。并就园林土壤的持续利用提出了切实可行的途径和措施。

    The article briefly expound the forming machine-processed , characteristics and property about gardens soil , set forth the important position of gardens soil in constructing the ecological system of the city gardens , bring up the feasible and practicable way and measures about the sustained utilization of gardens soil .

  28. 巩留野核桃林土壤的形成及其特征特性

    Formation and Characteristics of Wild Walnut Forest Soils in Gongliu County

  29. 西安地区全新世环境变迁与土壤的形成演化

    Holocene Climatic Change and Soil Formation in the Region of Xi'an

  30. 论蚯蚓对土壤结构形成及性态的影响

    The influence of Earthworm on the formation of soil structure