
  • 网络Dalian;dalian city
  1. 大连市率先基本实现教育现代化更是一个全方位的系统工程,必须动员全社会的力量,才能最终实现。

    What Dalian takes the leading in basically realizing education modernization is an all-directional and systematic project which can be finally realized by means of mobilizing the whole social strength .

  2. 大连市通过创建文明城市活动,文化建设取得重要成就,为经济发展提供了重要思想保证和智力支持。

    By series of activities of building cultural city , Dalian achieved great success in cultural development , which offers important mental guarantee and intellectual support for the economic development of Dalian .

  3. 本周一(7月26日)辽宁省大连市报告的三例无症状感染者之前曾在南京机场转机,在那里停留了2个小时。

    On Monday , northeast China 's Liaoning province reported three asymptomatic cases in the city of Dalian , who had transited via the airport and spent around two hours there .

  4. 大连市沿海渔民HIV感染现状调查及相关危险因素分析

    Survey of the HIV infections and risk factors among fishermen in coastal areas of Dalian

  5. 最后,采用调查问卷形式对大连市政府治理绩效进行实证研究,识别了基于CRM的政府治理绩效的影响因素,同时对论文提出的治理模式理论框架进行了实证。

    Last , the determinants of governance performance are presented through investigation in Dalian government .

  6. DRASTIC指标体系法在大连市地下水易污性评价中的应用

    Study of application of DRASTIC index to assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution of Dalian city

  7. 目的调查大连市沿海渔民HIV感染状况及影响艾滋病感染的相关危险因素,为制定此人群的艾滋病干预政策提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the HIV infection of fisherman in coastal areas of Dalian , in order to provide the evidence for formulate intervention Strategies .

  8. 最后,得出了住房价格、人均居住面积、GDP和家庭收入是影响大连市住宅市场长期需求的主要影响因素,大连市住宅市场长期需求潜力巨大和短期趋于过热的结论。

    Lastly , the dissertation finds that house price , per capita living space , GDP , family income are key influence factors of market demand .

  9. 4R理论在大连市中学体育教学中应用的可行性分析

    4R Theory in Dalian Middle School Sports Teaching Application Feasibility Analysis

  10. 大连市10kV开关站及其自动化模式

    Dalian 's 10 kV switching station and its automation mode

  11. 本文简要叙述了大连市软件产业和软件人才教育的现状,并运用管理学的SWOT分析方法,对大连市软件人才教育从机会和威胁、优势和劣势四个方面进行了分析。

    This paper describes actuality of Dalian software industry and software talent education , and takes the management method SWOT to analyze the opportunity and threat , strength and weak in Dalian .

  12. 运用中小学生心理健康量表(MHT)对大连市普通中学的260名学业优秀与学业不良学生进行了测验和比较。

    This article tests ( by MHT ) and compares 260 students from middle schools in Dalian , including students with both successful and unsuccessful academic achievements .

  13. 公司于2008年通过ISO9001:2008国际质量体系认证,产品注册商标“HYJG”曾在2009年被评为“大连市著名商标”。

    HYJG passed through ISO9001:2008 international quality system certification in2008.Our trademark " HYJG " was honored " the famous trademark of Dalian City " in2009 .

  14. 结合大连市原材料状况,对C50~C70高强商品混凝土的配制技术进行研究,并提出了配制高强商品混凝土的主要技术措施。

    According to Dalian 's situation of raw materials , we investigated the mixing technology of high strength commercial concrete in this paper , and put forward main technology measures on mixing high strength commercial concrete .

  15. 第四章:大连市发展对外直接投资的政策建议。

    Chapter Four : The policy and propose for developing FDI .

  16. 大连市农业现代化进程评价研究

    Appraises and Studies of the Process of Agricultural Modernization in Dalian

  17. 大连市域景观生态格局优化发展研究

    Research on optimizing development of Landscape ecological pattern in Dalian Region

  18. 对沈阳、大连市青少年足球教练员队伍现状的调查研究

    Research on Juvenile Football Coach Basic Circs in Shenyang and Dalian

  19. 大连市14家公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生学调查

    Hygienic Situation of HVAC Systems in 14 Public Places of Dalian

  20. 进而促进大连市网球运动员综合素质的提高。

    To promote the overall quality of tennis players in dalian .

  21. 大连市内部地域结构转型与郊区化

    On the urban internal structure transformation and suburbanization in Dalian City

  22. 大连市数字化地形图的建立

    The Drawing of a Digital Topographic Map of Dalian Surveying Area

  23. 大连市幼儿血硒与血铅含量相关性研究

    Corelation study of blood Se and Pb in infancies of Dalian

  24. 大连市岩土体边坡稳定性问题的初步探讨

    Preliminary research on rock and soil slope stability in Dalian City

  25. 试论大连市旅游资源开发中的市场定位

    Discussion on Market Orientation in Exploiting Tourism Resources in Dalian City

  26. 对大连市地下防水工程中有关问题的几点看法

    Some views on pertinent issues of underground waterproofing works of Dalian

  27. 大连市城市公园收费制度设计研究

    The Study of the Charges of City Parks of Dalian

  28. 又对大连市城乡统筹的原因进行了分析。

    Then it analyzes the reason of Dalian urban and rural areas .

  29. 人为活动已成为大连市湿地景观格局变化的主要驱动因子。

    Human activity was the main driving force for the landscape change .

  30. 第四部分,大连市发展度假旅游的优势分析。

    Analysis the feasibility of Dalian to develop vacation tourism .