
  • The Great Barrier Reef;GBR;Cairns
  1. 这项研究坚称,这损害了大堡礁的恢复能力。

    The study asserts that this is compromising the Great Barrier Reef 's ability to recover .

  2. 南京丰盛产业控股集团有限公司(NanjingFullshareIndustrialHolding,简称:丰盛集团)最近收购了位于昆士兰州的三个度假村,而大堡礁正位于昆士兰州。

    Nanjing Fullshare Industrial Holding , a Chinese conglomerate , recently bought three holiday resorts in Queensland , where the Great Barrier Reef is situated .

  3. 研究人员们说,由于气候变化导致的海水升温,大堡礁的珊瑚受到了持续攻击。

    They say its coral has been under a sustained attack by warmer seas driven by climate change .

  4. 澳大利亚旅游经营商Voyages目前为蜥蜴岛度假村刊登了一则诚招总经理的广告。该职位配有双卧室住所,能俯瞰大堡礁。

    Voyages , an Australian tour operator , is advertising for a general manager for its Lizard Island resort , a post that comes with a two-bedroom house overlooking the Great Barrier Reef .

  5. 但大堡礁现在面临最大的挑战。

    But the Great Barrier Reef now faces its biggest challenge .

  6. 澳洲宣布将限制船只驶近大堡礁附近

    Australia Announces Restriction on Ships near the Great Barrier Reef

  7. 研究人员在大堡礁南部捕捉了136条鳟鱼。

    Researchers caught 136 coral trout in the southern Great Barrier Reef .

  8. 大堡礁和托雷斯海峡航路新变化

    Latest Changes in Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait Navigation

  9. 大堡礁海域最新航法

    The New Methods of Sailing through the Great Barrier Reef

  10. 你们是不是觉得我们的大堡礁之旅很让人兴奋呢?

    Do you think visiting to the Great Barrier Reef is exciting ?

  11. 大堡礁美丽且珍贵,而污染和不断发展的旅游业正威胁着它的未来。

    Beautiful but precious , pollution and increased tourism threaten its future .

  12. 大堡礁面积达13.5万平方英里。

    This collection of reefs encompasses 135000 square miles .

  13. 环保组织对昆士兰州政府保护大堡礁的规划,表示欢迎。

    Environmental groups welcome the Queensland plan to protect the Great Barrier Reef .

  14. 我住在离这里很远很远的一块大堡礁上。

    I live on this reef a long , long way from here .

  15. 来自澳大利亚的科学家日前透露,大堡礁正遭受前所未有的破坏。

    Scientists in Australia have revealed unprecedented damage to the Great Barrier Reef .

  16. 澳洲大堡礁在1981年被列入自然类世界遗产。

    Australia Great Barrier Reef is be included in in1981 inheritance of natural world .

  17. “大堡礁”一带生机盎然。

    The Great Barrier Reef swarms with life .

  18. 你得去看大堡礁?它太令人称奇了。

    You have to visit the Great Barrier reef ? It 's just amazing !

  19. 大堡礁是世界最大的珊瑚礁群。

    The great barrier reef is the world 's largest network of coral structures .

  20. 其他著名的自然遗产是大堡礁和大峡谷。

    Other famous Natural Heritage Sites are the Great Barrier Reef and the Grand Canyon .

  21. 昆士兰州的州总理安娜-布莱表示,人为的污染对“大堡礁”构成严峻的挑战。

    Queensland Premier Anna Bligh says that man-made threats present serious challenges to the reef .

  22. 环保组织十分支持昆士兰州政府保护大堡礁的计划。

    Environmental groups greatly support the Queensland 's plan to protect the Great Barrier Reef .

  23. 您还可以从凯恩斯包租空船,自己驶往大堡礁的外礁。

    You can also take a bareboat from Cairns to the outer Greater Barrier Reef .

  24. 换句话说,大堡礁的大部分实际上是活的生物。

    In other words , much of the Great Barrier Reef is an actual living creature .

  25. 俯瞰大堡礁,犹如在汹涌澎湃的大海上绽放的碧绿的宝石一般。

    Overlooking the Great Barrier Reef , like the surging sea of green blooming gem general .

  26. 我们可以在从里中待一周,在大堡礁再待一周。

    We could spend a week in the bush and a week at the Great Barrier Reef .

  27. 大堡礁的一部分岛屿,其实是淹在海中的山脉顶峰。

    Part of the Great Barrier Reef islands , is submerged in the sea of mountain peak .

  28. 诸如大堡礁之类的澳大利亚天然国宝被认为可能会受气候暖化的破坏。

    Iconic national natural treasures such as the Great Barrier Reef are considered vulnerable to warming temperatures .

  29. 他强烈反对他的耕作方法毁坏沼泽地和大堡礁的说法。

    And he vehemently rejects the idea that his farming methods damage the Everglades and the Reef .

  30. 该研究所发现,大堡礁为澳大利亚创造了64亿澳元的经济价值,提供了6.4万个岗位。

    It found the reef contributes A $ 6.4bn to Australia 's economy and supports 64000 jobs .