
dà xīng xing
  • Gorilla
大猩猩 [dà xīng xīng]
  • [gorilla] 最大的类人猿,生长在非洲密林中,高四、五尺,黑褐色,前肢比后肢长,能直立行走,脑比人脑小但结构与人脑相似。也叫大猿

大猩猩[dà xīng xing]
  1. 居住在山区的大猩猩已濒临灭绝。

    The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction .

  2. 阿米莉亚·瑞纳斯的大猩猩园让大猩猩们更快乐、更健康。

    Amelia Rinas 's gorilla garden has helped make gorillas happier and healthier .

  3. 为什么蜂鸟和大猩猩都有脊骨?

    Why do hummingbirds and gorillas both have backbones ?

  4. 两只大猩猩从动物园逃走了。

    Two gorillas have escaped from the zoo .

  5. 黑猩猩和大猩猩都是类人猿。

    Chimpanzees and gorillas are both apes .

  6. 她种植大猩猩爱吃的水果和蔬菜。

    She grows the fruits and vegetables that gorillas love to eat .

  7. 然后她建立了一个"大猩猩花园"。

    Then she started a " gorilla garden " .

  8. 当他们把食物带到动物园时,大猩猩们很兴奋。

    When they take the food to the zoo , the gorillas are thrilled .

  9. 阿米莉亚尽她所能阅读了大猩猩的资料,并了解它们喜欢什么。

    Amelia read all she could about gorillas and learned what they like to .

  10. 她一看到那里的大猩猩就为它们感到担心。

    The moment she saw the gorillas there , she felt worried about them .

  11. 阿米莉亚和她所在社区的其他志愿者一起工作,这些志愿者利用他们的时间来帮助阿米莉亚和大猩猩。

    Amelia works with other volunteers in her community who use their time to help Amelia and the gorillas .

  12. GodzillavsKong《哥斯拉大战金刚》在拳台的一头是曾在1933年定格动画真人电影中饱受相思之苦,然后在2017年电影《金刚:骷髅岛》中重生的大猩猩。

    In the red corner : a lovelorn ape that came to stop-motion life in 1933 , and was revived in 2017 's Kong : Skull16 Island .

  13. 人类和大猩猩的相像

    the similitude between humans and gorillas

  14. 大猩猩是栖居在赤道非洲的最大的类人猿。

    Gorilla are the largest of the anthropoid apes native to the forests of equatorial Africa .

  15. 捂脸这种动作在很多文化中都很常见,连大猩猩也会呢!

    The facepalm is a gesture which is common in many cultures , and even sometimes seen in chimpanzees !

  16. 测定了人猿超科中大猩猩、黑猩猩、猩猩和长臂猿酪氨酸酶基因全部5个外显子的DNA序列。

    The five e-cons of tyrosinase gene were sequenced for gorilla , chimpanzee , orangutan and gibbon in hominoid .

  17. 现在大猩猩宝宝艾赫威正在卢旺达的一个隔离中心等待离开,德国的一个实验室在检验它的DNA。

    And while she now waits at a quarantine center in Rwanda , Ihirwe 's DNA is at a lab in Germany .

  18. 不久之前,行李箱的主要卖点还是耐用性——想想美旅箱包(AmericanTourister)广告里那只爱激动的大猩猩吧。

    It wasn 't long ago that the main selling point of a piece of luggage was its durability - think American Tourister and its rather excitable gorilla .

  19. 使我感到恐怖的是,从我父亲的肩膀上看过赴,我发现(discover)非洲士兵非常危险的敌人&一只是大猩猩。

    To my horror , I saw , over my father 's shoulder , a gorilla , the worst enemy of the soldier in Africa .

  20. 随后,有人在一些特定基因上测量了突变效率,或者比对了人和大猩猩的DNA序列差异,从而在总体上估测出DNA核苷酸更直接的突变速率。

    Others have measured rates at a few further specific genes or compared DNA from humans and chimpanzees to produce general estimates of the mutation rate expressed more directly in nucleotides of DNA .

  21. 在这里,大家住在狩猎监督官M·w·鲍姆加特尔先生家中,他和在他之前的卡尔·埃克利一样,把一生献给了大猩猩。

    Here one stays with the game warden , Mr.M.W.Baumgartel , a man who , like Carl Akeley before him , devotes his life to the gorillas .

  22. 1963年,他发表了他的著作《TheMountainGorilla》(《大猩猩》),在此之前,世人对大猩猩所知甚少。

    Little was known about mountain gorillas in the wild until his book " The Mountain Gorilla " was published in nineteen sixty-three .

  23. 悬挂vi.摇摆;转向;悬挂那大猩猩在树枝间荡来荡去。

    swing The big ape swung itself from branch to branch .

  24. 显示屏组合配置中还有大猩猩玻璃(GorillaGlass)。这是美国康宁公司(CorningInc.)生产的一种强化玻璃。

    The combined display package also includes Gorilla Glass , a strong glass material made by U.S. - based Corning Inc. ( GLW ) .

  25. 说搅局也许有点不准确,因为《星球大战:原力觉醒》(StarsWars:TheForceAwakens)中8000磅(约合7257斤)重的大猩猩不可能不引起人们的注意。

    Spoiler isn 't the right term , given that it was impossible not to be aware of the 8000-pound gorilla that is " Stars Wars : The Force Awakens . "

  26. 非洲大猩猩、褐猿,还有其他的黑猩猩和他住在一起,很快,Caesar成了他们的首领。

    Gorillas , orangutans , and other chimps live with him in the compound , and Caesar quickly becomes a leader of apes .

  27. 一只叫KoKo的大猩猩学会了大约375个手势。

    One gorilla named KoKo learned about 375 signs .

  28. Murenzi是非洲数学科学研究所(AIMS)的委员会成员,也是DianFossey大猩猩国际基金会的成员。

    Murenzi is a member of the board of the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences ( AIMS ) and of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International .

  29. 狗和狼的DNA相似度高达99.6%,这样狗与狼的相似度甚至比人与大猩猩还要高(人类与大猩猩的基因相似度为96%)。但这并不意味着狗和狼大脑运作方式相同。

    Dogs share 99.6 % of the same DNA as wolves . That makes dogs closer to wolves than we are to chimps ( with which we have about 96 % of our DNA in common ) , but it does not mean that their brains work like those of wolves .

  30. 它与大猩猩携带的SIV有密切关联,但没有证据表明它是HIV-1病毒或黑猩猩所携带SIV病毒的变异病毒。

    It is with the gorillas carry SIV have closely related , but there is no evidence that it is the HIV-1 virus or chimpanzee SIV virus carried by the mutant virus .